ASO AC Teleconference 5 March 2003

AC Attendees:

Raimundo Beca (RB)
Eric Decker (ED)
Hartmut Glaser (HG) (acting Chair)
Hans Petter Holen (HPH)
Sabine Jaume (SJ)
Kim Hubbard (KH)
Julian Dunayevich (JD)
Wilfried Woeber (WW)
Kenny Huang (KSH)
Takashi Arano (TA)




Richard Jimmerson (RJ)
Raymond Plzak (RP)


Raul Echeberria (RE)


Axel Pawlik (AP)


Paul Wilson (PW)
Anne Lord, ASO Secretariat (SEC-AL)
Gerard Ross, ASO Secretariat (SEC-GR)


Barbara Roseman (BR)


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies received
  3. Agenda bashing
  4. Minutes from 5 February 2003, AC Teleconference
  5. Status of open actions
  6. AC election process documentation – final review
  7. ICANN BoD election process
  8. Any other business (AOB)

    1. Welcome

The acting Chair opened the meeting at 22:05 UTC.

    1. Apologies received

Apologies were received from: Mark McFadden

Absent: Seung-Min Lee

    1. Agenda bashing

The Chair reviewed the draft agenda and asked if there were any additions or amendments. SJ asked that e-voting be added to the agenda.

Hans Petter Holen joined the call at this stage and assumed the role of acting Chair.

    1. Minutes from 5 February 2003, AC Teleconference

The Chair noted that the minutes had been circulated and that the comments received had been incorporated. HG moved to approve the minutes from 5 February 2003. ED seconded the motion. There were no objections. The motion to publish the minutes passed.

Action #0303-01 SEC
Secretariat to publish final minutes from 5 February 2003.

    1. Status of open actions

Open action item list

Action #0212-03 SEC
Gather information regarding support from the RIRs to the AC for the ICANN Nomcom for 2003 only. RP stated that ICANN has not responded, and that between the CEOs of the RIRs it had been decided that they would not take a position until they see what ICANN’s position will be.
The Chair noted that he had received a message from Stuart Lynn confirming that ICANN intends for all work to be done by teleconference and for there to be no travel required. There remains an open question as to what happens if circumstances arise which do require travel. BR noted that ICANN has said they will cover incidental costs, but have not yet answered the question about travel.
Secretariat has posted to the ac-coord list the response from BR, which is that travel is not intended, but that if is required, then the NomCom would approach ICANN for funding, to be reviewed on a case by case basis. There is no guarantee of funding, but neither has this been ruled out. RE suggested that this is not a problem for the AC representative, as GV has indicated that he will be able to get his costs covered by other means. Closed
Action #0301-03 CHAIR and all AC members
Chair to investigate the ICANN budget issues; he will work with ICANN to better understand the budgetary process and the AC’s role in thatprocess. He will report back to AC.
HG noted that the finance committee had a meeting with the budget advisory committee. HG will review the material and may be able to provide more information at the next meeting. WW asked if there were any non-disclosure requirements applying to this. HG confirmed that he was able to report this information to the AC.
HH asked for all AC members to consider whether they have any input forthis process. RP noted that in previous years, there were representatives from all RIRs. With the recognition of LACNIC, it was decided that it was not desirable to have four representatives Currently, RIPE NCC has been selected to provide input to the budget advisory committee on behalf of the RIRs. Open
Action #0302-01 AP
AP volunteered to circulate the highlights of RIPE 44 and to provide a brief report in the March AC meeting. AP noted that this had been done and he invited any questions. Closed
Action #0302-02 CHAIR
The Chair to incorporate the comments received in the AC election process document and circulate the revised document for final AC comments. Open
Action #0302-03 CHAIR
The Chair to prepare discussion of the Roadmap for 2003 on the March agenda. AL noted that MM had asked that this be deferred to the April agenda. Open
Action #0302-04 CHAIR, RE
The Chair and RE to prepare a draft agenda for a second workshop to beheld later in the year. Chair to identify a teleconference in 2003 to return to the issue of the second workshop. Open

Shelf list (items pending action outside the ASO AC)

Action #12-4 RIRs/IANA
Resource request procedure document. RP stated that this has been updated. IANA sent a message in late December, 2002, with comments on the document, and the RIRs will be responding to IANA. The Chair asked at what point the RIRs will have a response. RP stated this should be done sometime in January.
This task was still pending comments from APNIC.
APNIC has now sent those comments back to ARIN. RP will now compile those comments and will pass them on to ICANN. Stuart Lynn has indicated he is satisfied with this process.
RP suggested that this is an administrative procedure between the RIRs and IANA and should not be an action item on the AC agenda. ED agreed. HH argued this document is important to the community and should be followed up.
RP asked what is the ASO’s interest in this matter. WW stated that leaving aside the content of this item, there is an issue relating to how the ASO is treated. RP noted that the item remains important to the RIRs, but should be an information item for the ASO, not an action item.
HH said that this is one of the issues of great concern to the whole community. He asked if there is a better way of keeping the community updated on such issues. RP said this is not about the contract but is only about the administrative procedures between IANA and the RIRs.
HH asked if there is anything the ASO can do to accelerate this process with ICANN. RP explained that the next move is actually up to the RIRs. Open

    1. AC election process documentation – final review

HH noted that this document has not yet been circulated. HG noted his understanding that an AC member had been tasked with writing the document.

It was clarified that this item relates to the election of the Chair and co-Chair of the AC.

This will be postponed to next meeting pending circulation of the document by the Chair.

    1. ICANN BoD election process

This document has been circulated on the mailing list by ED. On the first draft, no responses were received. The second draft was circulated very recently. Comments are required from the AC members.

KH noted that the document seems fine. HH reviewed the document, point by point. HG noted that there is a need to set out the criteria and for candidates to be identified. ED noted that he had been unsure how to incorporate this requirement in the document.

Action #0303-02 KH, ED
KH and ED to merge both drafts relating to the ICANN BoD election process. Final version required before April teleconference. RB proposed fixing the dates in this document to coincide with the ICANN General Assembly. ED suggested that this would not be required. There was discussion about the actual requirement for when the Board must sit. HH argued that the nomination process should be tied to the ASO General Assembly. He suggested a requirement be included in the document relating to how the timing for the ASO GA should relate to the ICANN GA.
Several people noted that it is important to ensure that there is enough time so that the election process is not rushed.
It was noted that the ICANN General Assembly traditionally sits in November and December. At the conclusion of each meeting, the new Board members sit. This is to be changed, and Board members will sit six months after the ICANN GA.
BR noted that there is plenty of time to determine whether this issue needs to be clarified. ED noted that he understands the issue and will try to deal with the issue in the next draft.
It was agreed that this should be a general document and should not impose unnecessary constraints.

HH continued to review the document and raised a question in relation to when comments should be displayed. ED noted that there has been some level of abuse on lists in relation to real time posting of comments. KH suggested that comments should be posted in real time to allow immediate dealing with negative comments. It was agreed that comments should be in real time.

PW suggested that it might be worth noting that the AC may shortlist candidates, but there should be no requirement to interview all candidates. PW also noted that it is acceptable to require that interviews be held in person, as the positions on the Board require a commitment to travel and attendance at many meetings. This would also allow a higher quality interview. KH asked how this would be done if the nomination period ended at the end of the ASO General Assembly. ED agreed that the timing would not work as it is intended to allow people to make nominations at the GA, and this leaves a problem of finding another meeting to hold the interviews.

ED noted that it is very important that people provide comments on the draft document. KH noted that this was one of the first agenda items for the AC and that it is important that it gets finalised.

HH noted his concern at the travel load it may put on the members of the AC. ED suggested that the AC either creates an interview meeting, or requires interviews to be held at a subsequent AC meeting, which may mean a delay of three to four months.

KH noted that the AC does not need to hold an election until 2004.

ED noted that ideally the AC would want to interview a shortlist of candidates. He asked for views from the AC on this point. There were several statements in support of interviewing shortlisted candidates.

HH continued to review the document. KH noted that the election procedure seemed appropriate. RB noted that in the Names Council, the procedure is to drop off one candidate at each vote. There was general agreement with applying this procedure.

TA asked for clarification of the nomination period and the review period. ED explained that the nomination period concludes at the end of the General Assembly, but the review process can happen in real time, not as a separate process. It was noted that there is still a need to clarify the eligibility criteria.

    1. Any other business (AOB)

Electronic voting process

SJ noted that a representative of the French ccTLD registrar can provide support for electronic voting. The AC can either ask for the software or ask that the election be arranged in confidence for the AC.

HH and HG asked that full details of the software and a description of how the procedure works should be circulated to the AC before further discussion is held.

HH raised the issue of outsourcing an election. HG and several others agreed that it is important to ensure that the AC can guarantee full confidence in the system, which may mean administering the system themselves.

Action #0303-03 SJ
SJ to circulate full details of the software and voting procedure.

Santiago meeting

RE asked that everyone confirm their registration for Santiago.

Action #0303-04 SEC
Secretariat to mail all AC members to confirm attendance at the LACNIC meeting.

RIR meeting reports

HH noted that there is a standing request on AC members to report on RIR meetings. KSH provided a brief report of the APNIC EC – AC meeting and the ASO/ICANN report that took place in the APNIC Open Policy Meeting.

[Meeting closed 23:20]

Open action item list

Action #0301-03 CHAIR, HG and all AC members
Chair to investigate the ICANN budget issues; he will work with ICANN to better understand the budgetary process and the AC’s role in that process. He will report back to AC.
HG to review material from the meeting between finance committee and the budget advisory committee, and report back at the next AC meeting.
All AC members to consider whether they have any input for this process. Open
Action #0302-02 CHAIR
The Chair to incorporate the comments received in the AC election process document and circulate the revised document for final AC comments. Open
Action #0302-03 CHAIR
The Chair to prepare discussion of the Roadmap for 2003 on the April agenda. Open
Action #0302-04 CHAIR, RE
The Chair and RE to prepare a draft agenda for a second workshop to be held later in the year. Chair to identify a teleconference in 2003 to return to the issue of the second workshop. Open
Action # 0303-01 SEC
Publish final minutes from 5 February 2003. Open
Action #0303-02 KH, ED
KH and ED to merge both drafts relating to the ICANN BoD election process. Final version required before April teleconference. Open
Action #0303-03 SJ
SJ to circulate full details of the discussed election software and voting procedure. Open
Action #0303-04 SEC
Secretariat to mail all AC members to confirm attendance at the LACNIC meeting. Open

Shelf list (items pending action outside the ASO AC)

Action #12-4 RIRs/IANA
Resource request procedure document. RP will compile the comments received from each RIR and will pass them on to ICANN. Open

Last modified on 29/01/2020