ASO AC Teleconference 3 January 2001


Hans Petter Holen (HPH)
Sabine Jaume (SJ)
Cathy Wittbrodt (CJW)
Raimundo Beca (RB) (for Dave Meyer)
Barbara Roseman (BR) (for Raimundo Beca)
Louis Touton (LT)
Takashi Arano (TA)
Ray Plzak (RP)
Richard Jimmerson (RJ)
Seung-Min Lee (SML)
Hartmut Glaser (HG)
German Valdez (GV)
Mouhamet Diop (MD)
Mirjam Kuehne (MK)


Ant Brooks
Wilfried Woeber
Jianping Wu


1. Welcome
2. Agenda bashing
3. Minutes from December phone meeting
4. Status of open actions

5. Election of Chair and co-chairs
6. Public listening facility to AC phone conferences
7. Initial report from the ASO General Assembly Program Committee
8. Status on 'RIR-ICANN resource request procedures'
9. Status on policy and practice comparison document

10 Plans for input forums on upcoming meetings
10.1 RIPE 38, 22 - 26 January 2001
10.2 APNIC 11, 26 February - 2 March 2001
10.3 ICANN 10 - 13 March 2001
10.4 ARIN VII, 1 - 4 April 2001
10.5 RIPE 39, 30 April - 4 May 2001
10.6 ICANN, 1 - 4 June 2001

1. Welcome

HPH opened meeting at 22:05, noting that there was a quorum of AC
members present. 

2. Agenda bashing

agenda approved

3. Minutes from telephone conference in December

They were circulated by the ASO Secretariat. A few comments were sent to
Paul Wilson. Including these comments, the minutes are approved. 

ACTION 0101-1 on PW to include these comments
ACTION 0101-2 on SEC to publish minutes on ASO site

4. Status of open actions

12-1 SEC: Publish September teleconference minutes on the ASO web site

12-2 SEC: Publish October teleconference minutes on the ASO web site

12-3 SEC: Publish October workshop minutes on the ASO web site (under "Other
- published, but not under Other Meetings, will be changed by SEC

12-4 RIRs: Circulate draft resource request procedure document to AC
- see agenda point 8

12-5 RIRs: Write policy and procedure comparison document
- see agenda point 9

10-2 SEC: set up aso-council mailing list;
- set up, but problems with sending mail to the list, SEC will look
  into it

PW: document development process of Emerging RIRs document

HPH: incorporate changes to AC resolution on Emerging RIR doc,
     recirculate to AC, and send to ICANN

SEC: Advice successful candidates and ICANN, of AC appointments to IRP

GAPC (General Assembly Program Committee): Start work, elect chair, and
     report back to AC
- see agenda point 7

SEC: Draft call for nominations to ICANN Board, for publication before
     end of December;

ALL: Discuss request for public listening facility on the mailing
- see agenda point 6

ALL: Decide on ASO meeting at next ICANN meeting (during next
- see agenda point 10

5. Election of Chair and co-chairs

HPH sent a mail to the AC mailing list prior to phone conference
discussing this issue, thinks annual election would be
appropriate. Some proposals were made on the list as to how to
organise this and who would be possible candidates.

WW generally prefers to do chair elections during physical
meetings. Next physical meeting will be in April 2001 in conjunction
with the ASO AGM in San Francisco. This would also allow the RIPE
region to elect an AC member for this year before the elections.

HPH notes that if the AC chair election would take place at a meeting
in April 2001, the terms of the chair and the terms of the AC members
would not be aligned. Louis suggests to elect a chair in principle at
the January AC telephone conference meeting, so that the newly elected
AC member can vote as well.

No objections to do the elections in April at the meeting in San

6. Public listening facility to AC phone conferences

HPH listened in to the Names Council telephone conference. He begins
to understand that the people who elect the AC members could be
interested to know how the AC members function and operate. Only
reading the minutes does not necessarily show how decisions are

HPH wonders if the regional policy forums should be consulted to find
out if they really have this desire and requirement.

LT mentions that there is some cost involved which he assumes the RIRs
would cover.

Ray says that ARIN would be willing to establish a listening node at
its facility.

LT clarifies that the Names Council offers 20 talk+listening ports
and 20 listening-only ports

TA generally agrees with HPHs ideas.

HPH wonders how to proceed further. Should the regional policy forums
be involved? Should the AC ask the RIRs to investigate public listening

LT suggests to ask the ASO Secretariat to determine what the costs
would be and then to ask the RIRs if they would cover these costs.
RP, RJ and MK have no objections to this.

It's agreed to proceed like Louis suggested.

ACTION 0101-3 on SEC to determine costs for public listening facilities

7. Initial report from the ASO General Assembly Program Committee

SJ reports that the Program Committee will meet during RIPE 38 in
January 2001. RP and RJ mention that they will also attend RIPE 38 and
would be available for co-ordination of the venue, etc.

HPH received a mail from ARINs member services person regarding
possible requirements for the ASO AGM. He will send it to the Program
Committee. BR will make sure ARIN receives the necessary

ACTION 0101-4 on HPH to forward ARINs mail to ASO AGM program committee
ACTION 0101-5 on Program Committee (BR) to send requirements for ASO AGM
       to ARIN

8. Status on 'RIR-ICANN resource request procedures'

RJ reports that the RIRs spent an entire afternoon working on this
document. It is almost finalised. Some last comments from PW need to
be incorporated before it can then be sent to IANA and the AC.

9. Status on policy and practice comparison document

Significant progress made, RIRs agreed on structure and format and
started to fill in the details. However, original time line was too
aggressive. It is reasonable to assume that it will be finalised
before the ASO AGM in April 2001.

HPH notes that this would be too late for the January RIPE 38 Meeting.
He thought the original time line was set to allow regional policy
forums to give feedback and input.

MK agrees that this would be a good idea. RIRs will discuss what could
be reported to the RIR communities at this point in time.

HPH suggests to consider this also for the 'RIR-ICANN resource request
procedures'. RJ states that this document describes an administrative
procedure between the IANA and the RIRs. However, the RIRs and IANA
can certainly report from his activity, but is not meant to be a
policy document. LT agrees.

10 Plans for input forums on upcoming ICANN meetings

10.1 RIPE 38, 22 - 26 January 2001

10.2 APNIC 11, 26 February - 2 March 2001

HPH asks the AC members from the APNIC region (no other AC member will
attend the meeting)if they are planning to organise an AC open forum
at the APNIC 11 meeting. BR iterates that this would be a good
opportunity for the APNIC community to find out what it is going on
and to provide input since not all of them will be able to attend the
ASO AGM in April 2001.

The AC members from the APNIC region will discuss this among
themselves and send mail to the AC.

ACTION 0101-6 on SML to inform the AC about possible AC open forum
       at APNIC meeting in March

10.3 ICANN 10 - 13 March 2001

ACTION 0101-7 on SEC to check which of the AC members intend to be
       present at the ICANN Meeting in Melbourne and will organise the
       input forum.

10.4 ARIN VII, 1 - 4 April 2001

ASO AGM will take place in conjunction with the ARIN meeting

10.5 RIPE 39, 30 April - 4 May 2001

HPH assumes that there will probably also be an AC open forum. 

10.6 ICANN, 1 - 4 June 2001

HPH plans to attend the ICANN meeting in Stockholm, not clear yet
who else will attend.

11. AOB

HPH urges all AC members to read his mail titled 'ASO 2001 issues,
goals and work plan' and comment on it.



12-1 SEC: Publish September teleconference minutes on the ASO web site
12-2 SEC: Publish October teleconference minutes on the ASO web site
PW:       document development process of Emerging RIRs document
SEC:      Draft call for nominations to ICANN Board, for publication
          before end of December
ALL: Discuss request for public listening facility on the mailing list
ALL: Decide on ASO meeting at next ICANN meeting (during next

NEW ACTIONS (as of 3 January 2001):

12-3 SEC: Move October workshop minutes to "Other Meetings" on the ASO
web site
10-2 SEC: check operations of aso-council mailing list
0101-1 PW to include these comments
0101-2 SEC to publish minutes on ASO site
0101-3 SEC to determine costs for public listening facilities
0101-4 HPH to forward ARINs mail to ASO AGM program committee
0101-5 Program Committee (BR) to send requirements for ASO AGM
       to ARIN
0101-6 SML to inform the AC about possible AC open forum
       at APNIC meeting in March
0101-7 SEC to check which of the AC members intend to be
       present at the ICANN Meeting in Melbourne and will organise the
       input forum.

Complete list of ACTIONS:

12-3 SEC: Move October workshop minutes to "Other Meetings" on the ASO
web site
12-4 RIRs: Circulate draft resource request procedure document to AC
12-5 RIRs: Write policy and procedure comparison document
10-2 SEC:  check operations of aso-council mailing list
HPH:   incorporate changes to AC resolution on Emerging RIR doc, recirculate
      to AC, and send to ICANN
SEC:  Advice successful candidates and ICANN, of AC appointments to IRP
GAPC  (General Assembly Program Committee): Start work, elect chair, and
       report back to AC
0101-1 PW to include these comments
0101-2 SEC to publish minutes on ASO site
0101-3 SEC to determine costs for public listening facilities
0101-4 HPH to forward ARINs mail to ASO AGM program committee
0101-5 Program Committee (BR) to send requirements for ASO AGM
       to ARIN
0101-6 SML to inform the AC about possible AC open forum
       at APNIC meeting in March
0101-7 SEC to check which of the AC members intend to be
       present at the ICANN Meeting in Melbourne and will organise the
       input forum.

Future meetings:

07 February  22:00 UTC Phone Conf
07 March     22:00 UTC Phone Conf
04 April     proposed physical meeting next to ASO AGM
04 April     proposed General Assembly
02 May       22:00 UTC Phone Conf (during RIPE 39, Bologna)
06 June      22:00 UTC Phone Conf
04 July      22:00 UTC Phone Conf
01 August    22:00 UTC Phone Conf
05 September 22:00 UTC Phone Conf
03 October   22:00 UTC Phone Conf

Last modified on 29/01/2020