ASO AC Teleconference 30 April 2008

AC Attendees:

  • Jean-Robert Hountomey (JRH)
  • Alan Barrett (AB)
  • Kenny S. Huang (KH)
  • Tomohiro Fujisaki (TF)
  • Jason Schiller (JS)
  • Martin Hannigan (MH)
  • Hartmut Glaser (HG)
  • Sebastian Bellagamba (SB) – Acting Chair
  • Dave Wilson (DW)


  • Ernest M. Byaruhanga (EMB ), Recording Secretary – AfriNIC


  • Adiel Akplogan (AA) – AfriNIC
  • Kiran Cunniah (KC) – AfriNIC
  • Caroline Koa Wing (CKW) – AfriNIC
  • Einar Bohlin (EB) – ARIN
  • Richard Jimmerson (RJ) – ARIN
  • Ray Plzak (RP) – ARIN
  • Nate Davis (ND) – ARIN
  • Cathy Handley (CH) – ARIN
  • German Valdez (GV) – APNIC
  • Ricardo Patara (RPA) – LACNIC
  • Raul Echeberria (RE) – LACNIC
  • Olof Nordling (ON) – ICANN
  • Raimundo Beca (RB) – ICANN


  • Leo Vegoda (LV) – ICANN)
  • Hyun Joon Kwon (HJ)
  • Wilfried Woeber (WW)- RIPE


  • Louis lee (LL)
  • Franscisco Obispo (FO)
  • Vincent Ngundi (VN)
  • Hans Petter Holen (HPH)

Draft Agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Agenda review
  3. Approval of the minutes for the 6 March 2008 meeting
  4. Update of the ASO AC Operating Procedures
  5. ASO PDP Procedure
  6. ASO Website review
  7. Global Policy Proposal for Autonomous System Numbers
  8. Agenda for the next face to face meeting
  9. AOB
  10. Adjournment
    1. Welcome.

      At 13h05, the Secretariat (EB), noted that the Chair was not present and proposed for the Vice Chair, SB, to lead the meeting. SB agreed and asked the secretariat to proceed with a roll call. It was noted that there was no quorum as there were no representatives from the AfriNIC region. The Chair proposed to postpone the meeting.

      HG proposed to call the representatives from the AfriNIC region to establish the quorum.

      All agreed to HG’s proposal. The AfriNIC representatives were called namely JRH and AB (VN could not be reached). The secretariat proceeded with a roll call again and the presence of the quorum was noted. The meeting was called to order at 13h25.

    2. Agenda review.

      SB reviewed the agenda and asked for comments. There were none.

    3. Approval of minutes of the 6th March 2008 meeting.

      SB called for a motion to approve the 6th March 2008 meeting minutes. DW proposed as follows:

      Proposed motion:
      “The ASO AC approves the Minutes of 6th March 2008 as presented to the list by the secretariat. ”

      HG seconded the motion. The Chair asked for objections. There were no objections and the motion passed unanimously.

      Action: #0804-01:

      Secretariat to change the status of the minutes of the 6th March 2008 meeting from ‘draft’.

    4. Update of the ASO AC Operating Procedures

      SB mentioned that as far as he recalls, the procedures were published on the mailing list. He said that there were a few questions and that he was not sure if the procedures were clear.

      RP said that it was an action for the Chair to report on. SB said that he cannot overtake this action but wanted to know if all were clear in the procedures circulated. RP proposed to move to the next action item. SB agreed and mentioned that this agenda item is postponed to the next ASO AC meeting.

    5. ASO PDP Procedure

      SB asked if there have been any news from the EC on the PDP procedure. AA said there is no proposal from the EC yet – and that the AC Chair or Vice Chairs could provide the template letters. SB said the letters were provided by the Chair through the mailing list, and asked if anyone had the time to read these letters. SB said that the PDP procedure is therefore still a problem if we are still lacking formal communication from the EC.

      JS asked if it is on the agenda to discuss different templates used in the different regions for submitting global policy, and if there is work to unify all fields and have a single unified version. He said he went through all fields, and there appears to be no known work that has been completed at this time.

      SB asked if the AC therefore feels ready and mature enough to move forward and approve the ASO PDP Procedure, or if extra discussion is needed.  He asked if anyone feels we can have a motion to move with approving the letters sent to the list. DW said he does not see any harm in waiting, but SB advised to postpone the decision on this issue to the next meeting.

    6. ASO website review.

      EB said a review of the current website has been conducted mainly to find dead links, incorrect or old information and, as requested by the AC, find a way to efficiently avail documents online.

      [ #RPA joined the meeting at 1343H UTC ]

      EB said that one dead link was found (in the statistics page) and deleted, and regarding old content, the former AC member from the APNIC region was removed and replaced, and that unlike all RIRs, AfriNIC did not have a dedicated page on its website that talks about the relationship between AfriNIC and the ASO/NRO. He also mentioned that the relevant URLs of the ac-coord mailing list would be added to the Mailing Lists section.

      Regarding the documents, EB mentioned that the proposal is to have the documents organized into three categories – Global Policies, Supporting Documents and Procedural Documents. Each of these would then be listed by Author, Date and Title.

      EB further said that APNIC conducted a thorough report on the review and revamp of the entire website, and that this is a measure in the interim to make documents easily accessible on the current website.

      SB asked for any comments. AB asked if the archive of the mailing list will be made public, as it contains private discussions. EB clarified that it is just the URL, not the contents, and that one would still need to authenticate with their list e-mail address and password to access the archives. SB proposed that all documents be uploaded as soon as possible, and asked if a private site for AC members can be created. EB said this is possible.

      JS asked for clarification about what “recent documents” refers to exactly. EB mentioned that this would refer to documents that are a couple of months old which have been completed or are are currently being worked on.

      SB asked if there is a need for a motion for the Secretariat to finish this piece of work and upload the documents. RP said there is no need. MH thanked the Secretariat for this positive step. JS asked that an announcement be posted to the mailing list when the documents have been uploaded.

    7. Global Policy Proposals for Autonomous System Numbers

SB mentioned that this is waiting for the EC. He said that FO provided the background documents which need the approval from the EC. RP said this still requires some coordinated efforts within the EC. SB said this will now be on hold till EC does its work.

[ #KH joined the meeting at 1342H UTC ]

RP said that one or two RIRs have not responded or provided input yet. SB said there is a need to meet after receiving formal notification by the EC on the policy. JS pointed out that an earlier draft of the PPFT was sent and asked if anyone can send comments about it to the list.  SB said it is better to wait for the final wording and version of the document. RB said he sent some comments to the list about it.

    1. Agenda for next face to face meeting

The Chair asked whether such a meeting should be scheduled this year. If so, he asked when and where it should be scheduled and the need to have a proper agenda before. UNKNOWN said that during the previous meetings, there was good interaction with the NRO. He asked to submit the idea to the NRO EC and suggested the possibility of having a face-to-face meeting during next ICANN in Africa.

The Chair mentioned that the agenda items should be well defined and may include exhaustion of the IPv4 address space, transition to IPv6 and similar related discussions between RIRs.

JS pointed out that discussions on exhaustion would have already taken place in the respective regions. He suggested that the AC have an advisory role. The Chair pointed out that the AC members can only provide advice to their own constituencies, and said that at the moment, nothing much can be done about this topic but to wait for more mature discussions in the respective communities.

JS agreed and recommended bringing the different discussions to a global level. It was agreed to wait for discussions to reach maturity and then look into the possibility of scheduling a face-to-face meeting in the next six months, and said that the agenda and elated logistics can be discussed on the mailing list. He asked someone to remind everyone about the necessary prerequisites that must be in place in order for the AC to conduct a face-to-face meeting. RP replied that such a meeting would be held only when the issues to be discussed at the face-to-face meeting cannot be achieved via emailing or teleconferencing.

The Chair stated that if there is a real need for a face-to-face meeting, an agenda would be forwarded to the EC for approval as required. The Chair said that the topic will be put to further discussion on the mailing list. All agreed.

    1. AOB

JS referred to the problems at the start of this meeting and asked about the requirements for the establishment of quorum and the procedures for chairing the meeting, and whether there would be an established time to declare quorum or lack thereof. SB said that there was no time set for declaring quorum and mentioned that common sense is usually used.

SB said that if there is need to revisit the procedures, an amendment should be proposed and sent to EC for approval. HG suggested that the Secretariat call the day before a scheduled meeting to check whether the Chair and co-Chairs would be present, and make sure one of these will attend. RP agreed and said that effective turnout would also depend on the personal responsibility and commitment from each member.

    1. Adjournment

HG proposed to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by JS. The meeting was adjourned at 14.00 UTC.

Open Action items

Action: #0804-01: (Secretariat)
Secretariat to change the status of the minutes of the 6th March 2008 meeting from ‘draft’.

Last modified on 29/01/2020