ASO AC Teleconference 5 July 2012

ASO AC Attendees:

Fiona Asonga, FA
Alan Barrett, AB
Douglas Onyango, DO

Naresh Ajwani, NA
Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF

Jason Schiller, JS
Ron da Silva, RdS

Alejandro Guzman, AG

Hans Petter Holen, HPH
Wilfried Woeber, WW
Dave Wilson, DW

German Valdez, GV (APNIC)
Adam Gosling, AJG (APNIC)

Einar Bolin, EB (ARIN)
Emilio Madaio, EM (RIPE NCC)
Leo Vegoda, LV (IANA)
Olof Nordling, ON (ICANN)

Ray Plzak (ICANN)
Louie Lee, Chair (ARIN)
Andy Linton (APNIC)
Sebastian Bellagamba (LACNIC)
Hartmut Glaser (LACNIC)

0. Commencement

As the ASO AC Chair had sent his apologies, Alan Barrett ASO AC Vice Chair agreed to Chair the meeting. After a roll call indicated the presence of a quorum, the Chair commenced the meeting at 07:10 (UTC).

1. Agenda Review

The Chair reviewed the Agenda. There were no additions or changes.

2. Open Action Item Review

Action Item 1406-01: Secretariat to remove ‘draft’ from all three sets of minutes April and May.

Status: Completed

Action Item 0426-02: Interview Committee to protect information gathered during the ICANN Board selection process by destroying the information once the decision is made public.
There was a discussion about what was required to from AC members to achieve completion of this action item resulting in a new action item. The existing item was closed.

Status: Closed

(New Action Item 0705-01): DO to draft guidelines for destruction of documentation regarding ICANN Board applicants.

RdS joined the meeting at 07:17 (UTC)

Action Item 0426-04: Secretariat to update 2012 work plan to include a review of the GPDP.

Status: Completed

Action Item 0427-01: AB, HPH, AL, and WW to work with the Secretariat on a review of the ASO AC OP.

Status: Open

Action Item 0427-03: AC to draft a Problem Statement regarding Secretariat Rotation for presentation to the NRO EC.

Status: Open

Action Item 0427-04: Secretariat to conduct a survey to establish what problems Council members are experiencing that prevents them from joining ASO AC meetings in 2012.

Status: Open

Action Item 0614-02: The Chair will circulate new operating procedures.

Status: Closed

Action Item 0614-03: Secretariat to compile discussion which took place during the call, to be made available 15 days before next call (prior to voting) which is 20 June, and to also change Co-Chair to Vice Chair as a track change document.

Status: Open

3. Revised 2012 Work plan: review and vote on acceptance

The Chair noted the changes to the work plan included the following:

  • ASO AC to conduct review of GPDP
  • ASO AC to conduct review of ASO AC OP

DO moved to accept the June revision to the ASO AC 2012 work plan, which included the addition of two items. Seconded by WW.

Hearing no objections the Chair declared the motion was carried.

4. Update on ASO AC OP review

The Chair thanked JS for the proposed ASO AC OP amendments circulated to the mailing list following the last meeting. There was a brief discussion about the amendments. The Chair requested an action item:

(New Action Item 0705-02): ASO AC members to familiarize themselves with the ASO AC changes proposed by JS, so they are able to vote on this at the next meeting.

5. RIR Meeting reports

The Chair asked if there were any reports from RIR meetings:

AB reported that AfriNIC met in The Gambia in June and there were no formal policy proposal changes. There are two under discussion, but they have not reached consensus, so there is nothing to report.

6. ICANN Prague Reports

Chair asked if there were any reports from the ICANN Meeting in Prague

WW reported there were a reasonably small number of formal activities. Most were very useful such as the interaction with the ICANN At Large community and the ASO Update session on Monday. He noted that in his opinion the ASO Workshop was not successful. This due in part because it was scheduled during the lunch break, but also because the content does not meet the expectations of the average ICANN attendee as no policy discussion takes place. He proposed the ASO AC review the usefulness of that activity for up-coming ICANN meetings.

AB agreed with WW in that his experience of other ICANN meetings was that the Workshop session does not meet the expectations of the ICANN meeting goers.

ON noted that the Monday presentation by LL was a “big hit” because there was a full attendance and so the message got across much better than ASO presentations at other ICANN Meetings.

NA left the meting briefly at 07:48 (UTC) due to a technical problem and returned at 07:50 (UTC). On rejoining the meeting, he noted that he felt it was important that the GAC be updated with regional activities.

FA suggested that the workshop was not well attended because the GAC session went overtime, so scheduling was part of the problem.

FA also reported that she was nominated to become part of the ICANN Academy WG on behalf of the ASO. Chair congratulated her on this appointment.

WW reiterated that he believed that the content the ASO can provide is not sufficient to make the session a success and that the ASO AC would be better served to provide regular updates within the sessions organized by other constituencies. FA agreed.

(New Action Item 0705-03): WW to put his thoughts and ideas regarding current ASO activities at ICANN meetings to the list, in writing. This should also include a summary of suggested changes for ASO AC activities at ICANN meetings.

7. Seat 10 ICANN Board Selection Process

The Secretariat tabled proposed timelines, based on the conclusion of the Seat 10 term ending in April 2013.

There was a discussion about the proposed timing and the current uncertainty surrounding that. The formation of the required committees was proposed. It was noted that the membership of the ASO AC might change during the selection process, affecting the membership of these committees.

NA left meeting from 08:08 – 08:11 due to a technical problem.

AB proposed the Council accept the proposed timeline and called for the immediate formation of the QRC and IC, but for the AC to remain open to the prospect that this might change in the New Year. He called for a motion.

WW explained that he was willing to make a motion about the start date, but proposed the dates for the entire process be decided once the ambiguity regarding the end of the Seat 10 Term is resolved.

HPH agreed this was a friendly amendment and that he would also support this. He moved that the ASO AC agree to issue a Call for Nominations for candidates in the Seat 10 selection process for 2013 on 17 August 2012, but that the schedule for the remaining phases be decided at a later date. The motion was seconded by WW.

WW requested a roll call vote on the motion. The result was 10 in support, plus one abstention.

Formation of QRC Committee for 2013 Seat 10 Selection Process:
WW moved that the ASO Address Council form the Qualification Review Committee (QRC) for the Seat 10 Selection Process 2013 with the following members FA, AG, HPH, NA, RdS. The motion was seconded by JS.

The Chair requested a roll call vote. There were 11 in favor of the motion.

Formation of the IC for the 2013 Seat 10 Selection Process:
WW moved that the ASO Address Council form the Interview Committee (IC) for the Seat 10 Selection Process 2013 with the same members as the QRC committee. This was seconded JS.

The Chair requested a roll call vote. There were 11 in favor of the motion.

WW suggested that the IC should review the written questionnaire to ensure all questions asked are still relevant to current ICANN activities and that once reviewed, the new questions should be circulated to all members of the AC. Hearing no objections the Chair placed an Action Item on the IC.

(New Action Item 0705-04): The 2013 Seat 10 Interview Committee to update the questions for candidates and to circulate this to the mailing list for review by the ASO AC.

(New Action Item 0705-05): Secretariat to up date the ASO QRC and IC mailing lists so that old members are removed and the new members added.

(New Action Item 0705-06): Secretariat to develop provisional timelines for other phases once the end of term for Seat 10 is confirmed.

8. Any Other Business

The Chair noted the recent invitation for an ASO member to serve on the ATRT and asked if anybody had any information. ON clarified the ATRT is due to take place with three year intervals. The next ATRT is to be launched at the beginning of next year. A call will soon be made for SO/ACs to propose candidates for selection by the CEO and GAC Chair.

WW noted that some informal discussions were conducted during the Prague meeting and that we should place this on the agenda for the next meeting.

EM – left the meeting 18:35

There was no further business

9. Adjournment

WW proposed to adjourn the meeting thanking the Secretariat for its support. TF seconded the motion.

Hearing no objections the Chair closed the meeting.

Last modified on 29/01/2020