ASO AC Teleconference 7 May 2003

AC Attendees:

Takashi Arano (TA)
Raimundo Beca (RB)
Eric Decker (ED)
Hartmut Glaser (HG)
Kenny Huang (KSH)
Kim Hubbard (KH)
Sabine Jaume (SJ)
Seung-Min Lee (SL)
Mark McFadden (CHAIR)




Richard Jimmerson (RJ)


Raul Echeberria (RE)


Axel Pawlik (AP)


Paul Wilson (PW)
Anne Lord, ASO Secretariat (SEC-AL)
Gerard Ross, ASO Secretariat (SEC-GR)


Barbara Roseman (BR)
John Crain (JC)


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies received
  3. Agenda bashing
  4. Minutes from 2 April 2003, AC Teleconference
  5. Status of open actions
  6. AC Election process documentation – final review
  7. ICANN BoD election process
  8. Roadmap for 2003 – Overview
  9. Process for e-voting
  10. Discussion amongst Address Council on request for input on ERC/RIR consultation
  11. Report from LACNIC meeting
  12. Report from GA
  13. Any Other Business (AOB)

    1. Welcome

The Chair opened the meeting at 22:05 UTC.

    1. Apologies received

Apologies were received from: Wilfried Woeber.

Absent: Julian Dunayevich, Hans Petter Holen.

    1. Agenda bashing

The Chair reviewed the draft agenda and asked if there were any additions or amendments. There were no changes to the draft agenda.

    1. Minutes from 2 April 2003, AC Teleconference

The Chair noted that the minutes had been circulated. The Chair moved to approve the minutes from 2 April 2003. There were no objections. The motion to publish the minutes passed.

Action #0305-01 SEC
Secretariat to publish final minutes from 2 April 2003.

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    1. Status of open actions

      • n/a

The Chair provided a summary of open action items to speed this part of the agenda. He noted that he would seek to do this for future meetings.

Open action item list

Action #0301-03 CHAIR
In relation to the ICANN budget process, The Chair will refer this matter to the mailing list to discuss whether the AC has any need to provide budget inputs. The discussion should also consider the issue of whether IANA-related service concerns should be passed on to ICANN through the budget discussion process.
The Chair suggested closing this item, on the basis of comments received by AC members who noted they were not in a position to provide fully informed budgetary input. Done
Action #0302-02 CHAIR
The Chair to incorporate the comments received in the AC election process document and circulate the revised document for final AC comments. Done
Action #0302-04 CHAIR, RE
The Chair and RE to prepare a draft agenda for a second workshop to be held later in the year. Chair to identify a teleconference in 2003 to return to the issue of the second workshop. This item was held open pending discussion on AC restructuring, but during that discussion, it was decided to not hold a second workshop in 2003. Done
Action #030303 SJ
SJ to circulate full details of the discussed election software and voting procedure. This item is to be held open pending discussion at the RIPE meeting in Barcelona. Open
Action #0304-01 SEC
Secretariat to publish final minutes from 5 March 2003. Done
Action #0304-02 ED, SJ, SEC
ED will finalise the ICANN BoD election process draft, incorporating the comments from the April Teleconference and additional information to be provided by SJ. ED will forward the draft to the Secretariat, which will publish the document more widely. Done
Action #0304-03 CHAIR
The Chair will refer discussion of the Road Map for 2003 to the mailing list and will place the item on the next teleconference agenda. Done

Shelf list (items pending action outside the ASO AC)

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    1. AC Election process documentation – final review

The Chair had circulated the AC Election process document. Only one comment has been received, which is a suggested wording change from JC. The Chair asked the AC to consider the following proposed course of action: the Chair will accept the suggested amendment and pass it to the Secretariat; the Secretariat will publish the document on the web site for community comment; the AC will hold a final discussion of the document in the July AC meeting.

KH suggested that the question of term limits should be considered. The Chair agreed, noting, this should be raised in the discussion on the BoD election process.

The AC agreed to the proposed course of action.

Action #0305-02 CHAIR, SEC
The Chair will amend the AC Election process document and forward it to the Secretariat. The Secretariat will publish the document on the web site and issue a call for public comment. The AC will hold a final discussion of the document in the July AC meeting.

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    1. ICANN BoD election process

The ICANN BoD election process document prepared by ED has been circulated, and a subsequent version has been published on the ASO web site. The Chair proposed that the Secretariat issue a public call for comments on this document.

The AC agreed to the proposed course of action.

Action #0305-03 SEC
The Secretariat to issue a call for public comment on the ICANN BoD election process document. This call is to be made to the aso-announce list and also to RIRs’ announcement and policy lists.

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    1. Roadmap for 2003 – Overview

The Roadmap document was originally published in February, but no comments were received. The Chair proposed that this be accepted as the draft Roadmap. He proposed that the document be published on the ASO web site and that there be a public call for comments.

HG suggested that the AC should immediately begin work on a Roadmap for 2004, so that it is possible to have such a work plan published by the start of the year.

RE noted that the Roadmap includes a second AC workshop, but it seems unlikely, given the current climate, that a second workshop could be held in 2003.

KH noted that it is difficult to find a suitable time and place for a workshop and that it is therefore important to establish that it is necessary and important. The Chair noted that such a workshop would be helpful, but that it is not necessary. It was noted that it had not been possible to get the full AC together for a face-to-face meeting at the General Assembly.

HG noted that during the first workshop there was discussion of the problem of the number of meetings to be attended. He suggested discussing with the RIRs a better way of establishing an agenda for effective AC meetings. He proposed amending the Roadmap to remove the second workshop for 2003 and to instead plan for a workshop in 2004. The AC agreed to this proposal.

The Chair proposed holding the next workshop at the same time as the first ARIN meeting in 2004. RJ noted that ARIN would be happy to accommodate this meeting. The AC agreed to this proposal.

Action #0305-04 CHAIR, SEC
The Chair to amend the Roadmap document to remove the second workshop for 2003. The Chair to then forward the Roadmap to the Secretariat, which will publish the document and call for public comments.

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    1. Process for e-voting

The Chair proposed removing this from the current agenda. HG, SJ, HH, and the Chair will discuss this at the RIPE meeting in Barcelona and return it to the agenda for a subsequent meeting.

Action #0305-05 CHAIR, HG, SJ, HH
The Chair, HG, SJ, and HH to meet at the RIPE meeting in Barcelona and discuss the e-voting proposal. They will prepare an agenda item for discussion at the June AC teleconference.

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    1. Discussion amongst Address Council on request for input on ERC/RIR consultation

KH suggested that issues of term limits and e-voting do not belong in the MoU. The question to be discussed for the MoU is how the ASO should be restructured. She noted that the MoU was originally intended to be a general document. The MoU does, however, need to discuss what global policy is and what sort of general process should be used to develop global policy.

ED also agreed that the term limits and e-voting issues should not be in the MoU.

The Chair suggested that the MoU should define how the AC interacts with the RIRs and with ICANN. KH suggested this would be an appropriate addendum to the MoU, but that the basic MoU should concentrate on defining the role of the ASO.

KH noted that there are now various opinions being discussed on the role of the ASO, including one proposal that would limit the ASO to a role of appointing ICANN Board members, and remove its role in global policy.

The Chair asked for additional comments from other AC members.

KH asked if the AC would be satisfied for the ASO to only be responsible for electing ICANN Board members.

HG expressed his view that the ASO needs to represent the full community. He suggested that it is important to have AC members elected from different backgrounds. RB expressed similar opinions.

KSH noted that this issue had been discussed at the recent APNIC meeting. The AC representatives and the APNIC EC discussed the role of the AC. It was decided at that meeting that the main focus of the AC was in relation to the selection of ICANN Board members. TA agreed with the explanation provided by KSH. TA noted that global address policy is a big question. He suggested that it is better to think of “globally coordinated policy” than “global policy”. SL agreed with KSH and TA.

SJ expressed the opinion that the ASO role needs to include not just ICANN appointments, but also global policy coordination.

The Chair summarised the positions that had been expressed. He suggested that concerns had emerged regarding the role, the makeup, and the process of the ASO.

KH suggested that it is also important to develop a better definition of global policy.

RB expressed that the main role of the ASO is to be an advisory body to the ICANN Board. It should provide advice and support to the Board on addressing issues. He stated that the AC role has never been to represent the RIRs. KH also suggested that the ASO should not wait until ICANN comes to it for advice. She noted that the original MoU provides for the ASO to get involved with the development of global policy.

The Chair explained that the RIRs are waiting for comments from the AC. He sought input on how to proceed with this issue. It was noted that the ASO is on the agenda for the LIR Working Group at the Barcelona RIPE meeting.

KH noted that the RIRs have indicated that they do not require a consensus position from the AC – that they will accept any comments that AC members wish to provide.

HG expressed his view that it is important to provide a single document to the ICANN ERC. He said it was important to avoid divergent opinions being presented. He proposed that a joint working group could be formed with AC members and representatives of the four RIRs.

KH noted that before establishing a working group, it would be necessary to determine an AC consensus.

AP said that the RIRs would like to receive a clear opinion from the AC, but that they may not wish to create a formal working group. This will be discussed at the RIPE meeting in Barcelona.

RE said that forming a working group to create a common document would not be feasible. He explained that because the RIRs are the ones who have to sign the contract, while they are happy to receive comments, at the time of signing, they are the ones who must be comfortable with the contract.

RB suggested that the Chair distribute a draft statement to the AC members to seek a consensus position on the open questions of the ASO’s role. It was suggested that this be circulated in the form of a questionnaire, in order to clearly identify what points are agreed upon.

KH proposed that the questionnaire should be distributed on a AC member-only list, so that the answers could be given without the concern of offending anyone. SJ and BR noted that this had been done previously when discussing the BoD elections. There were no objections to this proposal.

Action #0305-06 CHAIR
The Chair to distribute a questionnaire of open questions relating to the ASO’s role. This will be distributed on a mailing list restricted to AC only. The AC members will be asked to respond to this questionnaire to indicate where they stand on each issue.

Further discussion of this topic will be deferred to a subsequent meeting.

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    1. Report from LACNIC meeting

HG provided a brief report on the LACNIC IV meeting. He noted that apart form the Open Policy Forum, there was also an Assembly meeting to discuss issues of the By Laws, as well as tutorials.

The Assembly marked the official completion of the transition period. HG noted that all the financial information relating to LACNIC is available on the web site.

There were refinements made to the LACNIC policy process. The meeting also approved new policies on bulk whois. There were other policy discussions on micro-allocations. There was good attendance and participation.

HG noted that all documents, minutes, reports, and decisions are available on the LACNIC web site.

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    1. Report from GA

The Chair reported on the General Assembly held during the LACNIC IV meeting. he expressed the AC’s appreciation to LACNIC as hosts of the meeting.

The Chair summarised the agenda of the GA. In particular, he noted the support that the existing RIRs are providing to AfriNIC to help them get established.

There was a discussion on what changes should be made to the ASO as part of the ERC process.

The Chair noted that many of the presentations are now available on the ASO web site.

The Chair noted that there were 45-50 people in attendance. He noted that the AC members present sought to represent the members who were not able to attend.

It was noted that the draft minutes from the GA have been circulated. These will be discussed for approval at the next teleconference.

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    1. Any Other Business (AOB)

      • none

[Meeting closed 23:30]

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Open action item list

Action #030303 SJ
SJ to circulate full details of the discussed election software and voting procedure. This item is to be held open pending discussion at the RIPE meeting in Barcelona. Open
Action #0305-01 SEC
Secretariat to publish final minutes from 2 April 2003. Open
Action #0305-02 CHAIR, SEC
The Chair will amend the AC Election process document and forward it to the Secretariat. The Secretariat will publish the document on the web site and issue a call for public comment. The AC will hold a final discussion of the document in the July AC meeting.
Action #0305-03 SEC
The Secretariat to issue a call for public comment on the ICANN BoD election process document. This call is to be made to the aso-announce list and also to RIRs’ announcement and policy lists. Open
Action #0305-04 CHAIR, SEC
The Chair to amend the Roadmap document to remove the second workshop for 2003. The Chair to then forward the Roadmap to the Secretariat, which will publish the document and call for public comments. Open
Action #0305-05 CHAIR, HG, SJ, HH
The Chair, HG, SJ, and HH to meet at the RIPE meeting in Barcelona and discuss the e-voting proposal. They will prepare an agenda item for discussion at the June AC teleconference. Open
Action #0305-06 CHAIR
The Chair to distribute a questionnaire of open questions relating to the ASO’s role. This will be distributed on a mailing list restricted to AC only. The AC members will be asked to respond to this questionnaire to indicate where they stand on each issue. Open

Shelf list (items pending action outside the ASO AC)

  • n/a

Last modified on 02/07/2020