ASO AC Teleconference 5 June 2002


Takashi Arano (TA)
Kenny Huang (KH)
Barbara Roseman (Chair)
Cathy Wittbrodt (CJW)
Eric Decker (ED)
Hans Petter Holen (HPH)

Hartmut Glaser (HG)
Mouhamet Diop (MD)
Raimundo Beca (RB)

Anne Lord (AL)
John Crain (JC)
Axel Pawlik (AP)
Ray Plzak (RP)
Richard Jimmerson, Secretariat (SEC)


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies received
  3. Agenda bashing
  4. Minutes from May 2002 AC teleconference
  5. Status of open actions
  6. AOB
  7. BoD elections
  8. Adjournment

    1. Welcome

The Chair opened the call at 22:00 UTC.

    1. Apologies received

Apologies received from Paul Wilson, Wilfred Woeber, German Valdez, Seung-Min Lee, and Sabine Jaume.

    1. Agenda bashing

Chair asked if there was anything to add under AOB. MD stated that he wanted to discuss the AC’s presence at ICANN meetings. The Chair requested discussing this later under AOB.

    1. Minutes from May 2002 AC teleconference

The Chair asked SEC to provide update. SEC stated that the minutes had been posted to the list, comments received were incorporated and draft minutes were then posted to web. The Chair stated she would entertain a motion for approval. HPH motioned to approve and this was seconded by ED. The Chair called for vote and the motion passed unanimously.

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    1. Status of open actions

Open action items

Action # 0204-03A ED, BR, HPH, (SEC)
Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform. ASO-created subcommittee to respond to Louis Touton’s request to comment before 31st of May. Closed
Chair stated this action item has not been completed. This action item will be closed and a new action item will be created with a response deadline prior to the upcoming ICANN meeting.
Action # 0205-01 SEC
Minutes from April 2002 AC teleconference. SEC to remove the “draft” header from the minutes and post procedure to the ASO website. Closed
SEC stated that the minutes were posted with the procedures on approving the minutes posted as well. This information is located on the website on the meetings page above the listed meetings.
Action # 0205-02 SEC
Create Shelf-List. SEC to create list and add Action Item #12-4 to the list noting that it is a pending action outside the AC. Closed
The SEC stated that he created this by attaching it to the minutes as a new category.

Shelf list [items pending action outside the ASO AC]

Action # 12-4 RIRs/IANA
Resource request procedure document. RIRS still awaiting response to date. Chair to propose procedure for putting this item on a shelf list. Further instructions from Chair to come to SEC. Open

The Chair asked if action could be taken, the SEC responded not yet.

The Chair then asked for any other comments. There were no other comments.

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    1. AOB

MD noted that in the past the ASO has had the opportunity, through the RIR events, to meet and coordinate. He stated that since the ASO is part of the ICANN organization, it would be fine if there were an ASO presence on the formal ICANN agenda posted on the ICANN website. He noted that up to now, there is no mention of any ASO meeting during the ICANN meeting. MD asked if the AC could state if this should be the ultimate position of the ASO to be or not to be present at the ICANN meetings. MD stated he worries about the absence of the ASO at the ICANN meeting and he would like to see an ASO presenced on the ICANN agenda, even if it is not a formal meeting.

Discussion ensued and it was decided that since the RIRs fund the Chair’s attendance, the Chair will always attend, and will give a presentation during the public forum. Given company budget cuts, it was agreed that it would not be probable that the AC as a whole could attend.

MD stated that the Chair’s attendance was a good compromise. He requested that the ICANN agenda reflect that there is a presentation to be given because as of now there is mention of it on ICANN’s current agenda. The Chair agreed and stated that in addition, there would be no voluntary open forum unless the constituencies wanted it. It was felt that the best venue for this is at the RIR meetings. The Council agreed and no motion was needed.

The SEC was asked to take action to arrange to get onto the agenda before the ICANN meeting and to give an update at the public policy forum unless constituencies want more.

The Chair asked the SEC for the list of ASO attendees at upcoming meetings. It had previously been decided that a list of attendees for upcoming meetings would be done on a quarterly basis. The SEC stated that he did have a list of upcoming meetings, and had received info from participants. He stated he would send another notice as a reminder. The Chair asked for the link for the list. The SEC stated it could be found at:

The Chair asked for any other business. She stated that the AC needed to discuss the ICANN evolution and reform report. JC asked if people had been receiving others responses. The answer was yes. JC then asked if he should send responses to the ASO list. The Chair thought that would be very helpful.

The Chair commented that the reform document had not changed very much. JC asked if he should step out of the call, but the Chair did not think that was necessary. She commented that the AC can say they are functioning fine as they exist, but end up with very little participation at board level. RP then stated he needed to catch a flight and the Chair asked him if the RIRs had made a second response to ICANN. RP stated that there would be a joint RIR teleconference next week and a detailed response to ICANN would be sent shortly thereafter. The Chair asked for a copy when it was available.

HPH stated that if the AC agree with the RIR joint response, they could simply make a resolution to that effect rather than producing their own statement. ED felt that the AC needed to make its own statement. The Chair suggested using support for RIR response as a primary statement with additional wording specifically stating the position of the ASO AC. ED agreed.

The Chair suggested that when the AC receives the RIR’s second response to ICANN, that a teleconference be arranged for whoever wants to attend and participate within the AC and that those individuals would draft a response. She asked the SEC when the AC could expect the RIR response and the SEC responded to expect it within the week following the joint teleconference. The SEC stated he would set up the AC conference call and time slot.

The Chair then asked if there was any other business to discuss. There were no further comments.

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    1. BoD elections

As agreed in previous meetings, at this point MD, RB, and JC voluntarily left the call.

The ASO AC held a discussion to decide on which date they will hold their formal election. It was decided more time to discuss the qualifications of the candidates was needed and that the election should not be held until after the upcoming ICANN meeting in Romania.

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    1. Adjournment

The Chair called for adjournment at 7:05 p.m. EST and this passed unanimously.

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Action items closed at this meeting

Action # 0204-03A ED, BR, HPH, (SEC)
Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform. ASO-created subcommittee to respond to Louis Touton’s request to comment before 31st of May. Closed
Action # 0205-01 SEC
Minutes from April 2002 AC teleconference. SEC to remove the “draft” header from the minutes and post procedure to the ASO website. Closed
Action # 0205-02 SEC
Create Shelf-List. SEC to create list and add Action Item #12-4 to the list noting that it is a pending action outside the AC. Closed

New action items

Action # 0206-01 ED, BR, HPH
Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform. ASO-created subcommittee to respond to ICANN reform proposal. Response needed prior to upcoming ICANN meeting.
Action # 0206-02 JC
Post responses to ICANN evolution and reform report to the ASO list.

Shelf list [items pending action outside the ASO AC]

Action # 12-4 RIRs/IANA
Resource request procedure document. RIRS still awaiting response to date. Chair to propose procedure for putting this item on a shelf list. Further instructions from Chair to come to SEC. Open

Last modified on 29/01/2020