ASO AC Teleconference 6 September 2012

ASO AC Attendees:

Fiona Asonga, FA
Douglas Onyango, DO

Naresh Ajwani, NA
Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF

Louie Lee (Chair), LL
Jason Schiller, JS
Ron da Silva, RdS

Hartmut Glaser, HG
Sebastian Bellagamba, SB

Hans Petter Holen, HPH
Dave Wilson (Co-Chair), DW

German Valdez, GV (APNIC)
Adam Gosling, AJG (APNIC)
Samantha Marks, SM, APNIC

Emilio Madaio, EM, RIPE NCC
Einar Bohlin, EB, ARIN
Ernest Byaruhanga, EBy, AFRINIC
Barbara Roseman, BR, (ICANN)
Kuo Wei Wu, KWW, (ICANN)

Alejandro Guzman LACNIC

0. Commencement

A roll-call was conducted to confirm a quorum and the Chair commenced the meeting at 07:07 UTC.

The Chair congratulated NA on his re-election a an APNIC representative on the ASO AC. He was joined in his congratulations by others on the call.

2. Agenda Review

HG asked that a request for the meeting agenda to be sent to the list at least two days before the meeting, be added to the AOB agenda item.

TF asked that a discussion on meeting improvements for the ICANN meetings be included in the agenda. The Chair agreed to discuss this under AOB.

3. Approval of Minutes

The Chair noted there was no quorum for the August meeting, so there was no meeting.

  • Meeting, April 2012
  • Teleconference June 2012
  • Teleconference July 2012

It was moved by RS that all three be approved. DO asked for the motion to be read in full, RS replied that the motion was: The ASO AC approves all three sets of Minutes as written.

Noting that he was not present at all meetings, HG seconded the motion. Hearing none apposed, the Chair approved the minutes and requested the following action item.

[New Action Item 0906-01]: Secretariat to update the ASO AC website to remove draft from the approved minutes.

4. Open Action Item Review

Action Item 0705-01: DO to draft guidelines for destruction of documentation regarding ICANN Board applicants.

Status: Closed

[New Action Item 120906-02]: DO received comments regarding document destruction from AL on 17 July. DO to request further comment for one week

Action Item 0427-01: AB, HPH, AL, and WW to work with the Secretariat on a review of the ASO AC OP.

HPH confirmed this action is pending.

Status: Open

Action Item 0427-03: AC to draft a Problem Statement regarding Secretariat Rotation for presentation to the NRO EC.

The Chair confirmed this action is pending

Status: Open

Action Item 0427-04: Secretariat to conduct a survey to establish what problems Council members are experiencing that prevents them from joining ASO AC meetings in 2012.

The Chair confirmed survey was conducted and that the Secretariat sent the results to the list. Around half the AC members responded. the Chair asked those who have not responded to please consider making comments to the list.

Status: Closed

Action Item 0614-03: Secretariat to compile discussion which took place during the call, to be made available 15 days before next call (prior to voting) which is 20 June, and to also change Co-Chair to Vice Chair as a track change document.

AG confirmed the action was overtaken by events when JS proposed text. There has been discussion, but the text has not been finalized. The discussion was moved to the agenda item.

Status: Closed

(07:21 UTC: BS joined the meeting)

Action Item 0705-02: ASO AC members to familiarize themselves with the ASO AC changes proposed by JS, so they are able to vote on this at the next meeting.

The discussion was moved to the agenda item.

Status: Closed

Action Item 0705-03: WW to put his thoughts and ideas regarding current ASO activities at ICANN meetings to the list, in writing. This should also include a summary of suggested changes for ASO AC activities at ICANN meetings.

Status: Open, move discussion to AOB

(07:23 UTC FA left, returned at 17:25)

Action Item 0705-04: The 2013 Seat 10 Interview Committee to update the questions for candidates and to circulate this to the mailing list for review by the ASO AC.

Status: Open

Action Item 0705-05: Secretariat to update the ASO QRC and IC mailing lists so that old members are removed and the new members added.

The Secretariat confirmed this was done.

Status: Closed

Action Item 0705-06: Secretariat to develop provisional timelines for other phases once the end of term for Seat 10 is confirmed.

The Secretariat noted the end of term for Seat 10 was confirmed. The discussion was moved to the agenda item.

Status: Closed

5. Selection of Seat 10 for ICANN Board

The Chair noted there was no vote on the Board appointment schedule in the August meeting as the meeting was cancelled.

The Chair reviewed the process and timeline prior to the discussion, noting that the currently announced Nomination phase is for 60 days from 17 August. The Chair asked for comments after reading the schedule.

HPH asked: What are the opportunities to meet in person during the interview and selection phases? The Chair replied that the interview phase would run from 19 November to early January and that there could be a meeting second week of January. According to the procedure the AC would need to meeting in second half of January, but he noted that interviews might be difficult during the holidays.

The Chair called for a motion to accept the schedule as outline. HG moved the motion that the schedule and HPH accepted the schedule motion.

[New Action Item 120906-03]: The Secretariat to publish the agreed ICANN Board Selection schedule.

The Chair added in-person interviews are expected to occur during first half of January. RS asked what is the earliest possible date for an in person interview, if first half January is the latest? JS replied 29 November is probably the earliest considering that a week was needed last time for telephone interviews, plus another week to discuss the interviews.

HPH asked about the distribution of the written interview (Phase 1) during that nomination phase as was done in the recent Seat 9 selection process. AG confirmed that as soon as candidates were nominated, they sent the written questionnaire, but noted there is currently no updated questionnaire.

HPH suggested the same thing be done this time to save some time, JS suggested the operating procedures be changed because this was a deviation last time. He noted that it worked well.

The Chair suggested the week of 7 January be reserved for face-to-face interviews. JS: should people be available 1st week December for telephone interviews. The Chair noted there might be a conflict with Thanksgiving holidays. JS suggested the second week and the Chair agreed asking for further comment. HPH suggested that be given the option.

(KWW joined the meeting at 07:29 UTC)
(JS and NA temporarily left the meeting at 07:30 UTC)

The Secretariat confirmed the first and second week of December can be reserved for phone interviews

Following a discussion, it was moved by RS and seconded by JS that:

The December ASO AC teleconference be rescheduled to 6 December 2012.

Hearing none opposed, the Chair asked the Secretariat to post the schedule and change the date of the meeting to 6 December and other meetings.

[New Action Item 120906-04]: Secretariat to post a new schedule of ASO AC teleconference dates.

(DW temporarily left the meeting at 07:59 UTC)

Noting that the ASO AC members will change at the new year, the Secretariat was asked if new AC members had been invited to join the meeting. GV confirmed Ricardo Patara was added to the mailing list and offered to make a direct invitation to join the next meeting. JS noted there was a RIPE ASO AC election soon and that if there is a new member as a result they also should be invited to join the meeting.

[New Action Item 120906-05]: Secretariat to ensure new AC members are explicitly invited to the next meeting.

HPH and HG expressed concerns about the transition of the Secretariat from APNIC to AFRINIC, in light of the election cycle, and asked for assurance there would be no interruptions. GV confirmed APNIC would provide full support and extend services into the New Year if necessary.

Discussion regarding the timing of Interview phases continued with a suggestion that an ASO AC meeting to shortlist candidates be held on 20 December and then to move to face-to-face interviews, to be discussed at a January 10 AC meeting.

The Chair requested that telephonic interviews be conducted on 10th and 11th of December, with the committee to deliver its report on 17 December to be discussed at meeting on 20 December. In-person interviews could then be conducted either on 27-28 December or on 7 January subject to a final decision.

(SB and DW were not present on the call at 08:45 UTC and did not return to the meeting)

The Secretariat confirmed a quorum was maintained even though some connections were dropping out.

6. 2013 ICANN NomCom appointment

It was noted that HGs term as NomCom representative was coming to an end and that a new appointment must be made. HG was re-appointed to the role of ASO AC representative on the ICANN NomCom un-opposed.

[New Action Item 120906-06]: Secretariat to notify ICANN Secretary that HG is the Council’s nominated member of the ICANN NomCom.

[New Action Item 120906-07]: Secretariat to confirm with ICANN Secretary what deadlines exist for ASO AC appointments to other ICANN groups such as Review Teams and ATRT.

7. Amending ASO AC operating procedures

The Chair introduced the topic and noted that while there were a number of proposed changes, the priority is to deal with the procedures for changing the procedures.

He noted that two options had been discussed, one to change the level of quorum required and the other to add online voting as an option since it was proving difficult to meet the standard of representatives on the call to make changes. There was also discussion about safeguards to ensure that no single region could be bypassed by the quorum requirements.

It was noted that to make the change, 12 of 15 must be present. AG proposed, referring to the minutes of a previous meeting, that 100% of electronic votes might be permissible.

(FA dropped out of the call at 09:36 UTC. The meeting temporarily lost quorum until she returned at 09:38 UTC)

Following a discussion, those Members present converged on option 2 as presented by JS in an earlier email. It was decided the Chair would distribute this and put it to an electronic vote.

[New Action Item 120906-08]: Chair to circulate proposed changes to ASO AC OP for 15 days prior to an electronic vote to approve the changes.

8. Any Other Business

HG asked that the agenda be circulated to the list at least two days before the call to allow sufficient time for participants to prepare for the meeting.

The Chair noted the request and asked that the Secretariat add a standing action item to the Secretariat procedures to remind the Chair to distribute the agenda and if this was not done two days prior to the meeting, the Secretariat to circulate a draft agenda.

[New Action Item 120906-09]: Secretariat to add internal procedures to circulate and agenda at least two days prior to the meeting.

The up-coming Toronto ICANN meeting was discussed along with what ASO AC activities should be conducted. Issues with the ASO workshop raised at an earlier AC meeting resulted in a decision that the ASO AC members at the meeting should make themselves available to other constituencies to provide an update rather than the AC hold its own workshop. The Monday up-date to the plenary session would continue as it did in Prague.

[New Action Item 120906-10]: Chair to reach out to the Chairs of other SOs so that time can be made on their agenda if an ASO update is requested.

(NA left the meeting at 10:07 UTC, HPH left the meeting at 10:09 UTC)

9. Adjournment

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 20:12

Last modified on 29/01/2020