ASO AC Teleconference 4 December 2002

AC Attendees:

Barbara Roseman, Chair
Raimundo Beca (RB)
Eric Decker (ED)
Julian Dunayevich (JD)
Hartmut Glaser (HG)
Hans Petter Holen (HPH)
Kenny Huang (KH)
Sabine Jaume (SJ)
Cathy Wittbrodt (CJW)
* Quorum achieved

Oncoming AC Member:

Mark McFadden (MM)


Adiel Akplogan


Richard Jimmerson, ASO Secretariat (SEC)
Raymond Plzak, President (RP)


Anne Lord (AL)
Anne Lord, ASO Secretariat (SEC-AL)
Paul Wilson (PW)


Raul Echeberria (RE)


Axel Pawlik (AP)


John Crain (JC)


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies received
  3. Agenda bashing
  4. Minutes from October 16, 2002, AC Teleconference
  5. Minutes from November 6, 2002, AC Teleconference
  6. Report from LACNIC III Meeting
  7. Status of Open Actions
  8. ICANN BoD transition
  9. January Workshop (create agenda committee)
  10. ASO GA (create agenda committee)
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)
  12. Adjournment

    1. Welcome

The Chair opened the call at 22:00 UTC. The Chair asked the SEC to review the Agenda.

    1. Apologies received

No apologies received.

Absent: Takashi Arano, Sueng-Min Lee, Wilfried Woeber.

    1. Agenda bashing

RP requested adding a discussion on the transfer of the SEC, and the Chair requested adding a discussion of ICANN Nomcom and the ASO selecting a representative under Any Other Business.

    1. Formal Approval of the Minutes of October 16, 2002 AC Teleconference.

The Chair asked for any comments. There were no comments. The Chair then entertained a motion to approve the minutes. ED moved to approve the minutes of October 16, 2002, and this was seconded by HG. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

    1. Formal Approval of the Minutes from November 6, 2002, AC Teleconference.

The Chair asked for any comments. There were no comments. The Chair then entertained a motion to approve the minutes. HG moved to approve the minutes of November 6, 2002, and this was seconded by SJ. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

    1. Report from LACNIC III Meeting.

The Chair explained that an AC member from the region should give the update. The Chair called on LACNIC to give update. HG gave a brief update of the first LACNIC meeting that was held in Mexico City on November 11 and 12, 2002. He expressed that it was a successful meeting with representatives from all the RIRs attending. RE added that they announced the election of new Chair of Board of LACNIC, Oscar Messano, their former Treasurer, and that HG himself is the new Treasurer. All the presentations from the meeting can be found on their website at The Chair prompted all to read the policies posted on the website as well.

    1. Status of Open Actions

Chair asked the SEC to review the list.

Open action item list

Action #0206-02 JC
Post responses to ICANN evolution and reform report to the ASO list. ON-GOING.
Action #0209-01 SEC
Discuss location of web page (RIR vs. ASO) to post status of RFC 2050 and create web page.
The SEC reported that he received information from MM over the past few days and that this information will be posted with an announcement forthcoming.
Action #0210-01 SEC
The Chair asked the Secretariat to invite all ASO selected ICANN Board members to a teleconference on Wednesday, October 16 at 21:00 UTC.
This was done.
Action #0210-02 SEC
The AC asked the Secretariat to gather attendance statistics for the ASO AC teleconference, year to date.
This was done. It included listeners and observers, it was announced to the mailing list, and it was posted to website.
Action #0211-01 SEC
Add agenda item “Creation of Agenda Committee” to the agenda for the Next ASO AGM.
This item will be discussed below as item 10, and will be completed.
Action #0211-02 MD
MD to supply SEC with new list of AfriNIC observers/listeners.
This was done. The SEC stated that the Chair of the interim BoD, Dr.
Quaynor, supplied this information, and it has been posted and sent to the list.
Action #0211-03 SEC
Add Mark McFadden to the ac-coord list.
This was completed. MM will be an AC member on the next scheduled call in January 2003.
Action #0211-04 SEC
The Chair requested that the SEC please notify the ac-coord list once the ARIN X minutes have been posted.
This was done.

Shelf list [items pending action outside the ASO AC]

Action #12-4 RIRs/IANA
Resource request procedure document. RIRs awaiting response to date.
RP gave a brief updated stating that while in Mexico City, the RIR executives met with Stuart Lynn and opened a dialog on this subject. They are all working to resolve it.

    1. ICANN BoD transition.

The Chair explained that the AC needs to decide to retain current directors and decide on how it is to be accomplished because, moving forward, the procedure changes. One term expires 2003, one in 2004, and one at the end of 2005. The Chair stated that there had been suggestions on the list, and felt that the one that preserved the most continuity was proposed by RP.

RP suggested that the term expiring in 2003 actually expire when the transition occurs, which ICANN states will be in June 2003. In June 2003, seat 10 will be open, which will need to be filled and will not expire until June 2006; and seat 9 will be open and will not expire until June 2004.

RP suggested that Lyman Chapin’s term (which expires in December 2004) actually expire June 2004; and that Mouhamet Diop be appointed to the seat 10, which expires in June 2006. In doing this, Lyman Chapin’s term is cut by 6 months, and Mouhamet Diop’s term is extended by six months. This would extend the continuity of the current director, and no election would be needed in 2003. RP also suggested that the seat expiring in 2003 be retained as an ad-hoc member of Board for continuity purposes. The Chair said she will request that the ICANN Board approve this.

Chair asked for comments. RB stated that he felt it premature to discuss this at this time and that the ASO should wait until the ICANN Board initiates the transition. RP stated that discussing the issue would be alright as long as the ASO notes that the proposal is contingent upon the ICANN transition. The Chair then requested that she and the SEC or RP write a letter to the ICANN Board regarding this proposal.

The Chair entertained a motion to approve the proposal. ED moved that the ASO AC approve the proposal put forward by the Chair and RP: Specifically, that Lyman Chapin’s term (seat 10) expire in June 2004; that Mouhamet Diop be appointed to seat 9 which will expire in December 2006; and that the term for the Director lasting through 2003 be extended through the transition, and that the ASO AC request that the ICANN Board allow this Director to remain as an ex-officio ad-hoc representative until December 2003. This was seconded by CJW. The Chair called for a vote and the motion passed unanimously.

    1. January Workshop (create agenda committee)

Chair called for volunteers to draft an agenda for the workshop and what they’d like accomplished. MM asked the Chair to volunteer and she agreed. SJ and AL also volunteered. The Chair requested an action item to post the Draft Agenda prior to the next scheduled AC teleconference.

    1. ASO GA (create agenda committee)

The Chair announced that Santiago, Chile would be the next location. The Chair called for volunteers for this committee, and stated that she could not volunteer. AL, RB, and MM volunteered.

    1. Any Other Business (AOB)

        1. Transfer of the SEC

      RP stated that the transition has begun to move this administrative function from ARIN to APNIC. ARIN will host the next teleconference in January to facilitate the transition. The web and associated materials have been transferred to APNIC already.

        1. ICANN Nomcom

      The Chair explained that the ASO needs to put a procedure in place for finding a Nomcom member, and select a member for January. RP suggested that the ASO follow the same procedure as they do for finding a Board member. The Chair agreed that that process would work, but separately they need to find someone for 2003. RP suggested the current retiring Board member. The Chair also suggested the Chair of the AC. RP asked JC if the Nomcom would receive the same support as the Board in terms of travel. JC responded that it is the Board’s idea was that the Nomcom would primarily function by electronic means and teleconferences, but the Board would be open to supporting travel if need be, however, it has not really been addressed at this point. The Chair asked the SEC if the AC elected someone from the AC to this position, would RIRs support their position for 2003 only. She asked the SEC to gather information on this matter.

      MM suggested that it may be useful to know this before the January call. The SEC set a soft deadline of the end of the year. The Chair then stated that all options will be proposed to the list for discussion, and given that the next call is in early January, the timeframe should be sufficient.

      MM suggested that in regard to the 2003 position, the AC simply nominate and elect someone from the AC ranks. He did not think the Chair should do it because the AC would change in terms of the kind of work they would do, and the Nomcom is going to be a tremendous amount of work. In this exceptional circumstance, maybe the best option would be to nominate from the AC ranks.

      It was decided to table this discussion until the next scheduled teleconference in January, and to discuss three options (selecting the AC Chair, or another AC member, or an ICANN board member) on the mailing list. MM suggested that the Chair contact the ICANN board members to see if they’d be willing to participate. The Chair agreed. RP then stated that he’d prefer to see a concrete reply from ICANN regarding funding before making a proposal. The Chair agreed.

      ED asked when the meeting in Santiago, Chile meeting would take place. RE replied that it would be April 23-25, 2003 with the ASO GA meeting in the afternoon on April 24. The Chair asked this information to be posted to AC list.

      RP presented the issue of the election for AC Chair in January. The Chair stated that the RIRs will fund travel to ICANN meetings, and it is not an option, if you are the Chair, you are expected to go. The AC decided to discuss this issue at the next regularly scheduled call. It was proposed to discuss the role of the AC Chair before electing one.

      RP expressed his thanks to CJW, whose term was expiring, for her service and participation in the ASO AC.

    1. Adjournment

The Chair called for a motion to adjourn at 23:10 UTC. CJW moved to adjourn and this was seconded by ED. The motion passed unanimously.

Open action item list

Action #0206-02 JC
Post responses to ICANN evolution and reform report to the ASO list. ON-GOING.
Action #0209-01 SEC
Discuss location of web page (RIR vs. ASO) to post status of RFC 2050 and create web page.
Action #0212-01 CHAIR/ARIN STAFF
Compose letter to ICANN Board regarding BoD transition proposal requesting that it is contingent upon the ICANN transition.
Action #0212-02 AGENDA COMMITTEE
Post Draft Agenda for the January Workshop to the list prior to the next scheduled AC teleconference.
Action #0212-03 SEC
Gather information by the end of the year regarding support from the RIRs to the AC for the ICANN Nomcom for 2003 only.
Action #0212-05 SEC
Post the date of the next ASO AC face to face meeting in Chile to the list.

Shelf list [items pending action outside the ASO AC]

Action #12-4 RIRs/IANA
Resource request procedure document. RIRs awaiting response to date.

Last modified on 29/01/2020