ASO AC Teleconference 5 February 2009

AC Attendees:

  • Jean Robert Hountomey, JRH : AfriNIC
  • Vincent Ngundi, VN : AfriNIC
  • Alan Barrett, AB : AfriNIC
  • Kenny Huang, KH : APNIC
  • Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF : APNIC
  • Naresh Ajwani, NA : APNIC
  • Louis Lee : ARIN (Chair)
  • Martin Hannigan, MH : ARIN
  • Hartmut Glaser, HG : LACNIC
  • Francisco Obispo, FO : LACNIC
  • Dave Wilson, DW : RIPE
  • Hans Petter Holen, HPH : RIPE
  • Wilfried Woeber, WW : RIPE


  • Fergal Cunningham, FC : RIPE NCC
  • Sabine Mader, SM : RIPE NCC


  • Leo Vegoda, LV : ICANN
  • Raimundo Beca, RB : ICANN
  • Olof Nordling, ON : ICANN
  • Ernest Byaruhanga, EMB : AfriNIC
  • German Valdez, GV : APNIC
  • Einar Bohlin, EB : ARIN
  • Nate Davis, ND : ARIN
  • John Curran, JC : ARIN
  • Ricardo Patara, RP : LACNIC
  • Axel Pawlik, AP : RIPE NCC
  • Filiz Yilmaz, FY : RIPE NCC


  • Sebastian Bellagamba, SB : LACNIC


  • Jason Schiller, JS : ARIN

Draft Agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Agenda review
  3. Approval of the minutes from the 8 Jan 2009 meeting
  4. Review of Open Action Items
  5. AC Vice Chair Appointment
  6. ICANN Nominations
  7. Global Policy Proposal for Remaining IPv4 Address Space
  8. Communications & Procedures Committee Update
    a. Charter
    b. Website update
  9. 2009 AC Meetings
    a. Changes to teleconference schedule: March & May
    b. Face-to-face meeting availability
  10. ASO/ASO AC Activities at ICANN Public Meeting
    a. SO/AC Open Joint Session
    b. ASO Participation in the “ICANN 101” segment during the Plenary/General Session of the At-Large Summit
  11. AOB
  12. Adjournment

    1. Welcome

      The Chair welcomed participants and started the meeting at 13:21 UTC.

    2. Agenda review

      The Chair reviewed the agenda and noted that Item 10 in the agenda was originally “SO/AC Open Joint Session” but he wished to expand this item in light of the invitation forwarded from ON regarding ASO participation at the “ICANN 101” segment of the At-Large Summit. The Chair asked if anyone had any comments. There were none.

    3. Approval of the minutes from the 8 Jan 2009 meeting

      The Chair noted that there were no comments received on the 8 January 2009 minutes although he noticed that the same reference was used for two action items.

      HG proposed the motion that the ASO AC approves the minutes of the January 8, 2009 meeting as presented to the list by the Secretariat but with the correction in duplicate action item numbering. JRH seconded the motion and there were no objections, so the motion carried.

      Action: 0209-01:
      Secretariat to correct the duplicate action item numbering in the minutes of the January 8, 2009 meeting, and to change the status of these minutes from “DRAFT”.

      [# MH joined at 13:24 UTC]

    4. Review of Open Action Items

      Action: 1211-01:
      The Chair to send a message to the NRO EC Chair with a list of items pending a response from the EC.

      The Chair said there was no update at this point.

      Action: 0808-04:
      The Secretariat to ensure the following regarding the proposed documents page:
      * add tabs for minutes and draft documents.
      * ensure compatibility with non javascript browsers.

      The Chair said he would like to close this action item and roll it in with the work already being done in the Communications and Procedures Committee. WW commented that he would be in favour of this.

      Action: 0109-01:
      Secretariat to remove the URL from the 1211 TC, replace it with the verbatim timeline for making the appointment to Seat 9 of the ICANN Board and change the status from DRAFT.

      This action has been completed.

      Action: 0109-02:
      MH to confirm the timeline for the appointment process with the Secretariat and post to the mailing list, and also to give details of the restrictions on who can be nominated under the procedure. MH also to run the timeline by the NRO EC and ask it for an opinion.

      This has been completed. The Chair said that further discussion would be held under the ICANN Nominations agenda topic.

    5. AC Vice Chair Appointment

      DW proposed the motion that HPH be appointed Vice Chair of the ASO AC for 2009. AB seconded the motion and there were none opposed, so the motion carried.

    6. ICANN Nominations

      • Nomination: 60 days, start on 24 December 2008, end on 22 February 2009
      • Comment period: 30 days, start on 22 February 2009, end on 24 March 2009
      • Interview (Written, Telephone): 30 days, start on 22 February 2009, end on March 2009
      • In person interview: start on 25 March 2009, end on 27 March 2009, IETF Meeting San Francisco
      • Selection: 14 days, start on 1 April 2009, end on 14 April 2009
      • Deliberations: start on 1 April 2009, end on 14 April 2009
      • Voting: start on 14 April 2009, end on 21 April 2009
      • Confirm and Announce: 1 May 2009 when selected candidate will take the seat

The Chair noted that MH sent a mail to the AC-COORD list on 12 January 2009 on the timeline for the ICANN nomination. MH also advised that the expiration date for Seat 10 is between midnight of 6 May 2009 and 7 May 2009. The Chair suggested that the timeline be read into the record directly and MH agreed.

The timeline is as follows:

[# LV joined the call at 13:41]

MH noted that one nomination has already been received and the relevant forms would be sent to the ASO AC in the next few days. He said that everything was currently on track. The Chair added that the NRO has committed to support travel for the in-person interview. He also asked if MH would need help with logistics. MH said that the AC would need to arrange with the IEFT to have space available to conduct the interviews and someone would need to coordinate that. The Chair asked the Secretariat to get in touch with the IETF Secretariat to arrange facilities for the in-person interviews to take place from 22-25 March 2009 at the IETF Meeting in San Francisco.

ACTION 0209-02: Secretariat to liaise with IETF Secretariat to arrange time and facilities for in-person interviews to take place from 22-25 March 2009 at the IETF Meeting in San Francisco and liaise with MH and ASO AC Nominations Committee regarding their requirements.

The Chair said that because he lived close to the IETF Meeting he would like the opportunity to attend the interviews at the IETF. WW commented that it was part of the procedures that any member of the ASO AC is welcome to attend.

The Chair asked if there were any further comments on the ICANN nominations and there were none.

    1. Global Policy Proposal for Remaining IPv4 Address Space

The Chair noted that he forwarded the Global Policy Proposal (GPP) for Remaining IPv4 Address Space to the ICANN Board of Directors on 4 February (UTC), which was two days after the 60-day deadline on 1 February 1. ON has acknowledged its receipt on behalf of the ICANN Secretary, which marked the beginning of the 60-day window for the Board response to the AC. The Chair noted that 60 days from 4 February 2009 is 5 April 2009.

The Chair said that the ASO AC is asked to provide advice on this GPP to the ICANN Board. He asked the PPFT to draft this advice letter and send it to the mailing list in enough time to allow for comments and updates prior to the next ASO AC teleconference. He said the ASO AC is asked to send its advice no later than 30 days before the 5 April date so this puts the deadline on Friday, March 6, 2009.

DW said that he was a member of the PPFT and would draft the advice letter based on the structure used previously.

ON said that the timing coincides with his calculation. He also said that he expected the GPP to be on the ICANN website later today. He said it would be a tight timeline to present it to the ICANN Board, which will have its meeting on 6 March, so earlier advice from the ASO AC would be welcome if possible but subsequent ratification by the ICANN Board may be possible

The Chair suggested it should be on the ICANN Board’s agenda for 6 March and ON can give an idea of the advice from ASO AC based on draft posted to the ASO AC COORD list. He said there may also be other comments.

ON said the final date for public comments is 26 February, which is still a tight timeframe for presenting comments to the ICANN Board but it is doable. He added that it is up to the ICANN Board whether it accepts late submissions.

The Chair asked that a first draft be sent to the mailing list a week from today’s teleconference and that it might be possible to confirm it using online voting.

DW asked for a clear timeline on presenting and approving the draft advice letter, possibly via electronic voting. The Chair suggested three weeks from the date of the February teleconference would be a good time to have a vote on this matter. DW proposed sending the draft to the list on 12 February, having 10 days to discuss it and the vote to start the weekend of 21 February so a final answer should be ready 28 February.

The Chair asked the Secretariat if it would be possible to have an e-vote at this time. The Secretariat responded that the old electronic voting system could not be used and the Secretariat could start testing new systems immediately and confirm via the mailing list that an electronic vote would be possible.

[13:53 JC left the call]

The Chair responded that it would not be a good idea to have an important vote on an untried system at this point. He suggested it would be prudent to approve the advice letter during the teleconference on 5 March and have a vote on the matter then. The ASO AC members would await the draft response in the meantime. The Chair asked for comments and there were none.

Action 0209-03:
DW and the PPFT to draft an advice letter to the ICANN Board of Directors on the Global Policy Proposal for Remaining IPv4 Address Space and send to the ASO AC mailing list.

    1. Communications and Procedures Committee Update

a. Charter
b. Website update
c. Online voting system

The Chair asked WW to speak on this agenda item.

WW said that work had not begun on the draft charter for the Committee but he would begin work on it as soon as the teleconference was finished.

WW explained that there has been a good response from the Secretariat over the past few weeks regarding the cleaning up of the website and all the most pressing updates and changes have now been implemented. WW asked that anyone who spots anything else that needs fixing should contact WW or the Secretariat.

WW also said that the Committee discussed the use of a wiki but this issue is in its early stages at the moment. He also explained that there had been testing of a chat facility for members to use and WW would be able to report soon on the usefulness of this facility.

WW said that the Committee would support the work on the Secretariat in investigating a suitable online voting system. He said that a summary of the situation was sent by the Secretariat to the Committee with the question of whether it should be sent to the whole AC mailing list. WW asked if the members wished for the summary to be sent to the entire list. HPH said this would be a good idea and there were none opposed. FC said he would send the summary to the list immediately after the teleconference.

NA asked about the option of providing a link on the ASO AC website that would list all the various ISPS globally, or perhaps send those ISPs a link to the ASO AC website. WW responded that he didn’t think it was the responsibility of the AC to provide such a list and to do the work of keeping such a list maintained. He suggested that NA put his proposal in an email and send it to the AC list. NA agreed that he would do this.

WW asked that the Committee begin documenting the various committees and the mailing lists on HPH’s wiki and keep that maintained to show the current status of activities carried out by the ASO AC.

WW extended his gratitude to HPH for agreeing to provide the interim wiki page until an official ASO AC wiki page can be provided.

WW asked for comments on the Communications and Procedures Committee and there were none.

The Chair thanked WW for his update and said that if any volunteers would like to join or assist the Communications and Procedures Committee they should let it be known.

Action: 0209-04:
WW to work on draft charter for the Communications and Procedures Committee and present it to the ASO AC.

    1. 2009 AC Meetings

a. Changes to the teleconference schedule: March & May

The Chair noted that two other meetings coincided with the scheduled March and May teleconferences (ICANN 34 from 1-6 March 2009, and RIPE 58 from 4-8 May 2009). He noted that it was suggested the 5 March teleconference not be rearranged and there was now the consideration that the vote on the ASO AC’s advice letter to the ICANN Board will take place on the 5 March teleconference. HG proposed the motion that the 5 March and 7 May teleconferences be postponed by one week. HPH seconded the motion.

DW said that if the motion were approved he would have to call for an emergency teleconference before 5 March to ratify the advice letter to the ICANN Board, so the Chair said consensus on the motion was not reached. HG proposed a new motion to move only the May teleconference by one week to 14 May 2009. HPH seconded the motion. There were none opposed and the motion carried.

Action: 0209-05:
The Secretariat to update the meeting schedule posted online.

The Chair said that 5 March teleconference would take place at 7 am local time in Mexico City so it would not conflict with ICANN activities. The Chair said he would take it to the mailing list to see who would be available. HG suggested contacting ICANN to organise a room that the ASO AC members could use for the teleconference. The Chair said they would need to find out how many people would attend so they could book an appropriately sized conference room.

ON suggested contacting ICANN’s Meeting Director Nick Tomasso. ON said he would send the contact details to the mailing list.

The Chair asked AC members to check whether they would be able to attend the ICANN Meeting.

b. Face-to-face meeting availability

The Chair thanked those who responded to his request to state their availability to attend a possible face-to-face meeting at the end of the LACNIC Meeting in Panama City. He said that the main goal was to determine if there would be a quorum in physical attendance before requesting support from the AC members’ respective RIRs for travel.

[# VN disconnected at 14:00]

HG said he discussed the matter with Raul Echeberria (RE) and said that the LACNIC Meeting was not just for LACNIC but for other groups so it would be easier for the LACNIC members of the ASO AC to have the face-to-face meeting during the tutorials. He suggested that Monday, 25 May would be the best option to allow LACNIC members to take part.

The Chair said it would make logistical sense to have the meeting when LACNIC has rooms booked for its own meeting already. He asked if the AC members would prefer the new date, whether this issue should be taken to the mailing list, when a decision should be made so the planning of the meeting could begin and whether anyone wanted to form a committee to handle all aspects of this issue.

WW suggested sending a request to state availability to the mailing list and he would be able to help collect the responses and follow up if there is not enough feedback in a reasonable amount of time, and he also suggested that someone from LACNIC take the lead regarding logistics.
HG responded that it was important to have RE involved to check with LACNIC staff and someone from the AC can assist him.

RP said he was at the hotel that will hold the LACNIC Meeting and there is already a room reserved on the Monday for an ASO AC face-to-face meeting. The Chair thanked RP for taking the initiative on this. The Chair said a mail would be sent to the list eliciting feedback on the new date and asked RP to work with RE and the hotel manager to make sure the meeting would not clash with a LACNIC Meeting event. He also asked RP not to make any financial commitments until the meeting was confirmed.

    1. ASO/ASO AC Activities at ICANN Public Meeting

a. SO/AC Open Joint Session

The Chair noted that the Chairs of the other Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees are continuing to plan the SO/AC Open Joint session. He said that at the previous meeting JS suggested the following potential topics for the joint session:
– IPv4 markets
– IPv4 depletion and IPv6 adoption
– IANA and the RIRs’ role in securing the routing infrastructure

The Chair asked if there were any further topics and there were no comments. He also asked what are the plans of the NRO EC for participation?

AP said that the NRO EC was coordinating among itself who would be available to attend the joint session and they would advise who this would be as soon as it is known. HPH asked AP if the NRO EC wanted the ASO AC to be involved in the joint session or if the NRO EC would take care of this itself. AP said this has not been discussed but his own opinion was that the ASO AC should be represented. HPH asked that the ASO AC members should be informed as soon as possible so they can request funding from their RIRs if necessary and AP agreed that the NRO EC would do this.

b. ASO Participation in the “ICANN 101” segment during the Plenary/General Session of the At-Large Summit

The Chair said that the second subtopic relates to an invitation recently forwarded by ON for ASO participation in the “ICANN 101” segment during the Plenary/General Session of the At-Large Summit.

ON commented that the At-Large Summit was a separate event and although it coincided with the ICANN Meeting it is not part of the ICANN Meeting as such.

The Chair said that because the invitation was for representation of the ASO (not the ASO AC), he referred the matter to the NRO EC.

ON said that he took the invitation to mean ASO in the wide sense so this does not prevent the ASO AC taking part. He said it might be appropriate for the ASO AC to speak regarding the recent GPP for Remaining IPv4 Address Space.

[VN reconnected at 14:19]

HG asked for details about the timing of the At-Large Summit because the ASO AC members needed to be involved with the ICANN Meeting and should not take part in parallel meetings. ON said that his understanding was that it would take place on Saturday, 28 February immediately before the ICANN Meeting. HG said that if this were the case it would be acceptable for the ASO AC to attend and he added that he would be there on the Saturday to assist if needed.

The Chair said he would like direction from the NRO EC on whether the AC’s participation was desired at the At-Large Summit. AP said that the NRO EC was discussing this issue.

HPH suggested that if members wanted to go they should just ask for funding from either the NRO EC or the member’s own RIR and he asked if AP could confirm this. AP said that this was indeed the case.

The Chair said that if he were asked to represent the AC, he would not be comfortable discussing any topic that had not been discussed and agreed upon as the common stance of the AC.

The Chair asked if there were any further comments and there were none.

    1. AOB

There was no other business.

    1. Adjournment

The Chair called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. DW moved to adjourn and AB seconded. There were no objections. The meeting adjourned at 14:35 UTC.

Open Action items

Action: 1211-01:
The Chair to send a message to the NRO EC Chair with a list of items pending a response from the EC.

Action: 0209-01:
Secretariat to correct the duplicate action item numbering in the minutes of the January 8, 2009 meeting, and to change the status of these minutes from “DRAFT”.

Action 0209-02:
Secretariat to liaise with IETF Secretariat to arrange time and facilities for in-person interviews to take place from 22-25 March 2009 at the IETF Meeting in San Francisco and liaise with MH and ASO AC Nominations Committee regarding their requirements.

Action 0209-03:
DW and the PPFT to draft an advice letter to the ICANN Board of Directors on the Global Policy Proposal for Remaining IPv4 Address Space and send to the ASO AC mailing list.

Action: 0209-04:
WW to work on draft charter for the Communications and Procedures Committee and present it to the ASO AC.

Action: 0209-05:
The Secretariat to update the meeting schedule posted online.

Last modified on 29/01/2020