ASO AC Teleconference 1 August 2007

AC Attendees:

  • Sebastian Bellagamba (SB), Chair
  • Ali Badiel (ADB)
  • Alan Barrett (AB)
  • Martin Hannigan (MH)
  • Toshiyuki Hosaka (TH)
  • Jean Robert Hountomey (JRH)
  • Kenny Huang (KH)
  • Louis Lee (LL)
  • Dave Wilson (DW)
  • Wilfried Woeber (WW)


  • Simon Nettle / Tina Bramley – APNIC – Recording Secretaries


  • Adiel Akplogan (AA) – AfriNIC
  • Ernest Byaruhanga (ERB) – AfriNIC
  • Kiran Cunniah (KC) – AfriNIC
  • Vincent Ngundi (VN) – AfriNIC
  • Hisham Rojoa (HR) – AfriNIC
  • Srinivas Chendi (SC) – APNIC
  • Samantha Dickinson (SD) – APNIC
  • Son Tran (ST) – APNIC
  • Einar Bohlin (EB) – ARIN
  • Ray Plzak (RP) – ARIN
  • Raimundo Beca (RB) – ICANN
  • Bart Boswinkel (BB) – ICANN
  • Olof Nording (ON) – ICANN
  • Leo Vegoda (LV) – ICANN
  • Ricardo Patara (RP) – LACNIC


  • Hartmut Glaser (HG)
  • Sanford H. George (SG)
  • Hans Petter Holen (HPH)
  • HJ Kwon (HJK)


  • Francisco Obispo (FO)

Draft agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Agenda review
  3. Approval of the minutes of 11 July 2007
  4. Representatives for ICANN’s 2008 Nominating Committee
  5. LA face-to-face AC meeting and workshop
  6. Any other business
  7. Adjournment
  1. Welcome

    The Chair called the meeting to order at 22:14 UTC, noting the presence of a quorum.

  2. Agenda review

    The Chair reviewed the agenda and called for any comments or additions.

    No items were added to the agenda.

  3. Approval of the minutes of 11 July 2007

    AB moved the following motion: “The ASO AC approves the Minutes of 11 July 2007 as written.” KH seconded the motion. There were no objections or comments.

    Action #0708-01:

    Secretariat to publish minutes of 11 July 2007.

  4. Representatives for ICANN’s 2008 Nominating Committee

    The Chair said there were two nominations sent to the mailing list.

    He explained the function of the ICANN Nominating Committee.

    He explained that SG had been the ASO representative on the Nominating Committee for two years and was therefore ineligible for re-election.

    The Chair announced that the nominees were Hartmut Glaser and Martin Hannigan, then asked whether there were any last minute nominations.

    There were none.

    The Chair proposed that a vote be held.

    LL expressed his support for MH. He said that because HG had held the position before, a new perspective would be desirable.

    The Chair asked if anyone else wanted to make a statement of support for the candidates.

    There were none.

    LL asked how the candidate should be selected. The Chair suggested conducting a single vote where each AC member voted on either HG or MH.

    LL moved the following motion: “The ASO AC to vote by roll call for either Hartmut Glaser or Martin Hannigan to be the ASO representative on ICANN’s 2008 Nominating Committee.” AB seconded the motion. There were no objections or comments.

    [ADB joined the teleconference at 22:19 UTC]

    The Chair summarised the discussion that had just taken place. The Chair asked the Secretariat to conduct a roll call.

    JRH, ADB, KH, TH, SB, DW, and WW voted for Hartmut Glaser; AB and LL voted for Martin Hannigan.

    [ON joined the teleconference at 22:20 UTC]

    SB congratulated HG on his appointment. He asked if there were any other comments. There were none.

  5. LA face-to-face AC meeting and workshop

    The Chair apologized for not sending the draft agendas for the workshop and face-to-face meeting to the mailing list. He asked for volunteers to help in drafting the agenda topics.

    WW asked who would be going to the face-to-face meeting in LA and whether new AC members who were starting their terms in January 2008 should be invited. He said these factors would influence his decision to attend.

    WW explained that it was important to have enough people attend the face-to-face meeting to make it worthwhile.

    The Chair said that WW had made a good point, noting that at the previous teleconference most AC members had been unsure whether they would be attending the LA face-to-face meeting.

    [MH joined the teleconference at 22:25 UTC]

    MH expressed frustration about how long it had taken for him to be connected to the teleconference by the operator.

    SD apologised and said that after the teleconference she would investigate.

    The Chair summarised the discussion that had just taken place regarding the LA meeting.

    The Chair agreed with WW that the AC should invite the new AC members for 2008.

    The Chair stated that he would send an email to the mailing list asking the AC members to confirm whether they would be attending the LA meeting.

    The Chair then asked the Secretariat to conduct a roll call of those AC members present to determine roughly who would be attending the LA meeting.

    JRH, AB, KH, TH, and LL said they would be attending; SB and DW said they would not be attending; ADB, MH, and WW said they were presently unsure.

    WW noted that it was still important to send an email to the mailing list to find out whether those not participating in the current teleconference would be attending the LA face-to-face meeting. This email should explicitly include the new AC members for 2008.

    The Chair noted that one new AC member for 2008, VN, was present on the call and asked him if he would be attending.

    VN said that he would try to attend.

    Action #0708-02:

    SB to ask all AC members on the mailing list, including the new members for 2008, whether they would be attending the LA meeting.

    The Chair explained that he was late with developing agendas for the ASO workshop and AC face-to-face meeting, and requested volunteers to assist him.

    The Chair asked if there were any other comments.

    SD noted that there had been a comment on the mailing list questioning whether the workshop should be held at the same time as the GAC plenary.

    She asked for further direction on when the workshop should be scheduled.

    The Chair stated that there would always be an overlap of sessions at ICANN meetings. He noted that the GAC plenary was a closed meeting that ran from Saturday to mid-Wednesday.

    SD said that LV had asked for the timeslot to be decided by the middle of August. She said she would contact ICANN to find out what sessions would be held on Wednesday afternoon to help the AC decide whether to hold the meeting on Wednesday morning or afternoon. She said she would report to the mailing list with the results.

    Action #0708-03:

    Secretariat to contact ICANN to find out what sessions would be held on the Wednesday afternoon of the LA ICANN meeting and report to the mailing list with the results.

    The Chair asked if there were any other comments.

    There were none.

  6. Any other business

    The Chair asked if there was any other business to discuss.

    ON asked if the the NRO EC had approved the ASO Address Council Procedure for Processing Global Policy Proposals, as he could not find it on the ASO website.

    SD said that, as far as she was aware, the EC was still deliberating. She said she would find out the status and report back to the mailing list.

    Action #0708-04

    Secretariat to find out the status of the ASO Address Council Procedure for Processing Global Policy Proposals and report back to the mailing list.

    MH noted there was a Procedure for Posting of Minutes on the ASO website. He asked whether this had been historically approved by the ASO, and whether the draft minutes had been posted to the website in the past.

    SD explained that the draft minutes are posted to the list within 24 hours and comments are invited for the following week. After that, the minutes are posted to the website and labelled as ‘draft.’ The minutes are then approved at the following teleconference.

    MH asked whether the Procedure for Posting of Minutes had been agreed upon.

    RP explained that the procedure had been in place for at least five years.

    MH said that he had never seen it before and was surprised.

    SD introduced SC to the meeting participants noting that he would be the Secretariat main point of contact from the following month onward.

    As ST was no longer present on the call, SD said goodbye to the meeting participants on his behalf, as he would be leaving APNIC at the end of August.

    The Chair thanked ST for his contributions and wished him the best.

    WW asked for clarification on the date of the September meeting. The Chair stated that the meeting had been moved to the second Wednesday of September due to APNIC’s meeting being in the first week of September.

    WW asked the Secretariat to send an email to the mailing list advising the AC members of the date change.

    Action #0708-05

    Secretariat to send an email to the mailing list advising the AC members of the date change.

  7. Adjournment

    The Chair asked if there were any further questions, comments, or matters to discuss. None were forthcoming.

    WW moved to adjourn the meeting.

    AB seconded the motion.

    There were no objections. The meeting was adjourned.

    The meeting ended at 22:41 UTC.

Summary of action items

Action #0708-01:

Secretariat to publish minutes of 11 July 2007.

Action #0708-02:

SB to ask all AC members on the mailing list, including the new members for 2008, whether they would be attending the LA meeting.

Action #0708-03:

Secretariat to contact ICANN to find out what sessions would be held on the Wednesday afternoon of the LA ICANN meeting and report to the mailing list with the results.

Action #0708-04:

Secretariat to find out the status of the ASO Address Council Procedure for Processing Global Policy Proposals and report back to the mailing list.

Action #0708-05:

Secretariat to send an email to the mailing list advising the AC members of the date change.

Last modified on 29/01/2020