ASO AC Teleconference 9 October 2002


Barbara Roseman (Chair)
Kenny Huang (KH)
Eric Decker (ED)
Hans Petter Holen (HPH)
Sabine Jaume (SJ)

Raimundo Beca (RB)
Hartmut Glaser (HG)
Mouhamet Diop (MD)

Richard Jimmerson, Secretariat (SEC)
Ray Plzak (RP), ARIN
Anne Lord (AL), APNIC

John Crain (JC) ICANN


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies received
  3. Agenda bashing
  4. Minutes from September 2002 AC Teleconference
  5. Report from APNIC Meeting
  6. Report from RIPE Meeting
  7. Status of Open Actions
  8. Scheduling of 2003 General Assembly
  9. ICANN ERC Discussion
  10. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. Welcome

The Chair opened the call at 21:05 UTC.

    1. Apologies received

Apologies received from Wilfried Woeber, German Valdez.

    1. Agenda bashing

The Chair asked if there were any additions that needed to be made to the agenda. HPH asked that the RIR Blueprint and the ITU statements be added. The Chair stated these items would be discussed under agenda item number 9.

    1. Minutes from September 2002 AC Teleconference

ED moved that the September teleconference minutes be approved. KH seconded the motion. The September 2002 ASO AC teleconference minutes were approved. The Chair asked the Secretariat to post the minutes to the ASO website as final.

agenda | top

    1. Report from APNIC Meeting

AL gave a report on the recent APNIC meeting that took place in Japan. She stated that eight policy decisions were made and gave a brief summary of each. Further information is available on the APNIC website. AL also reported that Takashi Arano was re-elected as an ASO AC member from the APNIC region.

KH added that there was discussion between the APNIC elected members of the ASO AC and the APNIC EC. There was a discussion on how to harmonize APNIC policy discussion into the policy meetings. AL added that the APNIC EC stated a desire for a closer working relationship with the ASO AC members.

    1. Report from RIPE Meeting

The Chair asked that this report be held over until the November teleconference meeting to allow the appropriate staff from RIPE NCC could report.

HPH gave a brief summary of the meeting by saying there was a discussion at the RIPE meeting about ICANN ERC and that Wilfried Woeber was re-elected as an ASO AC member from the RIPE NCC region.

HPH also reported there was participation from more people interested in the process at this meeting that there has been in the past.

    1. Status of Open Actions

Open action item list (from September meetings)

Action #0206-02 JC
Post responses to ICANN evolution and reform report to the ASO list. On-going
Action #0209-01 SEC
Discuss location of web page (RIR vs. ASO) to post status of RFC 2050 and create web page. Open
The Secretariat reported that space has been reserved on the ARIN website for this information and that the chair of the 2050 working group had been contacted for information.
Action #0209-03 SEC
Post the ‘as proposed’ dates and times of the ASO AC’s calls for the next 12 months. Open
The Secretariat reported this item has been completed.

    1. Scheduling of 2003 General Assembly

The Chair discussed the need to determine the location of next General Assembly meeting. RIPE NCC and LACNIC regions are options considering location of last two meetings. The Chair asked the ASO AC to think about this so a decision may be made soon.

    1. ICANN ERC Discussion

HPH commented that some discussion has taken place on the ripe lir-wg mailing list and that he was encouraged that it was at least being discussed.

Chair stated the RIR Blueprint document was posted today and that it was likely the ASO AC did not yet have an opportunity to read it in detail. She asked Ray ASO AC members to read it in detail.

In regards to recent statements made by the ITU, MD explained the inner-workings of ITU study groups and working groups to the ASO AC.

Chair again asked the ac members to read both documents in detail.

JC had a question about the preamble in the RIR blueprint document. He was confused that it stated the RIR boards to not approve policy. Ray confirmed that this is true and stated as an example that the ARIN Board ratifies that the policy process has been followed, they do not approve policy.

Chair noted JC stated ERC is accepting comments on the final ICANN reform document until October 24, 2002. She wanted to know if the AC members wanted to make a substantive contribution to the ERC. HPH said that he had been giving that some thought. If you look at the AC charter under the MoU it could be argued that it is not in the charter of the AC to comment on this, it could also be argued it has to do with policy, so there is a need to comment. He feels the ASO AC as individuals can certainly evaluate and make comments.

The Chair asked the AC members if they would like to invite the ICANN board members elected by the ASO AC to speak to the AC about their thoughts on the process.

The Chair formally proposed the ASO AC have a teleconference meeting between now and October 24 inviting the ICANN Board members selected by ASO AC over the past three years to discuss ICANN ERC and the RIR Blueprint document.

ED made a motion, as described above, and HPH seconded that motion.

A roll call vote was taken. All ASO AC members present were in favor.

Action item – The Chair asked the Secretariat to invite all ASO selected ICANN Board members to a teleconference next Wednesday, October 16 at 21:00 UTC.

Action item – The AC asked the Secretariat to gather attendance statistics for the ASO AC teleconference, year to date.

    1. Any Other Business (AOB)

      • None

The teleconference was adjourned at 21:55 UTC.

Open action item list

Action #0206-02 JC
Post responses to ICANN evolution and reform report to the ASO list. ON-GOING.
Action #0209-01 SEC
Discuss location of web page (RIR vs. ASO) to post status of RFC 2050 and create web page. OPEN
Action #0210-01 SEC
The Chair asked the Secretariat to invite all ASO selected ICANN Board members to a teleconference next Wednesday, October 16 at 21:00 UTC.
Action #0210-02 SEC
The AC asked the Secretariat to gather attendance statistics for the ASO AC teleconference, year to date.

Shelf list [items pending action outside the ASO AC]

Action # 12-4 RIRs/IANA
Resource request procedure document. RIRs awaiting response to date.

Last modified on 29/01/2020