The ICANN Board of Directors is selected by the community and is composed of 16 Directors and four non-voting liaisons from different geographical regions and each with expertise relevant to ICANN’s mission. The Board provides the ICANN organization’s strategic oversight, ensuring that it acts within its mission and operates effectively, efficiently and ethically. The Board also oversees and considers community-developed policy recommendations, including those related to the operation, assignment and management of IP addresses.

ASO Appointments to the ICANN Board

Each ICANN supporting Organization (SO) appoints two Directors to sit on the ICANN Board Directors. The ASO Address Council (AC) is tasked with the selection and appointment of two individuals to fill the ASO’s allotted seats, Seats 9 and 10. The current and past ASO appointments to the Board can be found here.

Procedures and Elections

The ASO Address Council (ASO AC) uses the ASO AC ICANN Board Selection Procedures to elect individuals to serve in Seats 9 and 10. More information about the elections and an overview of past elections can be found here.


As per article 8 of the ICANN Bylaws, the ASO AC is also tasked with appointing one voting representative to serve on the ICANN Nominating Committee (ICANN NomCom). The NomCom is an independent committee tasked with selecting key ICANN members, including the Board of Directors. More information and an overview of current and past representatives can be found here.


Last modified on 24/04/2020