ASO AC Teleconference 6 November 2002

AC Attendees:

Barbara Roseman, Chair
Eric Decker (ED)
Kenny Huang (KH)
Sabine Jaume (SJ)
Cathy Wittbrodt (CJW)


German Valdez (GV)
Hartmut Glaser(HG)
Raimundo Beca (RB)
Mouhamet Diop (MD)


Richard Jimmerson, ASO Secretariat (SEC)
Raymond Plzak, President (RP)


Axel Pawlik (AP)


John Crain (JC)


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies received
  3. Agenda bashing
  4. Location of 2003 ASO AGM
  5. AfriNIC observers/listeners
  6. ASO AC Representative on IDN
  7. Report from RIR meetings
  8. Report from ICANN meeting in China
  9. Report about ERC Task Force
  10. Any other business
  11. Adjournment

    1. Welcome

The Chair opened the call at 22:05 UTC. The Chair asked SEC to review the Agenda.

    1. Apologies received

Apologies were received from Takashi Arano, Wilfried Woeber.

Absent: Hans Petter Holen, Seung-Min Lee.

    1. Agenda bashing

It was requested to add an item under Any Other Business, regarding the second ASO AC face-to-face meeting for 2002. HG requested also adding an item to discuss LACNIC listeners/observers. The SEC also added an item to approve the minutes of October 9, 2002 and October 16, 2002.

    1. Location of 2003 ASO AGM

Chair suggested Barcelona, Spain or possibly Santiago, Chile. The first meeting taking place being the AGM, and the second one being a workshop. One would take place early in the year, and the other later in the year. RP suggested making the AGM the early meeting because of the election, and, if it were held in Santiago, it would be a good public outing for LACNIC. The Chair agreed. JC suggested that since the ASO AC has always been rotated between regions, to add LACNIC to the rotation. All agreed to plan for the ASO AGM with LACNIC included. RP stated that it is part of the Secretariat function to work on planning this, and that the SEC would be happy to help. RP suggested creating an Agenda Committee, and the Chair requested this item be added to the agenda for the next face-to-face ASO AC meeting.

    1. AfriNIC observers/listeners

Since MD is now on the ICANN Board of Directors, he can no longer be in this position. AfriNIC needs to find a replacement by December 16th, 2002 when MD takes the seat. Chair asked MD to take action on this. MD stated that a message has been sent through RP for comments already. Chair asked MD to inform SEC on who is chosen.

    1. ASO AC Representative on IDN

The same situation exists here with MD. RP stated that he was nominated by HPH. The Chair asked if he was still interested and RP replied affirmatively. The Chair asked RP to take on the role until the call for any more volunteers, and suggested waiting until the next face-to-face meeting. RP agreed.

    1. Report from RIR Meeting (ARIN X)

RP asked for CW’s perspective of the ARIN X meeting. CW gave a brief update stating she felt there was more discussion than usual at this meeting due to the joint meeting with NANOG and the participation of NANOG attendees also attending ARIN X. She gave a presentation on the work she had been doing with graduate students on allocations in routing tables and received positive feedback. She stated that some of the Policy Proposals were pushed along. The Chair asked how the minimum allocation proposals were received. CW stated that all three of these proposals were rejected due to lack of consensus and that the ARIN AC is preparing a response with authors that the AC can turn into a policy change.

The Chair asked if the SEC had anything to add. RP answered stating that a big item was that Mark McFadden had been elected as the ASO AC from this region. Mark begins his term on January 1, 2003. RP requested guidance from the Chair on whether or not to include Mark’s name on list before he takes seat, and if he is to be invited to the next ASO AC meeting. The Chair answered that, historically, new members are added to the list when they are elected, and requested also to have Mark invited to the next face-to-face meeting. The SEC agreed to add him to list, and to work with the Chair to extend an invitation to him as well.

RP stated that there were nine policy proposals discussed at the ARIN Public Policy meeting, several of which achieved consensus. He stated that the ARIN AC is posting a final call for each of them which can be found on the ARIN website. The minutes of the ARIN X meeting will be posted in next couple of days with the ICANN Reform discussion included.  The Chair asked about the proposal for Experimental Internet Resource Allocations. RP stated that it achieved consensus, and that the ARIN AC will forward a final call to mailing list. The Chair then asked about the discussion of the ICANN Reform issue during public meeting – consensus of opinion? The SEC stated that a discussion took place pointed the Chair to minutes that will be posted. The Chair requested that the SEC please notify the ac list on where to find this topic in the minutes when it is available.

Chair thanked CW and RP for their updates.

    1. Report from ICANN meeting in China. Chair asked JC to provide an update

JC stated that the preliminary report information was on the ICANN website. He also stated that, basically, the wording in the By-laws changed back to its original form. RP interjected that in the section on the ASO, the text is in red and subject to final review. JC continued to report that ICANN approved the signing of LACNIC to the Memo of Understanding (MOU) and officially recognized LACNIC as an Internet Registry. He stated that this now affects ASO in in that : a) The listeners and observers need to be changed for official elected members of AC; and b) In the Nominating Committee, one of delegates is selected by the ASO AC. The ASO AC needs to figure out who by end of the year. On voting-in the new By-laws, three of the ICANN Board voted against accepting them. Some discussion on IDN recognized that it was complicated. The Chair thanked him for the update.

    1. Report about ERC Task Force

The Chair provided an update. She stated that there were four meetings and the stance on the issues were strongly divided. The first issue regarded what policy-making ability the ICANN Board retains over the ASO, and what rules they should follow making policies beyond making policies from the RIRs. ICANN would be comfortable to comment on and approve, or decline, ASO AC Global Policy. The Chair felt that this could be worked out. The second issue, she stated, was difficult:  preserving numbering processes from failure to operate on ICANN or IANA’s part. The RIR are in a uniquely vulnerable position to resources and their availability. ICANN is standing fast to the IANA function and keeping it retained under ICANN. The RIRs are holding fast that the number resources need to be segmented from IANA with ICANN interest involved. The Chair stated that this was not a good way to resolve the issue with high feelings on both sides and that it was a decisive issue now.

RP stated that managing numbering resources is not a function of ICANN, it is a defined IANA function. ICANN has a sole-source contract with the Federal Government (that expires in March) to oversee this function. Upon expiration, the government can look elsewhere. If numbering resources become unavailable to the RIRs, or additional allocations become unavailable, it could trigger a bidding war or a black market for space. It is the independence of that piece of the IANA function that the RIRs are concerned about.

RP stated that he wanted to clarify that the discussion of the contract between the RIRs and ICANN has been a sticky point that has been discussed for the past six months and was not a new issue.

SJ asked if anyone had a chance to speak with the ITU during the meeting.  The Chair answered that there had been no formal discussion. She mentioned that a Department of Commerce (DoC) discussion took place and the DoC was supportive of the RIR negotiations. RP stated that the DoC accepted the negotiations, but did not formally endorse it, rather the DoC was more agreeable about way RIRs were approaching the issue. The DoC was supportive of the way the RIRs were compromising and willing to work through the issues.

The Chair stated that they had thought they were close to acceptable language, but due to the ERC’s consideration of time constraints they could not resolve, and this will add difficulty to moving forward.

KH asked if IANA had any comments. The Chair responded that it was not discussed with IANA, but a document came out on how IANA should perform the review of requests for /8’s. She stated there was recognition of the fact that how they are currently operating is flawed and needs to be changed. RP stated that the function should not be to moved from IANA to the RIRs, but rather to separate the function from IANA and put it somewhere else, to perhaps form a Number Resource Registry and suggested keeping a discussion going on the list.

The Chair recognized RP’s suggestion and urged all to keep the discussion on the list.

    1. Any other business

      1. LACNIC ASO AC members are to be elected next week and seated immediately after election. December 4, 2002 is the next ASO AC teleconference meeting in which LACNIC will be participating.
      2. Approval of October 9, 2002 and October 16, 2002 Minutes. SEC gave a background on both minutes. The Chair called for a motion. ED moved that the ASO AC approve the minutes of the October 9, 2002 minutes, and this was seconded by KH. The motion passed unanimously.Approval of the October 16, 2002 Minutes. SEC stated that they had not yet posted as draft, but comments have been received and the changes had been incorporated. He stated that they would be posted to mailing list as draft.  The Chair postponed approval of these minutes until the next scheduled ASO AC teleconference in December.
      3. ASO GA Meeting. The Chair stated that the earliest time for the next meeting would be at ICANN’s 4th Annual Meeting in Amsterdam this  December. RP stated that December 16th was not good for the RIRs and others were not sure of their schedules. It was decided that the Chair will await feedback from the AC on whether to meet in December during the ICANN meeting and, after this input, will discuss other possibilities.HG asked if MD was the only observer from AfriNIC and if there will be follow-up now that MD is leaving. MD stated that he will make sure there will be involvement. The Chair asked MD to speak to AfriNIC to ask them to join in on the December 4, 2002 teleconference.

    1. Adjournment

The Chair called to adjourn at 23:19 UTC. ED motioned to adjourn and this was seconded by CJW. The motion passed unanimously.

Open action item list

Action #0206-02 JC
Post responses to ICANN evolution and reform report to the ASO list. ON-GOING
Action #0209-01 SEC
Discuss location of web page (RIR vs. ASO) to post status of RFC 2050 and create web page. OPEN
Action #0210-01 SEC
The Chair asked the Secretariat to invite all ASO selected ICANN Board members to a teleconference on Wednesday, October 16 at 21:00 UTC.
Action #0210-02 SEC
The AC asked the Secretariat to gather attendance statistics for the ASO AC teleconference, year to date.
Action #0211-01 SEC
Add agenda item “Creation of Agenda Committee” to the agenda for the next ASO AGM. OPEN
Action #0211-02 MD
MD to supply SEC with new list of AfriNIC observers/listeners. OPEN
Action #0211-03 SEC
Add Mark McFadden to the ac-coord list. OPEN
Action #0211-04 SEC
The Chair requested that the SEC please notify the ac-coord list once the ARIN X minutes have been posted. OPEN

Shelf list (items pending action outside the ASO AC)

Action #12-4 RIRs/IANA
Resource request procedure document. RIRs awaiting response to date.

Last modified on 29/01/2020