ASO AC Teleconference 8 February 2012

ASO AC Attendees

Fiona Asonga, FA
Alan Barrett, AB, Vice Chair
Douglas Onyango DO

Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF
Andy Linton, AL
Naresh Ajwani NA

Louie Lee, LL, Chair
Jason Schiller JS

Hartmut Glaser, HG

Dave Wilson, DW, Vice Chair


German Valdez GV
Samantha Marks SM

Olaf Nordling, ON

Sofia Silva, SS

Einar Bohlin, EB


Ron da Silva, RdS; Alejandro Guzman, AG; Sebastian Bellagamba, SB; Hans Petter Holen, HPH; Wilfred Woeber, WW.

0. Commencement

The Chair commenced the meeting at 9:15 (UTC +10) and noted the presence of a quorum.

1. Agenda Review.

The Chair reviewed the Agenda

2. Approval of January Minutes

The January minutes were approved. It was also noted that in the previous minutes SB was written incorrectly and that this should be corrected.

(New Action Item: 0802-01) Secretariat to correct January Minutes and remove ‘Draft’ from the ASO website.

3. Action Item Review

In accordance with regular practice, the Chair restricted the Action Item review to items not covered elsewhere in the Agenda.

(Action Item: 1901-03) Secretariat to remove ‘Draft’ from December 8, 2011 minutes on the ASO AC website.

The Secretariat confirmed this was completed

(Action Item: 1901-05) Secretariat to re-send Qualification review documents to QRC members.

The Secretariat confirmed this was completed

(Action Item: 1901-06) Chair to contact NRO regarding a message about GPP-IPv4-2010 to the ARIN Board.

The Chair reported this action was pending.

(Action Item: 1006-02) Chair. Send the [updated ICANN Board selection procedure] documents to the EC for approval.

Closed. The Chair reminded the meeting that one EC member has provided feedback requiring a review of the Operating Procedures. Ongoing action item: 0802-03.

(Action Item: 1901-01) Chair to request AG to serve on the PPFT for GPP-IPv4-2010 and to mention it was HGs proposal.

The Chair reported this action was pending.

4. Status of GPP-IPv4-2011: Global Policy for Post Exhaustion IPv4 Allocation Mechanisms by the IANA.


The Chair asked JS if he would serve on the PPFT for this proposal. JS accepted.

(Action Item: 1901-02) Chair to request JS, and either AG, or SB, to serve on the PPFT for GPP-IPv4-2011. Completed

FA has been working on a draft report for the proposal, new members can read sections circulate draft to previous team members, current, send corrections back to current team members.

TF and LL have been working on a draft report to share with the new members to update the section on their regions.

5. Selection of Teleconference times 2012.

A discussion was held to decide if the time for the monthly teleconference should be changed. It was decided to change the meetings to the first Thursday of each month at 07:00 UTC, to accommodate as many time zones as possible, and keeping within the Secretariat working hours.

6. Location of 2012 face-to-face meeting

A discussion was held about the when the face-to-face meeting would occur.

Timing of meeting in relation to ICANN Board Selection procedure was considered as follows.

A) First, the possibility of having the meeting during either the Interview or Selection phase for the ICANN Seat 9 appointment was discussed.

B) Comments that planning a meeting too near the end of any phase could be problematic.

C) It was decided that more AC members would be able to attend a meeting during the Selection phase, and that the Interview Committee could hold their interviews at a date and place to be determined. The AC could then review the interviews during the face-to-face meeting.

In order to accommodate as many people as possible to attend the face-to-face meeting, it was decided the meeting would be held in Vancouver on 26-27 April.

HG was opposed as he was unavailable, but said he was able to join the meeting remotely. A roll call vote was held. FA was having difficulty with her connection, and voted over chat.

It was moved that the face-to-face meeting be held in held in Vancouver on 26-27 April.

8 voted, 7 in favor, conditional yes from HG that he can join remotely

AL left conference at 10:36 UTC +10, quorum retained

Sofia Silva left at 10:40 UTC +10

FA rejoins meeting, after a technical fault, at 10:52 UTC +10

7. Selection of Individuals to the ICANN Board of Directors

Chair mentions: (from previous minutes)

A) Qualification Review Committee (QRC). Committee Members are: AB, SB,


Chair said there are four qualified candidates. Comment period has begun, and the website is updated with their names.

Before the comment period opened, there was concern about how to deal with comments that could be defamatory. The IC asked the Secretariat to post comments and forward questionable comments to IC for moderation.

Interview phase begins on 20 February, Chair asked for input from QRC, or other members.

HG noted that the minutes don’t correctly reflect the members of the IC committee – HG has stepped out of committee, SB is in committee.

A motion was put in place to add this amendment to the previously approved minutes. The motion was approved by unanimity of the 8 members of the ASO AC present at the moment in the conference.

(New Action Item: 0802-02) The Secretariat was asked to update January minutes to show that SB is in IC, not HG.

Committee members are: AB, NA, RdS, SB, HPH.

8. Updates to Operating Procedures
It was noted that not enough members (4/5 of the entire AC) were present to discuss updates to the ASO AC operating procedures.

(New Action Item: 0802-03) The Chair will send to list message about needing 4/5 of all AC members’ approval for this item.

9. Any Other Business.

The Chair noted he is working with Secretariat and ON to finalize program details for the ICANN meeting coming up in March.

HG asked if there would be a meeting with the SSR review team and the AC during the ICANN meeting, and suggested the SSR review team should instead meet with the NRO EC.

ON noted the SSR review team is still in drafting stage, and that the possibility of a meeting was a question for the AC. He agreed, however, that perhaps it’s more appropriate for the SSR Review team to meet with the EC as the actions from the review would be given by the EC.

In a discussion, HG noted that the meeting should be with the NRO EC not ASO AC as the implementations are actions for the EC. ON agreed.

(New Action Item: 0802-04) The Chair to cc the NRO EC, in a reply to an email from HG, in support of a discussion between the review team and the NRO EC.

Seeing that there was no other business, the Chair moved to adjourn.

There were none opposed.

10. Adjournment

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 11:11 (UTC+10).

Last modified on 29/01/2020