ASO AC Teleconference 17 January 2008

AC Attendees:

  • Louis Lee (LL), Chair
  • Alan Barrett (AB)
  • Hyun-Joon Kwon (HJK)
  • Kenny Huang (KH)
  • Toshiyuki Hosaka (TH – Could only listen)
  • Jason Schiller (JS)
  • Sebastian Bellagamba (SB)
  • Hartmut Glaser (HG)
  • Dave Wilson (DW)
  • Hans Petter Holen (HPH)
  • Jean Robert Hountomey (JRH)


  • Ernest M. Byaruhanga (EMB ), Recording Secretary – AfriNIC


  • Adiel Akplogan (AA) – AfriNIC
  • Kiran Cunniah (KC) – AfriNIC
  • Frank Nnebe (FN)- AfriNIC
  • Srinivas Chendi (SC) – APNIC
  • Einar Bohlin (EB) – ARIN
  • Nate Davis (ND) – ARIN
  • Richard Jimmerson (RJ) – ARIN
  • Ray Plzak (RP) – ARIN
  • Ricardo Patara (RIP) – LACNIC
  • Olof Nordling (ON) – ICANN
  • Leo Vegoda (LV) – ICANN
  • Raimundo Beca (RB) – ICANN
  • Filiz Yilmaz (FY) – RIPE NCC


  • Bart Boswinkel (BB)
  • Francisco Obispo (FO)
  • Wilfried Woeber (WW)- RIPE


  • Vincent Ngundi (VN
  • Martin Hannigan (MH) Note : Participant could not be reached due to a technical communication problem with the teleconference operators.

Draft Agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Agenda review
  3. Approval of the minutes of 30 October 2007
  4. Review of action items.
  5. Results of the Election for the 2008 ASO-AC Chair.
  6. Appointment of Vice Chairs.
  7. 2008 Activity Plan: (Actions: #0712-04, #0712-06)
  8. Adoption of 2008 Meeting Schedule. (Action: #0712-08)
  9. ASO AC Activities at ICANN 31 Meeting in New Delhi. (Action: #0712-11)
  10. ASO AC Face to Face Meeting for 2008.
  11. Updates to the ASO operating procedures manual.
  12. Policy Proposal Facilitator Team for Global Policy Proposal for Autonomous System Numbers.
  13. Policy Proposal Facilitator Team for Global Policy Proposal for Remaining IPv4 Address Space.
  14. Letters & Templates for the ASO PDP Procedure.
  15. Single Policy Proposal Template.
  16. Any Other Business.
  17. Adjournment
    1. Welcome.

      The Chair requested the Secretariat to make a roll call to determine the presence of the quorum. Quorum was noted and the meeting was called to order at 1302UTC.

      The chair welcomed all the participants to the first ASO AC meeting of the year. SB proposed to welcome the new members. The Chair agreed and welcomed the new members – JS from ARIN and VN (was not on the call) from AfriNIC. The Chair mentioned that he is looking forward to work with everyone.

      The Chair said that if there is nothing to be added on this item, he would move to the Agenda review.

    2. Agenda review.

      The chair reviewed the agenda and proposed to add action item 0711-03 (from the November 07 meeting) to the AOB. The Chair asked for comments.

      There were no comments and the above was added to the AOB.

    3. Approval of the minutes of 30 October 2007.

      Proposed Motion:
      “The ASO AC approves the Minutes of 5 December 2007 to the list and amended by AB.”

      Chair comment: Corrections from AB have been incorporated.

      The Chair mentioned that the minutes were posted with the amendment suggested by AB. The Chair called for a motion.

      SB moved as follows: “The ASO AC approves the Minutes of 5 December 2007 to the list as amended by AB.” AB seconded. The Chair asked for objections. There were no objections and the motion passed unanimously.

      Action #0801-01:

      Secretariat to update the minutes of the 5 December 2007
      meeting and change status from Draft

    4. Review of action items.

      The Chair mentioned that he would lead this item. He said that:

      – For the closed action items, he would make a pause after review to allow for inputs if any.
      – For the open action items, he would like to have an update by the person to whom the task has been assigned.

      The Chair reviewed the action items as follows:

      Action: #0712-01: Closed
      Secretariat to publish minutes of 30 October 2007.

      Action: #0712-02: Closed
      AB to send amended Chair election procedure to AC-COORD list.

      Action: #0712-03: Closed
      If there are no objections to the amended Chair election procedure on the AC-COORD list by Wednesday 12 December, the ASO AC Chair to send a request to the NRO EC regarding moving to electronic voting for the 2008 AC Chair election.

      Action: #0712-04: Open
      HPH to move the schedule of meetings out of the work plan and into a separate document to be discussed at the January 2008 teleconference.

      Update : The Chair mentioned that he has not seen any new document sent for this. HPH apologised for not completing this action item. The Chair asked if he has an expected time to finalise this. HPH mentioned that he will work on it during the week-end and circulate it to the list on Monday. The Chair asked the Secretariat to update the action item accordingly.

      Action: #0712-05: Open
      FO to shepherd the work to create a single policy proposal template.

      Update: The Chair mentioned that he saw some related activities on the list and added that he has one region that did not complete their part yet. He mentioned that this was previously led by WW or FO and asked the Secretariat if they were on the call. The Secretariat said WW and FO were not on the call.

      Action: #0712-06: Open
      AC members to provide feedback on 2008 work plan before the January 2008 teleconference.

      Update: The Chair mentioned that this is pending receiving the updated work plan.

      Action: #0712-07: Closed
      The 2008 ASO Secretariat to begin work on the electronic voting system to be used for the 2008 ASO AC Chair election.

      Action: #0712-08: Open
      The 2008 work plan committee to work with the 2008 ASO Secretariat to develop a combined proposed 2008 schedule of meetings to be presented at the January 2008 teleconference.

      HPH mentioned that he was of the understanding that this has been completed and asked if the Secretariat has verified on the status. AA mentioned that the Secretariat did not and that he will verify and report back. HPH brought some clarifications later during the meeting on the fact the DW pointed out that the Secretariat has circulated an Excel file as an attachment to today’s agenda for the agreed date between him and the Secretariat. AA mentioned that Agenda item 8 is related to this action item and will be addressed under this item.

      Action: #0712-09: Closed
      ON to forward details of the early awareness reports to either the AC-COORD list or to the ASO AC Chair to forward to AC-COORD.

      Action: #0712-10: Closed
      HPH to forward RIPE 55 report to the AC-COORD list.

      Action: #0712-11: Open
      The 2008 ASO Secretariat to contact ICANN to request a room for a possible ASO open forum at the New Delhi meeting.

      Update: The Chair mentioned that this will be addressed under agenda Item 9. After the review, the Chair asked the participants to inform him if he missed out any action item. None were noted.

    5. Results of the Election for the 2008 ASO-AC Chair.

      The Chair informed that the election results were as follows:

      – HPH: 6 votes
      – LL: 9 votes

      The Chair thanked everyone who voted on time and asked for comments on the experience with the Electronic Voting system. JS said he initially creted an account but the password was never sent to his email. Afterwards, the system worked for him. AB said he experienced some difficulties and proposed using https (instead of unencrypted http) in the future. He mentioned that the problem could be due to an interception proxy by his ISP because when he used another ISP the system worked well.

      The Chair suggested keeping track of the experiences and asked if there were any other issues. SB mentioned that even if there were some minor problems, the overall experience was good and therefore the system should be considered for future use. HPH mentioned that the participants should continue using the system to get acquainted with it and said that the system could be used for the voting on the location of the next face to face meeting or 2008 activity plan.

      The Chair mentioned that the idea is interesting and suggested working on solving the problems to ensure that the system works properly for future voting.

    6. Appointment of Vice Chairs.

      The Chair mentioned that he was requested to appoint two Vice Chairs from regions different than his, and informed that he would like to appoint:

      – HPH: from RIPE NCC and
      – SB: From LACNIC.

      He asked the nominees if they agreed on the appointment and both informed that they agreed. The Chair then tasked the Secretariat to inform ICANN of the 2008 appointments.

      Action: #0801-02:
      Secretariat to notify ICANN of the appointment of the ASO AC
      Chair and Vice Chairs for 2008.

    7. 2008 Activity Plan: (Actions: #0712-04, #0712-06)

Proposed Motion:
“The ASO AC approves the 2008 Activity Plan as posted.”

The Chair mentioned that there are two open action items related to this. He said that since we do not have the updated version, we need to postpone accepting it. HPH mentioned that he will circulate the new version by Monday next. The chair asked if the voting system can be reset to vote on the activity plan.

# ON joined the meeting at 13h29 UTC #

The Chair informed HPH that Agenda No 7 is being discussed and that the original agenda has not been modified. AA asked if we can use doodle for the voting, a system that is available freely online and does not need any authentication. The Chair mentioned that he was hoping to have the https issue solved and requested the secretariat to do the follow up with APNIC on this. AA mentioned that he will revert back with the voting system proposals.

The Chair asked if there is any other feedback on the activity plan. There was none. The Chair informed that HPH has asked to have a facilitator team organised to work on this.

    1. Adoption of 2008 Meeting Schedule. (Action: #0712-08)

Proposed Motion:
“The ASO AC approves the 2008 Meeting Schedule as posted.”

The Chair asked for a motion to have the schedule approved as posted. AA mentioned that there were some discussions at the last meeting on this item and that some comments from HPH need to be considered. HPH mentioned that the schedule was finalised with Hisham Rojoa previously and said that he has just sent the final version to the mailing list for consideration.

“It was noted at that time that the mailing list was not working as some mails sent were not being processed (ON mentioned BB (ICANN staff) has sent an email to present his apology for not attending the meeting but this was being sent out). The Chair asked the secretariat to look into it. AA informed that the technical team is looking into the issue.”

RP rejoined the conference at 1336 UTC. The Chair asked him when he was disconnected and he mentioned that he was disconnected some two minutes ago. The Chair informed him that the discussion was about the mailing list which was not working. The Chair mentioned that since the final proposal was not available, there cannot be a motion to approve the schedule.

AA highlighted the main differences between the document sent with the agenda and the final proposal are follows:

– 7th Feb to be cancelled
– 1st May meeting to be held on 30th April
– June Meeting to be held on 12th of June instead of 5th June

JS mentioned that the date change for the January 08 meeting should also be considered . The Chair mentioned that he is not sure if we can also approve the January 09 meeting date since the council will be different for 2009 and that we shall proceed the same way as we did last year for January 2008 meeting.

RP mentioned that the present council can approve the January
2009 meeting date. The Chair called for a motion to accept the meeting calendar noting three amendments and an additional one to today’s meeting date change.

HPH moved as follows:
“The ASO AC approves the 2008 Meeting Schedule with the discussed amendments.”

SB seconded the motion. The Chair called for objections. There were no objections. The motion passed unanimously. The Chair thanked RP for his input.

    1. ASO AC Activities at ICANN 31 Meeting in New Delhi. (Action: #0712-11)

“AA updated that for the mailing list issue, there is a problem with RIPE NCC server which is being currently overloaded. He said that the mails are currently in the queue and that they will be received later. The Chair asked if there is an estimated time for the problem to be solved. AA informed that he cannot say anything but the technical team is looking into it.”

The Chair informed that he received an email from EMB for this item and read out the message to the list. The message mentioned that ICANN was proposing a time slot on either Sunday or Monday. RP reminded the participants that the EC is not supporting any event at the ICANN meeting unless the ASO AC comes up with a strong justification. The Chair mentioned that the work plan would include a significant update on the global policy proposal and but that he is not sure that the current work plan available justifies the need for a face to face or an open forum workshop at the moment. HPH mentioned that he would like to withdraw his proposal to have the face to face meeting as proposed and have the NRO EC input to be considered.

The Chair asked if there were any other views on the above. There were none.

The Chair tasked the Secretariat to relay the message to ICANN.

Action: #0801-03:
The Secretariat to inform ICANN that the ASO thanks ICANN for considering the request from the ASO AC for this meeting but the ASO AC has decided at this point not to have any activities at the upcoming meeting.

    1. ASO AC Face to Face Meeting for 2008.

The Chair asked if there is need for a face to face meeting based on the current work plan, and stated that there are activities like global policies that may make such a meeting necessary. He asked about the dates. HPH said the dates need not be extended far ahead, as this might make it difficult to hold the meeting, and mentioned that the NRO can only facilitate one meeting. He said there is need to determine whether the meeting should be done at an RIR or ICANN meeting.

AA mentioned that when the AC decides to have a meeting, they can forward their request to the NRO EC to see if it can be approved. HPH proposed that the meeting be done in the second semester of 2008. The Chair said that he does not feel certain that the global v4 exhaustion policies will be ready by mid-year. It was suggested to hold a meeting that targets an RIR instead of an ICANN meeting.

The Chair asked for any other ideas. AB said that if only one meeting is to take place, let it be at an RIR meeting.
He mentioned that the AC policy states there should be 2 meetings a year, and that this conflicts with the NRO statement of one meeting. HPH suggested that the AC can find alternative funding for 2 meetings or change the policy.

AA said that AB has raised this issue before – and that the EC’s position is clear about supporting one AC face to face meeting. He mentioned that if the AC wants more meetings, there may not be the NRO’s support. RP mentioned that if there is sufficient justification, the AC should inform the EC to determine if a second face to face meeting can be facilitated. HPH said if the AC can organize one successful meeting where a lot can be done but necessitates another face to face meeting for pending issues to be completed, the EC can then be informed.

The Chair said it is important to have a full work plan that can be submitted to the EC for approval as long as there is commitment from possible speakers and presenters and a clear business to conduct at the meeting. HPH agreed to revise the activity plan for the year and propose an agenda for the next face to face meeting and finalize a concrete work plan. The Chair thanked HPH for this offer.

JS asked when the face to face meeting took place last year. The Chair said two happened, one at the ARIN meeting in April, the other at the ICANN meeting. AA proposed that AfriNIC will be happy to host an AC face to face meeting if it happens in the second semester, at the AfriNIC-9 meeting. The chair said that it would be good timing given AfriNIC is the secretariat.

The Chair asked for the particular location. AA mentioned it would be Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, in November but precise dates still to be confirmed. The Chair asked if it would be OK for the EC to know where the AC prefers to have their meeting if there is a work plan. RP said it is OK, and said that the funding issue is to make sure that the AC is productive.

SB said mid-2008 is a safe time for the AC to have a good work plan ready. AB suggested a face to face meeting at the AfriNIC 8 in Morocco, and that there could be a possibility after that for another one – saying that mid-year could be good timing if there is much ambiguity about the work plan. RP made it clear that funding can happen for only one meeting, unless strong justification calls for another, and that they should not squander an opportunity at this moment.

The Chair agreed that there needs to be strong justification for one meeting, let alone a second one, and said that the current lined up items cannot call for strong justification. JS asked what strong justification constitutes. LL said it constitutes mainly of activities that can be accomplished face to face rather than through teleconferences. The chair called for discussion on the next agenda item.

    1. Updates to the ASO operating procedures manual.

The Chair asked if the manual was circulated to the list, but there was a problem with the list server at the time. The Chair asked that e-mail addresses of AC members be sent to the list in order to by-pass the list server in future when need arises.

JS asked about the difference between a MoU and the procedures manual. The Chair stated that the MoU contains responsibilities; the procedures manual contains details as approved by the EC on how to accomplish the responsibilities in the MoU. He stated that the MoU is an agreement between ICANN and the NRO.

JS had some comments about section 6 of the manual. SB stated that he does not have the manual in front of him, and therefore cannot help much, but said any questions can be answered on the list. JS asked if there is a particular procedure dealing with global policy in the procedures manual. HPH stated that there is none at this point. LL called for the next agenda item.

    1. Policy Proposal Facilitator Team for Global Policy Proposal for Autonomous System Numbers

The Chair said that according to the global policy procedure, a PPFT consisting of one member from each region must be formed at the beginning of each term, and will be responsible for duties surrounding the global policy proposal for AS numbers. The Chair then called for volunteers. JS agreed to volunteer for the ARIN region, AB for AfriNIC, HJK for APNIC, SB for LACNIC and DW for RIPE.

SB later stated that FO, who worked on the proposal at length, is not here today, and asked that if FO would like to volunteer or participate, SB would like to be replaced. The Chair said that this can be done

At this time, RP left the meeting with apologies.

ON gave a status update about the proposals at all RIRs, and said it has passed board ratification everywhere apart from AfriNIC. The Chair said that he hoped that the team will start work quickly and be ready to receive the proposal from the EC once the AfriNIC board has ratified it. The Chair said that the global policy procedure document was circulated and asked if anyone does has it. JS, AB and HJK requested it be sent to them. The Chair asked the secretariat to circulate it after the meeting.

Action #0801-04:
Secretariat to send the Global Policy Process document to the AC list immediately.

The Chair asked the team members if they have any questions about their duties. There were no questions, and the Chair asked to move to the next agenda item.

    1. Policy Proposal Facilitator Team for Global Policy Proposal for Remaining IPv4 Address Space.

The Chair said that according to the approved ASO PDP, a PPFT consisting of one member from each region must be responsible for duties surrounding the Global Policy Proposal for the remaining IPv4 address space. He said it would be advantageous that the same people working on these documents who in fact normally attend RIR meetings and are on the RIR policy lists, be the same people in this PPFT.

JS asked if it is OK for a member of the PPFT to speak for or against the proposal as long as they state they are not wearing the ASO AC hat at the time. The Chair said yes, and asked if anyone has a different view. DW agreed with the Chair. SB stated that the proposals would have gone through the respective RIR PDP anyway, and that PPFT members should be careful to speak for or against the policies.

HPH said the AC cannot provide different points of view to the ICANN board than those already made by the respective communities. SB said that the PPFT should not discuss the merits and demerits of the policy once it has already attained consensus from the different RIR communities.

The Chair then called for volunteers into this PPFT. AB volunteered for AfriNIC, HJK for APNIC, JS for ARIN, SB for LACNIC and DW for RIPE. The Chair asked the team to get to work immediately as soon as the final volunteer list has been agreed on, as the IPv4 exhaustion topic is very contentious, and that there can be a lot of discussion archives to go through depending on the region. The Chair called for the next agenda item.

    1. Letters & Templates for the ASO PDP Procedure.

The Chair said that templates are supposed to be composed for the AC for approval, and asked if there any volunteers that can compose those letters and templates – hoping that the team will submit them soon. He also considered that the volunteers need to decide if it will be 5 separate reports, or one combined report. The Chair agreed to propose the volunteers. The chair called for the next agenda item.

    1. Single Policy Proposal Template.

The Chair said this was being led by WW, and then FO, but none of these were on the call. He asked for any comments from the meeting but there was none. The Chair suggested to take this on the mailing list and proposed to move to the next agenda item.

    1. Any Other Business.

The Chair referred to the action item #0711-03, where the ASO Secretariat was tasked to send email to RP requesting the most recent version of ASO AC procedures document, and asked if anyone had a comment. AA said the secretariat does not have it yet. SC (former Secretariat) said that APNIC received the PDP and Chair Election Procedure, and is awaiting the ASO internal procedures document from RP.

The Chair said the documents circulated by SB can be published as we await others. SC asked if there are any other documents that the secretariat needs to publish. The chair said he is not up-to-date on the details but thinks there are none. The Chair asked if other members were aware if there are other documents.

SB, former chair, mentioned that he thinks that there are none. JS said it would be nice if all these documents were in one place. SC said that the website is being revised and will be passed on to AfriNIC once done, probably end of February due to preparations for the upcoming APNIC meeting.

JS asked if it will be possible to reorganise the way documents are tracked on the web site. He also suggested publishing the MoU in the same place. The Chair said it would be ok.

SB expressed gratitude to APNIC as the outgoing secretariat for the good work done.

“AA updated with a point of information, that the mailing list server is now back online.”

DW moved as follows:

Motion: “The ASO AC thanks the previous Chair for this good work done during the last two years.”

SB seconded the motion

DW moved a motion to thank the previous chair. AB seconded. The Chair then thanked SB for the good work done having chaired the AC for 2 years. The Chair said that several other untouched action items will be visited in future meetings, and suggested that all participants send their view on the way the meeting was conducted – 3 positive and 3 negative points.

    1. Adjournment.

The Chair invited a motion to adjourn at 14:50 UTC. DW seconded and there were no objections. LL thereby adjourned the meeting at 15:52 UTC.

Open Action items

Action: #0712-04: Open
HPH to move the schedule of meetings out of the work plan and into a separate document to be discussed at the January 2008 teleconference.

Action: #0712-05: Open
FO to shepherd the work to create a single policy proposal template.

Action: #0712-06: Open
AC members to provide feedback on 2008 work plan before the January 2008 teleconference.

Action: #0801-01:
Secretariat to update the minutes of the 5 December 2007 meeting and change the status from Draft.

Action: #0801-02:
Secretariat to notify ICANN of the appointment of the ASO AC Chair and Vice Chairs for 2008

Action: #0801-03:
The Secretariat to inform ICANN that the ASO thanks ICANN for considering the ASO AC for this meeting but the ASO AC has decided at this point not to have any activities at the upcoming meeting.

Action #0801-04:
Secretariat to send the Global Policy Process document to the AC list immediately.

Last modified on 29/01/2020