ASO AC Teleconference 6 December 2017

ASO AC Teleconference
6 December, 2017


Omo Oaiya (OO)
Douglas Onyango (DO)

Brajesh Jain (BJ)
Aftab Siddiqui (AS)

Kevin Blumberg (KB)
Louie Lee (LL) – Vice-Chair
Jason Schiller (JS)

Ricardo Patara (RP) – Vice-Chair
Jorge Villa (JV)
Hartmut Glaser (HG)

Nurani Nimpuno (NN)
Wilfried Woeber (WW)
Filiz Yilmaz (FY) – Chair

Hervé Clément –(HC)
Nate Davis (ND)
Sean Hopkins (SH)
Carlos Reyes (CR)
Ron da Silva (RS)
Maemura Akinori (MA)

Tomohiro Fujisaki (TF)
Fiona Asonga (FA)

German Valdez (GV) – Executive Secretary
Susannah Gray (SG) – Scribe


0. Welcome.
1. Agenda Review.
2. Review of Open Action items.
3. Approval of November 2017 Minutes.
4. ASO Independent Review Status
5. CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Public Consultations.
6. ASO 2017 Work Plan Review
7. ASO Work Plan 2018
8. ASO AC Chair Election
9. 2018 Meeting Times
10. AFRINIC Meeting Report
11. Farewell ASO AC members
12. Any Other Business.
13. Adjournment.

0. Welcome

FY welcomed everyone to the call. Quorum was declared.

1. Agenda Review

FY outlined the agenda and asked for any additions or changes. There were none.

2. Review of Open Action Items

Action Item 20171108-01: KB to draft a response from the ASO AC to the NRO EC proposing a change to the NRO EC Interim Empowered Community Procedures. The response will be circulated on the mailing list by 12 November. The ASO AC will have 2-3 days to comment or raise objections.


FY noted that no response had yet been received from the NRO EC. She asked the Secretariat to add a follow up to this item on the agenda of the next ASO AC Meeting.

Action Item 20171108-02: KB to provide status report on the Subgroup’s progress during the next ASO AC Teleconference.


KB noted that until a response is received from the NRO EC, the Subgroup has no work to do so this action item is on hold until the next meeting.

Action Item 20171108-03: FY will draft responses to Recommendation # 9: The ASO AC should implement term limits for the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair and Recommendation # 10: The ASO AC should ensure that the duties of the Address Council Chair and the Address Council Vice-Chairs need to be added to the ASO AC Operating Procedures, and send to the ASO AC mailing list.


Action Item 20171108-04: RP to draft the End of Year Review in time for discussion during the next ASO AC teleconference on 6 December.


Action Item 20171108-05: LL to draft the 2018 Work Plan in time for discussion during the ASO AC teleconference in 2018 [date tbc].


LL noted that this will be sent to the list by end of 15 December.

Action Item 20171108-06: FY to create a list of activities/information that could be made public and those that should remain private and send it to the mailing list for discussion during the next ASO AC teleconference on 6 December.


Action Item 20171011-04: GV to ask the NRO EC/legal team to work with CR to get clarification on whether the diversity requirements for the ICANN board as outlined in Section 7.5 of the ICANN Bylaws apply to the ASO AC or effect the ASO AC’s procedures.


GV noted that the NRO EC has discussed this and will ask the legal team to investigate. No response has been received as yet.

Action item 20170412-02: GV and JS to conduct another mock up election with different scenarios, for example, where there is close competition between candidates.


GV noted that a mock-up election had been sent to the ac-coord list and he is still receiving votes. He will send detail of the process and results next week.

3. Approval of November 2017 Minutes.

Motion to approve: KB. Motion seconded: BJ. There were no objections. Minutes approved.

FY asked GV to publish the minutes.

4. ASO Independent Review Status

FY explained that, from recent discussions, it seemed that Recommendation 15: ASO AC meetings should be open to the public, except for discussions regarding the selection of individuals for ICANN roles, had the highest priority. She explained that she had reviewed all the items that the ASO AC generally discusses in its calls and that most of it is already minuted and published. The only two recurring agenda items that she feels should not be public are specific appointments to the ICANN Board seats and AoB (depending on topic).

FY added that the F2F meetings should also follow the same guidelines for what is decided for the teleconferences. She outlined two proposals:

Option 1: ASO AC Meetings have two sections: open (1.5 hours) and closed (0.5 hours). The closed part would be held only if needed.

Option 2: The teleconferences should be made public and separate, private meetings would be scheduled as necessary. A request for a private meeting would need to be requested to the ASO AC Chair(s).

FY also noted that the ASO AC would need to discuss what is meant by ‘public’ and what the role of observers is: would they be allowed to participate, for example.
The ASO AC discussed these proposals.

KB noted that there should always be the option for a closed part of the meeting, whether or not it is used. He stressed that time limits should not be put on each part, as the amount of time needed to discuss various items might change over the years.

NN agreed with KB. She noted that the ASO AC’s work is already very transparent, although it’s not always accessible or easy to find. The meeting minutes are almost verbatim: most other minutes are not usually so detailed. She noted that the discussion on appointments to the ICANN Board, as wells as appointments to other bodies, should be kept confidential: the decisions and decision-making process should be public.

JS agreed with KB and NN. He added that ASO AC members should be able to ask any observer on the call a question and expect an answer. Observers, however, should not be able to ask questions of the ASO AC members.

FY agreed. She noted that if observers are allowed to comment themselves, then meetings can potentially last for hours and the ASO AC is put in a position where it has to track and provide answers.

BJ preferred option 1. He suggested that some time could be allocated to the public part for questions: it should be a fixed amount of time that cannot be extended.

KB suggested that, once an option has been decided upon, an item is added to the 2018 work plan to assess it at the end of the year. He asked whether other related ASO AC meetings, such as the Subgroup’s, would also follow a similar format.

FY thought that all related meetings should be open, including the Subgroup, although it would depend on the subject.

KB asked if the on-boarding session for new ASO AC members would be open. He added there are other scenarios in addition to the core ASO AC work that need to be taken into account.

FY agreed that there will be other items that will need to be evaluated on a case-to-case basis. On-boarding sessions could be done one-to-one.

NN agreed that reviewing whatever option is chosen after a certain period is a good idea. She asked the Secretariat to add this to the agenda in the last meeting of 2018. She added it was difficult to define criteria for each scenario but that it makes sense to be open and transparent by default and ensure that what is confidential is kept confidential.

BJ noted that the observers on the call should identify themselves.

FY said that once the teleconferences were open to the public, anyone could attend as an observer. The ASO AC could only rely on who they say they are during the roll call. She noted that if a participants list would need to be arranged in advance, it will increase the workload on the Chairs and the Secretariat.

AS (via chat) noted that observers have a moral obligation to identify themselves.

It was concluded that the ASO AC recommends proceeding with Recommendation 15 as follows:
– The meetings will be open. A closed section will be scheduled for each meeting for the ASO AC to discuss private matters. If there are no private matters, the closed section of the meeting will commence and then be immediately adjourned.
– The closed section of the meeting will be minuted: these minutes will not be made public.
– Ad-hoc interventions from observers will not be permitted.
– ASO AC members will be able to ask questions of observers.
– Minutes and attendee list of the open meetings will be made public.

NEW ACTION ITEM 20171206-01: FY to send the wording on implementation of Recommendation 15 to the AC COORD list. The ASO AC will have seven days to respond with comments.

FY noted that, to implement this Recommendation and others, procedure changes will need to be made to the ASO AC Operating Procedures, which will require a vote by the ASO AC.

FY added that the NRO EC had circulated a draft response to the Recommendations. The ASO AC based its initial response on this document. She asked if there had been any follow up on this document, as the NRO EC said that it was not its last draft.

GV noted that the NRO EC was still working on this document and would follow up on progress.

5. CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Public Consultations.

FY believed that the ASO AC did not need to formally respond to the CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Public Consultations. She asked if there were any objections.

There were no objections: the ASO AC will not issue any formal response to the CCWG-Accountability-WS2 Public Consultations.

6. ASO Work Plan 2018

The ASO AC discussed the ASO Work Plan Review 2017.

The document will be finlised with a few small additions and the motion to approve will be requested in the first meeting of 2018.

7. ASO 2017 Work Plan Review

LL will circulate a draft review to the AC COORD list by 15 December 2017. The motion to approve will be requested in the first meeting of 2018.

8. ASO AC Chair Election

GV explained that the procedures state that the ASO AC must agree on a date for the elections (polls) for selecting the ASO AC Chair in the December meeting of each year. The procedures state that polls cannot be open for more than seven calendar days. He suggested that the polls be opened on 2 January and closed on 8 January 2018. This would be in time for the proposed ASO AC Teleconference on 10 January.

There were no objections.

FY noted that anyone interested in the ASO AC Chair position should self nominate or be nominated by 14 December 2017.

9. 2018 Meeting Times

The ASO AC discussed the proposed dates and time (11am UTC) for the meetings in 2018:

Wed 10 January
Wed 7 February
Wed 7 March [ ICANN 61 – 9 – 14 MARCH f2f Meeting]
Wed 4 April
Wed 2 May
Wed 6 June
Wed 4 July
Wed 1 Aug
Wed 5 September
Wed 10 October (Wed 3 clashes with NANOG 74)
Wed 7 November (IETF 103 Week)
Wed 5 December

There was some discussion on holding meetings on national holidays.

NN noted that all regions have important national holidays and, while it is important to have some flexibility, it is not practical to adjust the meeting schedule for everyone’s preferences.

FY agreed.

FY suggested that the March 2018 teleconference should be scheduled, even though there is a F2F meeting scheduled for 13 March during the ICANN 61 Meeting. There is usually a lot of stuff to discuss before the ICANN Meeting.

GV asked the ASO AC to keep him informed of any other non-RIR regional events that may affect the participation of a region’s ASO AC members.

GV noted that, according to the procedures, the meeting dates for the following year need to be decided upon in the last meeting of the current year.

KB made the motion to approve the meeting list as proposed. NN seconded the motion. There were no objections.

NEW ACTION ITEM 20171206-02: GV to issue invites for the 2018 ASO AC Teleconferences.

10. AFRINIC / RIPE Meeting Reports

DO gave an update on the AFRINIC-27 Meeting:

– 642 attendees
– Alan Barrett gave a presentation on the ASO Review, on behalf of the NRO EC.
– There were four policy proposals under discussion:
* Lame Delegations in AFRINIC Reverse DNS v02: now in Final Call.
* IPv4 Soft Landing BIS: now in Final Call.
* AFRINIC Policy Development Process Bis: back to the list for further discussion.
* Internet Number Resources review by AFRINIC: back to the list for further discussion.
– IPv4 transfers: There was an interesting update from APNIC on IPv4 transfers. The AFRINIC community is still strongly opposed to any outbound IPv4 transfers.

NN gave an overview of the RIPE 75 Meeting:

– Policy Proposal discussions focused on the IPv6 Sub-Assignment Clarification proposal and the Regular abuse-c Validation proposal.
– There were discussions on cleaning up the database, uptake of 32-bit ASNs, and statistics on transfers.
– Several interesting presentations, including one on how peering is negotiated, how the community interacts and what factors come into play.
– Geoff Huston (APNIC) gave a presentation on “The death of Transit?” which generated a lot of interesting discussion.
– The Diversity WG is looking into making the community more diverse, which resulted in a Diversity Task Force.
– The Accountability Task Force is looking at RIPE accountability and how it can be improved.
– The Women in Tech Lunch, an open session for all, was very well attended.
– There were discussions on the appointment and role of the RIPE Chair.

JS noted that the RIPE community’s work on diversity is relevant to the ASO and could be useful to take back to the regions.

NN explained that the discussion started a year ago, after a community member presented statistics on the number of female participants. This sparked a discussion on how to define diversity and a Task Force was created to further explore and report back to the community. Diversity is more than gender balance and the Task Force is looking at different ways to get people more involved.

11. Farewell ASO AC Members

FY thanked outgoing ASO AC Members, DO and WW, for their hard work and service. Both have been part of the ASO AC for many years, with WW giving 19 years of service.

DO and WW thanked the ASO AC and wished the members success for the future.

12. Any Other Business

Nomcom Brief

BJ gave an overview of the work of the 2018 ICANN NomCom:

– Currently in the Outreach Phase.
– ALAC has two seats for a two-year term open to people from Europe and North America.
– GNSO has one seat for a two-year term (non-voting)
– ccNSO council has one seat for a three-year term.

He requested that ASO AC members put forward the names of suitable candidates.

Clarification on APNIC Appointments to ASO AC

FY asked for clarification on APNIC’s appointment to the ASO AC as TF’s term is ending this year.

BJ noted that the APNIC EC would meet tomorrow and that the ASO AC would be notified of its decision.

13. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn: BJ. Seconded by NN.

The meeting adjourned at 12:57 pm UTC.

Last modified on 29/01/2020