ASO AC Teleconference 12 September 2007

AC Attendees:

  • Sebastian Bellagamba (SB), Chair
  • Alan Barrett (AB)
  • Martin Hannigan (MH)
  • Hans Petter Holen (HPH)
  • Toshiyuki Hosaka (TH)
  • Jean Robert Hountomey (JRH)
  • Kenny Huang (KH)
  • Louis Lee (LL)
  • Francisco Obispo (FO)
  • Hartmut Glaser (HG)
  • Dave Wilson (DW)
  • Wilfried Woeber (WW)


  • Simon Nettle (SN), Call Leader
  • Donna McLaren (DM) & Tina Bramley, Recording Secretaries – APNIC


  • Hisham Rojoa (HR) – AfriNIC (was present but only able to listen)
  • Kiran Cunniah (KC) – AfriNIC
  • Bart Boswinkel (BB) – ICANN
  • Einar Bohlin (EB) – ARIN
  • Nate Davis (LN) – ARIN
  • Ray Plzak (RP) – ARIN
  • Raimundo Beca (RB) – ICANN
  • Olof Nording (ON) – ICANN
  • Leo Vegoda (LV) – ICANN
  • Dave Wodelet (DW) – ICANN
  • Adriana Rivero (AR) – LACNIC
  • Filiz Yilmaz (FY) – RIPE NCC


  • HJ Kwon (HJK)
  • Vincent Ngundi (VN)


  • Ali Badiel (ADB)
  • Sanford H. George (SG)


  1. Welcome
  2. Agenda review
  3. Approval of the minutes of 2 August 2007
  4. LA ICANN meeting
    1. ASO workshop
    2. ASO AC face to face meeting
  5. Any other business
    1. Status of global policy proposals
    2. Speakers at the IGF
    3. Teleconference schedule
  6. Adjournment
  1. Welcome

    The Chair called the meeting to order at 22:14 UTC, noting the presence of a quorum.

  2. Agenda review

    The Chair reviewed the agenda and called for any comments.

    The following items were added to AOB:

    1. Status of global policy proposals
    2. Speakers at the IGF
    3. Teleconference schedule

    During this discussion LL raised the question of what would happen if an RIR were to cease operation.

    RP stated that this issue has been under discussion since 2001.

    LL withdrew the agenda item.

  3. Approval of the minutes of 2 August 2007

    HG moved the following motion: “The ASO AC approves the Minutes of 2 August 2007 as written.” AB seconded the motion. There were no objections or comments.

    Action #0709-01:

    Secretariat to publish minutes of 2 August 2007.

  4. LA ICANN meeting

    1. ASO workshop

      The Chair noted that the ASO AC had a Wednesday morning timeslot, and that there was a requirement to review the two proposals sent to the mailing list. It was noted that many items were compatible, so a decision should be made on the most appropriate items to discuss.

      HG suggested that the meeting use Raul’s proposal for a 2.5 hour workshop consisting of:

      1. Projections and status of IPv4 consumption, with Geoff Huston as a speaker.
      2. Different views on the transition from IPv4 to Ipv6, via a five-person panel with ISPCP constituency, and a question and answer session.
      3. Policy status overview discussion, to be presented by an AC member.
      4. The policy development process in each region, to extend on the overview discussion in the third session. Suggested policy proposals to be discussed include:
        • 2007-16: IPv4 Soft Landing
        • prop-046: IPv4 countdown policy proposal
        • LAC-2007-07: Global Policy for the allocation of the remaining IPv4 address space in the Regional Internet Registry system
        • prop-050: IPv4 address transfers

        The Chair noted that the fourth session would be followed by a question and answer session.

      The Chair noted that the session specifics could be discussed on the mailing list. He then asked if there were any questions or comments.

      RP asked why two of the four proposals listed for session 4 were regional, while the other two were global. It was asked why two regional proposals would be singled out.

      The Chair noted that he was just communicating Raul’s suggested content. He stated it would be in the ASO’s interest to focus on global policies. However, he suggested that it may also be of benefit to address the IPv4 exhaustion issue, even if the policies were regional.

      HPH asked if the regional policies were regional in nature or just not yet global.

      RP responded they were regional in nature. He went on to say that the depletion of the IANA free pool is a matter of global policy, but that the depletion of the RIR free pool is a separate discussion. He noted that even after exhaustion the RIRs had specialised policies that would cater for critical infrastructure like Internet exchange points.

      The Chair asked RP if he wanted to propose that only global policies be included in this presentation, and asked for any comments.

      AB stated that he agreed with RP, noting that the two regional policies were only on the list due to an error.

      HG said that as the Chair was not going to be present in LA, a co-chair would need to be arranged to take over organising the workshop.

      There was some discussion about who would be present and who would not be present in LA.

      HG suggested that the more pressing issue was that speakers were still yet to be invited. He said he was concerned that if this did not happen soon potential speakers may have parallel agendas or not attend at all.

      The Chair said he would not be in LA, but he could make these arrangements electronically.

      It was agreed that the issue of which co-chair would be responsible for organising the workshop could be reviewed in a couple of weeks.

      HG noted that a letter would need to be sent to ISPCP to invite them to participate in the workshop, and also to attend a special joint meeting to discuss the content.

      The Chair noted that if the group could agree on Raul’s proposal then work can be done to polish the agenda over the next ten days, and it can be sent to the speakers and the ISPCP to co-ordinate.

      Action #0709-02:

      Co-chairs to decide who will be responsible for organising the LA workshop, and advise on mailing list.

      Action #0709-03:

      ASO AC volunteers to provide input via mailing list on Raul’s workshop proposal and polish the agenda over the next ten days (by 22 September 2007).

    2. ASO AC face to face meeting

      The Chair thanked VN for compiling a list of attendees and urged anyone who has not yet confirmed to please advise.

      It was noted that the observers who are attending also needed to be confirmed to ensure there will be enough space.

      RP asked if the day and time for the meetings was confirmed, as he has other commitments around that time.

      It was clarified that the public workshop was set for Wednesday morning, and the face to face was yet to be decided. A time and date will be negotiated with ICANN. This can be confirmed with ICANN when numbers are firm.

      There was discussion whether the meeting would be formal or informal. It was noted that it would be ideal to have an official meeting; however, for this quorum and an agenda would be required. A motion was moved to slate this meeting as the replacement for the official 7 November ASO AC meeting, with a firm time and date. This motion was supported, but was later withdrawn as it became apparent that there was not enough information available to confirm a date and time.

      It was agreed that this matter could be discussed further at the October meeting.

      Action #0709-04

      Secretariat to provide ASO AC with available timeslots to hold face to face meeting in LA.

      Action #0709-05

      After receiving advice from Secretariat, ASO AC to confirm preferred timeslot for face to face meeting in LA and notify Secretariat.

  5. Any other business

    1. Status of global policy proposals

      The Chair noted there were currently three global policy proposals going through the policy development process in various RIRs:

      • Global policy for the allocation of the remaining IPv4 address space
      • IANA policy for allocation of ASN blocks to RIRs
      • IPv4 countdown policy proposal

      RP noted that the IPv4 countdown policy proposal has not yet been proposed in the ARIN region. He said that when the Advisory Council took it up they said it should be global, but nobody had proposed it in that way.

      TH said that this proposal was intended to be global.

      The Chair asked how the policy development process was going for the IPv4 countdown proposal.

      TH responded that it had not yet reached consensus in any RIR community, but elements of the proposal had achieved consensus at APNIC 24.

      The next proposal discussed was the IANA policy for allocation of ASN blocks to RIRs. LV said that it has been generally accepted in all regions, but has not yet completed the policy development process.

      There was some discussion about the definition of ‘accepted’. RP noted that the proposal has been accepted as a formal proposal by the ARIN Advisory Council, but he would not give it any other status.

      There was no further discussion on global policy status.

    2. Speakers at the IGF

      HG noted that Markus Kummer is expecting to receive proposals for the IGF, and that speakers from different backgrounds and different parts of the world were required. He asked for other ASO AC members to propose names.

      HG stated that he thought there would be a strong discussion about critical resources, and that care would need to be taken to secure speakers who know what is going on to avoid politics and keep the discussion on a technical level.

      The Chair suggested that the ASO could assist the NRO EC to provide names.

      There was some discussion about the fact that the ICANN meeting will be two weeks before Rio, and that it could be regarded as a preview to the IGF. There are not yet finalised plans with GAC, but it is possible the discussion will follow on from previous talks about IPv4 and IPv6.

      Action #0709-06

      ASO AC to propose IGF speaker names on the mailing list, confirm final choices and notify Secretariat.

      Action #0709-07

      Secretariat to provide ASO AC proposed IGF speaker names to NRO EC.

    3. Teleconference schedule

      There was some discussion about the teleconference schedule. It was noted that KH had met with the Secretariat recently; and they had discussed the fact that teleconference timings were currently inconvenient for the Secretariat, and that AfriNIC, with 3am starts, would be even more inconvenienced next year.

      There was some discussion about systems where staffing was not required. Websites where optimal times could be checked were also discussed.

      It was noted that this issue has come up many times and has never been resolved.

      It was suggested that AfriNIC make a concrete proposal to discuss this issue in future.

      Action #0709-08

      AfriNIC to propose 2008 teleconference schedule if they deem it necessary.

  6. Adjournment

    The Chair asked if there were any further questions, comments, or matters to discuss. None were forthcoming.

    HG moved to adjourn the meeting.

    HPH seconded the motion.

    There were no objections. The meeting was adjourned.

    The meeting ended at 23:10 UTC.

Open action items

Action #0709-01

Secretariat to publish minutes of 2 August 2007.

Action #0709-02

Co-chairs to decide who will be responsible for organising the LA workshop, and advise on mailing list.

Action #0709-03

ASO AC volunteers to provide input via mailing list on Raul’s workshop proposal and polish the agenda over the next ten days (by 22 September 2007).

Action #0709-04

Secretariat to provide ASO AC with available timeslots to hold face to face meeting in LA.

Action #0709-05

After receiving advice from Secretariat, ASO AC to confirm preferred timeslot for face to face meeting in LA and notify Secretariat.

Action #0709-06

ASO AC to propose IGF speaker names on the mailing list, confirm final choices and notify Secretariat.

Action #0709-07

Secretariat to provide ASO AC proposed IGF speaker names to NRO EC.

Action #0709-08

AfriNIC to propose 2008 teleconference schedule if they deem it necessary.

Last modified on 29/01/2020