ASO AC Teleconference 8 March 2012

ASO AC Attendees

Fiona Asonga, FA
Alan Barrett, AB, Vice Chair
Douglas Onyango, DO

Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF
Andy Linton, AL
Naresh Ajwani, NA

Louie Lee, LL, Chair
Ron da Silva, RdS

Sebastian Bellagamba, SB

Dave Wilson, DW, Vice Chair


German Valdez, GV
Sarah Hu, SH

Leo Vegoda, LV

Sofia Silva, SS

Nate Davis, ND

Emilio Madaio, EM

Ernest Byaruhanga,  EB


Hartmut Glaser, HG, Alejandro Guzman, AG, Hans Petter Holen, HPH, Wilfried Woeber, WW, Jason Schiller, JS.

0. Commencement

The Chair was unable to be contacted. Dave Wilson, Vice Chair, was asked stand in as the Chair. He commenced the meeting at 17:10 (UTC +10) and noted the presence of a quorum.

1. Agenda Review.

The Chair reviewed the Agenda. It was proposed that due to time restrictions for some members, that the agenda be reduced down to one item. There were no objections.

2.    PPFT report of GPP-IPv4-2011: Global Policy for Post Exhaustion IPv4 Allocation Mechanisms by the IANA


A concern was raised by TF that there was inconsistency between the different regions in the report. There are links for the ARIN region but not for other regions.

AB suggests that in the interest of saving time, that it be amended in a cover letter so as to not have to revise the actual report and there were no objections to this.

A roll call to support the motion was started but RdS raised a question half way through. RdS wants clarity on whether they were voting on version 6 or 7. The Chair assumes that version 7 is the latest.

A discussion was held to decide whether the links in version 7 for the ARIN region should be removed or links added for the other regions. AB proposes that the motion be approved now subject to the links being added later. There are no objections.

LL joins the meeting at 17:34 (UTC +10). DW asks LL if he would like to take over the Chair or continue chairing. It was decided DW continue being the Chair.

Upon being asked for his advice, LL says that there are two parts in this action item. The first part is to take the policy proposal and pass it on the ICANN board as they receive it from the NRO EC, which means that they do not make any comment on it beyond that it’s met their review. ICANN will then ask for recommendations and the second part will be to work on the report with details such as the links. He ends by saying that the motion in discussion here is more about the policy rather than the report itself.

On this note, the roll call was restarted. 10 voted, all in favor.

(New Action Item: 0803-01)  To revise the GPP-IPv4-2011 report by removing the links in the ARIN section of the document and adding them to a cover letter along with links for other regions and submit the report to ICANN board.

3. Any Other Business

LL said that he will let ICANN know their expectation of when the talk starts for them. Since ICANN will be in preparation mode, LL suggests to give them 5 days to send receipt instead of the former 48 hours. All agreed this was reasonable.

4. Adjournment

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 17:49 (UTC +10)

Last modified on 29/01/2020