ASO AC Teleconference 11 July 2002


Takashi Arano (TA)
Eric Decker (ED)
Kenny Huang (KH)
Hans Petter Holen (HPH)
Sabine Jaume (SJ)
Barbara Roseman (Chair)
Cathy Wittbrodt (CJW)
Wilfried Woeber (WW)
* 8 of 9 ASO AC members present (quorum)

Raimundo Beca (RB)
Hartmut Glaser (HG)
German Valdez (GV)

Richard Jimmerson, Secretariat (SEC)
Anne Lord (AL)
Axel Pawlik (AP)
Ray Plzak (RP)

Louis Touton (LT)


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies received
  3. Agenda bashing
  4. Minutes from June 2002 AC Teleconference
  5. Report on ICANN Meeting in Bucharest, Romania
  6. Status of open actions
  7. ASO AC Teleconferences: Time of call
  8. Any other business (AOB)
  9. BoD Elections
  10. Adjournment

    1. Welcome

The Chair opened the call at 22:04 UTC. The Chair asked SEC to review the Agenda.

    1. Apologies received

No apologies received. Absent: Seung-Min Lee. Due to phone line difficulties, Mouhamet Diop could not be reached.

    1. Agenda bashing

Chair asked if there was anything to add under AOB. There were no additions.

    1. Minutes from June 2002 AC Teleconference

The Chair asked for any comments. No comments. Accepted unanimously.

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    1. Report on ICANN Meeting in Bucharest, Romania

The Chair gave a brief update of the meeting and ICANN’s plans to move ahead as outlined by Reform Committee. She stated that the Board is accepting the ASO constituted as is, but with one fewer seat on the Board, leaving the ASO with 2 seats.

The Chair asked if RP or AP had any comments to add. AP stated that he hoped that if the Board speaks with the RIRs, that they can reach an understanding. RP agreed saying that a statement will be sent saying that the RIRs would like to help ICANN in the reform process. The Chair interjected that the ASO MoU would be re-negotiated in light of the changes of the relationship.

The Chair asked for any further comments. HPH asked what the timeline is for the reform. The Chair stated that a restructured proposal was due by August 30th, and asked LT if he felt that was correct. LT stated yes, that there were two reasons: 1. The MoU between the government and ICANN expires on September 30th and, 2. On September 22nd, the once-every-four years ITU Plenipotentiary begins in Morocco. Consequently, by the end of August there needs to be a plan on the table. He further stated that a detailed status report to Department of Commerce was due by August 15th. The Chair asked LT to please keep the AC apprised of any changes or developments and he agreed. There were no further comments.

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    1. Status of open actions

The Chair asked the SEC to report on the status.

Open action items

Action # 0206-01 ED, BR, HPH
Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform. ASO-created subcommittee to respond to ICANN reform proposal. Response needed prior to upcoming ICANN meeting. Closed
The SEC reported that this had been submitted during the week of the meeting in Bucharest.
Action # 0206-02 JC
Post responses to ICANN evolution and reform report to the ASO list. On-going
The SEC reported that John Crain has sent information to the list.
Action #0207-01 SEC
Request to send information to ICANN in regard to the IPv6 Policy document on behalf of ASO AC. Closed
The SEC stated that the policy document along with a statement from the ASO AC was sent to ICANN with carbon copies to LT and JC.

Shelf list [items pending action outside the ASO AC]

Action # 12-4 RIRs/IANA
Resource request procedure document. RIRS still awaiting response to date.

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    1. ASO AC Teleconferences: Time of call

The SEC stated he had received inquiries regarding changing the time of future ASO AC teleconference calls, and had sent a UTC timetable for different areas to the list for review. After discussion, it was decided that the call be driven by London Time instead of UTC in order to make the call at a more convenient time for all parties involved. WW moved that all future ASO AC teleconferences be scheduled for 22:00 London Time. The motion was seconded by CJW. The Chair asked for any objections. There being no objections, the motion passed unanimously. The Chair asked for the SEC to look into the correct designation of whether it is referred to as “London Time” or “British Standard Time (BST)” for the record.

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    1. Any other business (AOB)

      • None

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    1. BoD Elections

As agreed in previous meetings, at this point RB and LT voluntarily left the call.

At the last teleconference, the ASO AC held a discussion to decide on which date they will hold their formal election. It was decided more time to discuss the qualifications of the candidates was needed, and that the election should not be held until after the upcoming ICANN meeting in Romania.

After much discussion, it was decided that the vote should take place on this call. The Address Council selected Mouhamet Diop to fill the ASO position on the ICANN Board to be vacated by Robert Blokzijl.

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    1. Adjournment

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 22:52 UTC.

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Open action item list

Action items closed at this meeting

Action # 0206-01 ED, BR, HPH
Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform. ASO-created subcommittee to respond to ICANN reform proposal. Response needed prior to upcoming ICANN meeting. Closed
The SEC reported that this had been submitted during the week of the meeting in Bucharest.
Action #0207-01 SEC
Request to send information to ICANN in regard to the IPv6 Policy document on behalf of ASO AC. Closed
The SEC stated that the policy document along with a statement from the ASO AC was sent to ICANN with carbon copies to LT and JC.

Action items remaining open

Action # 0206-02 JC
Post responses to ICANN evolution and reform report to the ASO list. On-going

Shelf list [items pending action outside the ASO AC]

Action # 12-4 RIRs/IANA
Resource request procedure document. RIRS still awaiting response to date.

Last modified on 29/01/2020