ASO AC Teleconference 3 May 2006

AC Attendees:

Sebastian Bellagamba (SB), Chair
Alan Barrett (AB), Co-Chair
Sanford H. George (SHG)
Hartmut Glaser (HG)
Martin Hannigan (MH)
Dr. Kenny S. Huang (KH)
Sabine Jaume (SJ)
HJ Kwon (HJK)
Louis Lee (LL)
Francisco Obispo (FO)
Wilfried Woeber (WW)


Raymond Plzak (RP), Secretary (ARIN)
Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary (ARIN)


Adiel Akplogan, (AA) – AfriNIC
Richart Jimmerson, (RJ) – ARIN
Raimundo Beca (RB) – ICANN
Bart Boswinkel (BB) – ICANN
Olof Nordling (ON) – ICANN
German Valdez (GV) – LACNIC


Hans Petter Holen


Sylvia Geha Kezengwa
Jean Robert Hountomey
Mao Wei

Draft Agenda:

  1. Welcome
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Approval of the Minutes
  4. ICANN Board of Directors Elections
  5. Post-Election Actions by the SEC
  6. ASO AC Procedure for Processing Global Policy Proposals
  7. ASO AC Website (Action #0512-01)
  8. ICANN Meeting Photo Badges
  9. Any Other Business
  10. Adjournment

1) Welcome

The Chair called the meeting to order at 22:08 UTC. The presence of a quorum was noted.

2) Agenda Review

The Chair called for any comments. There were no comments.

3) Approval of the Minutes of April 5, 2006

AB moved that:

“The ASO AC approves the Minutes of April 5, 2006 as written.”

This was seconded by HJ. The motion carried unanimously.

4) ICANN Board of Directors Election

The Chair suggested that this item be postponed until later in the meeting in order to allow more members to connect to the call. All agreed.

5) Post-Election Actions by the SEC

The Chair suggested that this item be addressed after Item 4. All agreed.

6) ASO AC Procedure for Processing Global Policy Proposals

The Chair stated that a version of the procedure was sent to the Council’s e-mail list and it was reviewed.  AB stated that RB and he had diff versions of clause 16. AB stated both say the same requirements but with different emphasis.

AB moved that:

The ASO AC recommends that the NRO EC approve the Procedure for Processing Global Policy Proposals as written in Alan Barrett’s most recent draft.”

This was seconded by LL. The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

7) ASO AC Website.  (Action #0512-01)

LL stated that he had posted 2 e-mails to the Council’s list today, and that he begun working with the ARIN staff.  LL suggested the ASO AC consider a logo that encompassed the NRO EC and the ASO AC. RP stated that the logo is being worked on by the CCG.  LL stated that the next step would be to review a mock-up of website after ARIN staff has worked on it.  RP stated that all five of the RIRs have various staff members contributing to this effort as it is a project of the CCG, and not solely ARIN staff.

At this time (22:20 UTC) HG joined the call.  At this time the Chair requested discussing items 4 and 5.

Item 4:  ICANN Board of Directors Election

The Chair explained that Council members needed to elect a member to the ICANN Board of Directors. The candidates are: Uchenna Ibekwe, Jordi Palet Martinez, and Dave Wodelet.

The Chair called for a roll call vote.  Dave Wodelet was elected to the ICANN Board.  During voting, it was noted that HJ Kwon had disconnected from the call, therefore he was unavailable to vote.

Item 5:  Post-Election Actions by the SEC

The SEC stated that notification of this election will be sent via e-mail to the SEC of ICANN, and provided a hard copy if needed. He explained that when there is a change in the Board, a thank you letter should be sent to the departing member after he leaves the position.  The SEC also suggested the Chair consider sending a message to losing candidates thanking them for participating, and to the winning candidate notifying him that he won.  The Chair agreed.

The SEC further suggested that the Chair ask Dave Wodelet to confirm that he accepts the position on the ICANN Board. The Chair stated he would do so on 4 May 2006.

SHG suggested that the losing nominees apply with an SOI through the ICANN NomCom. RP suggested SHG communicate to the losing nominees directly. SHG agreed to do so.

RB stated that he would ask Vint Cerf to invite Dave Wodelet to the ICANN Board retreat planned for 18 to 20 May, 2006 in Los Angeles, California, and asked the Chair to relay the information to Dave.  The Chair agree

8) ICANN Meeting Photo ID Badges

MH requested that this item be removed from the Agenda as he had been in contact with people within ICANN who will resolve the issue.  The Chair called for any objections. There were no objections.

9) Any Other Business

The Chair called for any other business.  LL asked if there were any significant updates to the NomCom’s activities. SHG reported there were not.  MH asked what happens when NomCom members resign. SHG replied that the positions are refilled within the respective group that voted for that particular member.

The Chair called for any further business. There was no other business.

9) Adjournment

The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn.   LL moved to adjourn at 22:32 UTC, and this was seconded by SJ.  The motion carried unanimously.

Last modified on 29/01/2020