ASO AC Teleconference 4 January 2006

AC Attendees:

Sebastian Bellagamba (SB), Chair
Alan Barrett (AB)
Sanford H. George (SHG)
Hartmut Glaser (HG)
Martin Hannigan (MH)
Hans Petter Holen (HPH)
Dr. Kenny S. Huang (KH)
Sabine Jaume (SJ)
Louis Lee (LL)
Mao Wei (MW)
Wilfried Woeber (WW)


Raymond Plzak, Secretary (ARIN)
Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary (ARIN)


Adiel Akplogan

Susan Hamlin
Richard Jimmerson

German Valdez

Raimundo Beca
Olof Nordling


Jean Robert Hountomey
Sylvia Geha Kezengwa
Hyun-Joon Kwon
Francisco Obispo

Draft Agenda:

  1. Welcome
  2. Election of Chair
  3. Agenda Review
  4. Selection of Co-Chairs
  5. Approval of the Minutes
  6. ASO AC Website
  7. Communications with NRO EC
  8. Communications with ICANN
  9. Global Policy Proposal Processing Procedure
  10. Procedure to Select ICANN Board Member
  11. Meeting Calendar 2006
  12. Any Other Business
  13. Adjournment

1) Welcome

HPH welcomed everyone to the first ASO AC meeting of 2006 at 22:08 UTC. The presence of a quorum was noted. HPH also thanked the new SEC for the preparations of this meeting.

2) Election of Chair

HPH explained there is a procedure on the ASO AC website for selecting the new Chair, and briefed the Council on the procedure. AB and SB accepted their nominations for candidacy. HPH invited each candidate to make a brief statement before the Council voted. HPH called for roll call vote. SB was elected as the new ASO AC Chair with 9 in favor, and 2 abstentions (SB, AB).

3) Agenda Review

As the new Chair, SB reviewed the Agenda with the Council. He asked for any comments. HG requested a discussion of the recent AfriNIC meeting in Cairo to be added. The Chair also added an item to introduce and welcome the new Council members. These items are added under Any Other Business.

HG further requested adding David Conrad as an observer to the ASO AC meetings. The SEC will communicate with the ICANN CEO regarding the status of their observers.

4) Selection of Co-Chairs

The Chair invited AB and HPH to serve as the Co-Chairs. AB and HPH accepted. The Chair designated AB as the primary Co-Chair. The Chair called for any objections. All were in favor, with AB and HPH abstaining.

5) Approval of the Minutes

a. Approval of the Minutes of November 2, 2005.

HG moved that:

“The ASO AC approves the Minutes of November 2, 2005 as written.”

This was seconded by HPH. The Chair called for any objections. There were no objections. The motion carried unanimously.

b. Approval of the Minutes of December 2, 2005.

HG moved that:

“The ASO AC approves the Minutes of December 2, 2005 as written.”

This was seconded by AB. The Chair called for any objections. There were no objections. The motion carried unanimously.

6) ASO AC Website

LL stated no progress had been made to date, but that he would work with the new SEC regarding the refurbishment of the ASO AC website.

7) Communications with NRO EC

a. ASO AC Operating Procedures. The Chair reported the procedures have been drafted and would be posted to the AC’s list on 5 January, with a review schedule. The Council will take these procedures up as an item of business at their 1 February meeting.

b. AC New Members Welcoming Procedure. HPH reported it was sent to the NRO EC. RP confirmed that this would be discussed at the next NRO EC meeting.

8) Communications with ICANN

a. Selection of NomCom Representative. HPH stated that this had been accomplished on 12/03/05, the results of which have been archived on the ASO website.

b. Status of Letter to ICANN regarding Competition in Addressing Registries. The letter was not sent. RP suggested that the letter has been overcome by events and action item be closed. The Council agreed.

c. Status of Communication to Congratulate David Conrad on becoming the new IANA General Manager. HPH stated that he sent the communication to David today.

9) Global Policy Proposal Processing Procedure

AB stated he sent a draft proposal recently to the Council’s list, and that the draft was based on traffic on the mailing list from early December. RP suggested the Council follow the same review schedule as that of the Operating Procedures. The Council agreed with this suggestion.

10) Procedure to Select ICANN Board Member

a. At the 2 Dec ASO AC meeting, the Council voted to amend the ASO-AC ICANN Board Selection Procedures by changing “ASO General Assembly” by “a meeting of the Address Council” and forward the procedure to the NRO EC.

HPH stated he had sent the amendment, and RP confirmed it will be on the NRO EC’s agenda for their next meeting.

b. At the 2 Dec ASO AC meeting, the Council recommended that the SEC establish a timeline for the selection of an ICANN Board Member.

RP stated this would be provided to the Council on 5 January.

11) Meeting Calendar 2006

a. Physical Meetings. The SEC stated that there are enough people for a meeting in conjunction with the RIPE meeting in April, but not for the Latin American meeting in October. HG commented that ICANN had not decided on the date and location for the ICANN meeting in Latin America.

HPH moved that:

“The ASO AC confirms that they will hold their first physical meeting in conjunction with the RIPE meeting.”

This was seconded by WW. The Chair called for any objections. There were no objections. The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

b. Teleconferences. The Chair referred to the proposal from HPH that suggested holding monthly teleconferences.

HPH moved that:

“The ASO AC will conduct monthly teleconference meetings to occur on the first Wednesday of each month.”

This was seconded by LL. The Chair called for any objections. There were no objections. The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

RP suggested the SEC publish a 2006 teleconference schedule, indicating any conflicts with other meetings. The Council agreed to the suggestion.

WW moved that:

“The ASO AC will continue to keep the meeting time at 22:00 UTC.”

This was seconded by MH. The Chair called for any objections. There were no objections. The motion carried unanimously via roll call.

12) Any Other Business

A. Introduction & Welcome of New ASO AC members. The Chair welcomed Mao Wei, from APNIC; MH from ARIN; FO from LACNIC; KH from APNIC; and WW from RIPE. The Chair requested each new member introduce themselves to the Council. The Chair then thanked the previous members for their efforts and service provided to the ASO AC.

B. AfriNIC III Meeting Report. AB sent a report to the list recently on the policies discussed at this meeting. He stated that five policies were introduced and that the first four policies are awaiting last call. He briefly went over each of the four proposals. AB stated that the fifth policy proposal needed further discussion and would be discussed in May at the next AfriNIC meeting.

AA stated there were 66 participants at the plenary. He further stated there was a presentation by Paul Wilson on HD Ratio which will become a proposal for discussion, and one from the ITU regarding Competitive Address Registries. He stated these can be found on the AfriNIC website. AA announced that the next AfriNIC meeting will be held May 16 and 17 in Nairobi, and that the second meeting will be held sometime in the 4th quarter 2006 in Mauritius..

13) Adjournment

The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 23:09 UTC. AB moved to adjourn, and this was seconded by SJ. The motion carried unanimously.

Last modified on 02/07/2020