ASO AC Teleconference 5 April 2006

AC Attendees:

Sebastian Bellagamba (SB), Chair
Alan Barrett, (AB), Co-Chair
Sanford H. George (SHG)
Hartmut Glaser (HG)
Martin Hannigan (MH)
Dr. Kenny S. Huang (KH)
Sabine Jaume (SJ)
Hyun-Joon Kwon (HJK)
Mao Wei (MW)


Raymond Plzak (SEC), Secretary (ARIN)
Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary (ARIN)


Adiel Akplogan, (AA) – AfriNIC
Raul Echeberria, (RE) – LACNIC
Raimundo Beca, (RB) – ICANN
Olof Nordling, (ON) – ICANN


Hans Petter Holen
Louis Lee


Sylvia Geha Kezengwa
Jean Robert Hountomey
Francisco Obispo
Wilfried Woeber

Draft Agenda:

  1. Welcome
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Approval of the Minutes
  4. Identify ICANN Staff Observers
  5. ASO AC Website
  6. ICANN Board
  7. Discussion of ASO AC Meeting Agenda for Istanbul
  8. Any Other Business
  9. Adjournment

1) Welcome

The Chair called the meeting to order at 22:24 UTC.  The presence of a quorum was noted.

2) Agenda Review

The Chair called for any comments. There were no comments.

3) Approval of the Minutes of March 1, 2006

AB moved that:

“The ASO AC approves the Minutes of March 1, 2006 as written.”

This was seconded by MH. The motion carried unanimously.

4) ASO AC Procedures

Identify ICANN Staff Observers. (Action 0601-01) The SEC stated that a message was sent to the President of ICANN who responded with a list of names. The President did provide a list to the SEC, who queried him about some of the people on the list, and when they can be expected to attend the calls. The President will respond back to the SEC soon.

HG stated he was concerned that if ICANN sends several names, does the Council have to accept all of them, or can the Council choose which observers they would like from the list provided by ICANN. He asked if this would be a reasonable request.  The SEC responded that since the Council is requesting observers, it would seem reasonable to identify the type of observer the Council would like to see participate in their meetings, and how many observers the Council may need.  The SEC further stated that there is no requirement in the ICANN Bylaws to place observers on any given council. This request is strictly an invitation, and the good will, of the Council. It was relayed to the ICANN President that the Council would need to know who to expect at each meeting.  The Chair was satisfied with this report.

RE, from LACNIC, joined the conference at this time (22:34 UTC).

5) ASO AC Website (Action #0512-01)

As LL was unable to attend this meeting, there was no update available.

6) ICANN Board

A.  Nominations Schedule.  RJ stated that the comment period will be opened in the coming week when final list of names is provided; and, the comment period must close on 3 May because the ASO AC must vote for the Board member on 3 May. The deadline, stated in the ICANN bylaws, of 4 May is the last day the Council can tell the ICANN SEC the name of the individual they selected. RJ reminded everyone that this information is currently on the schedule that the Council has seen.

The Chair thanked RJ for the update.

B.  Nominations Received. MH stated that the Council’s working group worked with SEC to get the announcements out, compiled nominees into a spreadsheet, tracked information on each nominee, and also created an informal list of eligibility.  The working group also asked the nominees questions about their eligibility, and provided it to the Council. The working group compiled the data, and provided all information back to the Council. MH stated that two nominees declined, nine accepted, there was one nominee from each region, 1 nominee could not be reached and one accepted post deadline.

RP stated that the one person from the Latin American region was not eligible according to ICANN Bylaws which states that the Council cannot select two individuals from the same region.

MH stated that at this meeting, the Council needs to declare eligibility of the candidates.

MH moved that:

“That the ICANN ASO AC declares the following candidate, Dave Wodelet, as eligible for nomination to the ICANN Board of Directors, and directs the Chair to notify the nominees of the same.”

This was seconded by HG. The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

MH moved that:

“That the ICANN ASO AC declares the following candidate, Jordi Palet Martinez, as eligible for nomination to the ICANN Board of Directors, and directs the Chair to notify the nominees of the same.”

This was seconded by AB. The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

MH moved that:

“That the ICANN ASO AC declares the following candidate, Horace Demmink, as eligible for nomination to the ICANN Board of Directors, and directs the Chair to notify the nominees of the same.”

This was seconded by HG. The motion failed unanimously via roll call.

MH moved that:

“That the ICANN ASO AC declares the following candidate, Uchenna Ibekwe, as eligible for nomination to the ICANN Board of Directors, and directs the Chair to notify the nominees of the same.”

This was seconded by HG. The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

MH moved that:

“That the ICANN ASO AC declares the following candidate, Kahlil Adhmad, as eligible for nomination to the ICANN Board of Directors, and directs the Chair to notify the nominees of the same.”

This was seconded by HG. The motion failed with 5 against, 3 in favor (SB, AB, MW), and 1 abstention (SJ) via roll call.

MH moved that:

“That the ICANN ASO AC declares the following candidate, Frans Gerbosch, as eligible for nomination to the ICANN Board of Directors, and directs the Chair to notify the nominees of the same.”

This was seconded by HG. The motion failed with 6 against, 2 in favor (SB, AB) and 1 abstention (SJ) via roll call.

MH moved that:

“That the ICANN ASO AC declares the following candidate, Peter Cernik, as eligible for nomination to the ICANN Board of Directors, and directs the Chair to notify the nominees of the same.”

This was seconded by HG. The motion failed with 8 against and 1 abstention (SJ) via roll call.

MH moved that:

“That the ICANN ASO AC declares the following candidate, Envir Fraser,, as eligible for nomination to the ICANN Board of Directors, and directs the Chair to notify the nominees of the same.”

This was seconded by AB. The motion carried with 6 in favor, 2 against (HG, HJK) and 1 abstention (SJ) via roll call.

MH moved that:

“That the ICANN ASO AC declares the following candidate, Reza Rashidi Mehrabadi, as eligible for nomination to the ICANN Board of Directors, and directs the Chair to notify the nominees of the same.”

This was seconded by HG. The motion failed with 6 against, 2 in favor (SB, AB) and 1 abstention (SJ) via roll call.

The eligible nominees are Dave Wodelet, Jordi Palet Martinez, Uchenna Ibekwe, and Envir Fraser.

The Chair stated that all the names will be available publicly, and the comment period needs to be opened as soon as possible. RJ stated that the SEC and the website were ready.  When the names are given to the SEC, they will be posted, and an announcement will be sent to the ASO announce mailing list and the ASO website indicating the open comment period and it will also point to each RIR’s website.

MH stated what needed to be accomplished: 1) collect CV’s and open the comment period, and 2) appoint someone to work with SEC to get this done as soon as possible.

MH then moved to work with RJ to get the website and CV’s ready. This was seconded by AB.

Discussion then ensued on how best to interview the candidates. The SEC suggested setting up a call with the candidates so that the Council can speak to them at once time during the meeting in Istanbul. RE also suggested providing telecon facilities for interviewing in Istanbul, he then apologized that he must leave the call (23:33 UTC).

The Chair asked the Council if they objected to these suggestions. There were no objections.  The Chair tasked MH to provide the CVs to RJ tomorrow and open the comment period.

7) Discussion of ASO AC Meeting Agenda for Istanbul

The Chair reviewed the Agenda with the Council. He stated that he tried to schedule the meetings so that they did not conflict with RIPE meeting sessions. The Chair called for comments. HG commended the Chair on the Agenda.

8) Any Other Business

The Chair called for any other business.

A) ICANN Attendee Badge Photographs. MH stated that recently there had been discussion in the regions regarding the photos taken at ICANN meetings for attendee badges. He stated that two ARIN constituents objected to the having their photos taken and that no identification was requested of them when they registered.

MH explained that this was one of the factors of the objection: ICANN has the attendee’s photograph with no identification, and does not request identification from the attendee. He stated the problem is that there is no privacy policy with respect to the photographs, and attendees do not know what is done with their photograph after the meeting.  MH indicated he wanted to make a motion that the Chair communicate to ICANN that the ASO AC objects to the badge photos being taken.

HG stated that the photo taking most likely began in 2003, and as the local organizer of that ICANN meeting, he had decided to implement the badge photos only for security in the venue hotel. He stated that it was not a decision made by ICANN, nor has ICANN requested badge photos for their upcoming meeting in Sao Paulo later this year.

The Chair also stated that he was not aware of any requirement from ICANN to take the photos, and that LACNIC kept them solely.

ON stated that he could not verify that there was a request from ICANN, and was unaware of any formal requests from ICANN for photos, or usage of the photos. He stated he would verify this and get back to the Council.

MH stated he would speak further with ON about this issue, and discuss it at the next ASO AC meeting.

9) Adjournment

The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 23:43 UTC.  AB moved to adjourn and this was seconded by SJ. The motion carried unanimously.

Last modified on 29/01/2020