ASO AC Teleconference 19 January 2012

ASO AC Attendees

Fiona Asonga, FA
Alan Barrett, AB, Vice Chair

Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF
Andy Linton, AL

Louie Lee, LL, Chair

Hartmut Glaser, HG

Hans Petter Holen, HPH
Dave Wilson, DW, Vice Chair


Adam J Gosling, AJG
Srinivas Chendi, SC
Samantha Marks, SM

Nate Davis, ND
Einar Bolin, EB

Leo Vegoda, LV
Olaf Nordling, ON
Ray Plzak, RP
Kuo Wei Wu, KWW


Wilfried Woeber, WW, Ron da Silva, RdS

Douglas Onyango, DO and Naresh Ajwani, NA had requested to be called into the conference.
However, their message did not reach the Secretariat in time.


Sebastian Bellagamba, Jason Schiller, Alejandro Guzman

0. Commencement

The Chair commenced the meeting at 09:02 AEST and noted the presence of a quorum.

  • On behalf of the Secretariat, AJG asked if the meeting attendees agreed to allow recording of the Teleconference for the purpose of taking minutes. AB objected, noting that previous meetings were not recorded for legal reasons. The Chair resolved to cease recording and discuss this further at the end of the Agenda.
  • HG asked if the Secretariat had correctly subscribed Alejandro Guzman to the AC-Coord mailing list, as he was surprised he was not on the call and had said he was planning to attend.
  • The Chair requested the Secretariat to check the mailing list .

1. Welcome

The Chair welcomed everybody including a special welcome to Douglas Onyango and Alejandro Guzman who are two new ASO Address Council members joining this year. He also welcomed back Alan Barrett, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Andy Linton, Ron da Silva, and Wilfried Woeber; the ASO Address Council members either re-elected or reappointed to serve another term on the AC.

The Chair noted that the Secretariat this year is APNIC and that Adam Gosling and German Valdez would be primary points of contact and support.

The Chair made the following points about meeting process and procedures:

  • The ASO AC roughly follows Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Ask to be recognized by the Chair before speaking.
  • Before the AC can make a decision or take a major action, a motion must be first be made by an AC member, then seconded by another AC member, and finally voted upon.
  • Typically, a motion will be carried if there are no objections. A roll call vote is sometimes necessary.
  • Our procedures outline which elections have specific criteria beyond a simple majority vote.

The Chair asked speakers to please identify themselves before speaking as this helps new AC members and observers, an also helps the Secretariat in taking minutes.

2. Agenda Review.

The Chair reviewed the Agenda

3. 2012 ASO AC position appointments

A) Chair election

Chair noted the Secretariat sent the 2012 Chair election results to the mailing list last week. The results were:

Votes cast: 14 / 15
Alan Barrett = 5 votes
Louie Lee = 8 votes
Abstain = 1 vote

The Chair thanked everyone who voted and thanked AB for offering to Chair the AC this year noting that he hoped AB is willing to do so next year.

The Chair asked that in future elections, he hoped that everyone would take the time to actually cast a vote, even if it’s to abstain. This is particularly important when it relates to our duties as AC members in carrying out our responsibility on behalf of our respective communities.

He further noted that there was a concern raised with the way the election was conducted in a private email conversation. Some of the concerns raised include: using a survey system rather than a secret ballot voting system, not sending individual email invitations for closer tracking and auditing, not using a verification code to allow voters to verify the vote without revealing the actual vote cast by individual voters.

If the AC agrees, the Chair requested that further discussion be saved for a later time.

As there were no objections, Chair proposed to move on.

B) Appointment of Vice Chairs.

Chair stated he was open to volunteers and read from an excerpt from the AC Operational Procedures concerning the appointment of Vice Chairs.

The Chair invited AB to serve as a Vice Chair. AB accepted.

The Chair invited DW to serve as a Vice Chair. DW accepted.

The Chair noted that, as this appointment does not need AC approval, he thanked the volunteers and moved on.

C) Appointments of PPFTs.

The Chair read an excerpt from the AC Operational Procedures concerning the appointment of Global Policy Proposal Facilitators


Previous members of the PPFT for “GPP-IPv4-2010: Global Policy For IPv4 Allocations by the IANA Post Exhaustion” were: Dave Wilson, Alan Barrett, Francisco Obispo, and Ron da Silva.”

Calling for volunteers, DW, AB, AL, LL volunteered. HG suggested AG be invited to serve.

It was moved by HG and seconded by TF that:

“The ASO AC appoints DW, AB, AL, LL to serve on the PPFT for GPP-IPv4-2010 and that AG be invited to serve for LACNIC.

(New Action Item: 1901-01) Chair to request AG to serve on the PPFT for GPP-IPv4-2010 and to mention it was HGs proposal.


Previous members of the PPFT for “GPP-IPv4-2011: Global Policy for Post Exhaustion IPv4 Allocation Mechanisms by the IANA” were: Jason Schiller, Francisco Obispo, Hans Petter Holen, Tomohiro Fujisaki, and Fiona Asonga.”

The Chair called for volunteers and FA, TF, and HPH volunteered. The Chair asked HG if we should invite AG and if he declined then ask SB, and further suggested JS, who was not present, could also be invited.

HG moved and DW seconded that:

“The ASO AC appoints FA, TF, HPH to serve on the PPFT for GPP-IPv4-2011 and that JS and either AG or SB be also invited to serve.”

(New Action Item: 1901-02) Chair to request JS, and either AG, or SB, to serve on the PPFT for GPP-IPv4-2011.

The Chair asked if the AC felt they should form a standby PPFT in case there are any new global policy proposals in 2012? He noted he did not personally believe it necessary and asked for comments. FA agreed it is not necessary and there were no other objections.

Chair thanked those volunteering to serve on existing PPFTs.

4. Approval of December Minutes

HG moved and AB seconded that:

“The ASO AC approves the Minutes of December 8, 2011, as written.”

There were none opposed.

(New Action Item: 1901-03) SECRETARIAT. Remove ‘Draft’ from December 8, 2011 minutes on the ASO AC website.

5. Open Action Item Review

The Chair proposed that only the open action items that are not related to topics being covered elsewhere in the agenda would be reviewed. There were no objections.

(Action Item: 1112-01) SECRETARIAT. Remove Draft from November 10, 2011 minutes on the ASO AC website.

The Chair noted this has been completed.

6. The 2012 ASO AC Work Plan

The Chair reminded the meeting that the December minutes show that AB had volunteered to write up the 2012 work plan for approval at the January 2012 ASO AC telecom, and to circulate ahead of time, offering suggestions to add or remove items. AB volunteered.

Chair noted: this had been done and invited AB to review the list prior to discussion. After reading the draft list there was discussion and more items were added.

DW proposed a motion to accept the 2012 work plan. HH seconded. There were no objections and AB resolved to distribute the final version.

7. 2012 Meeting Schedule.

A) Confirmation of dates & time for teleconference schedule

The Chair noted the Agenda listed proposed meeting time based on keeping to the first Thursday (Brisbane time) of every month with some alterations to avoid conflicts.

He also noted that available times were distributed as Excel and PDF. As agreed last year, the Secretariat should host the meeting during normal business hours to facilitate the operational aspects. He suggested 23:00 UTC (9 AM Brisbane time) to shift last year’s pain away from the Asia-Pacific region to elsewhere.

There was some discussion about proposed meeting time and dates.

Acknowledging that there were only eight (8) members present in the meeting, the Chair deferred a final decision on future meeting times until their input could be obtained.

It was proposed that the date of the February meeting be moved to 9 February, but for Chair to consider 2 February if required to enable more people to attend.

There were none opposed.

Chair asks for thoughts on approving the rest of the schedule, or should we wait for more participants?

It was proposed by AL and seconded by HPH to agree on the dates already distributed and circulate them, then to fix any problems at a later time.

There were none opposed.

(New Action Item: 1901-04) Chair to circulate proposed meeting dates for discussion.

B) Location for face-to-face meeting

The Chair indicated the list of potential meetings as a venue for the ASO AC face-to-face meeting.

He noted that in recent years, face-to-face meetings were held in conjunction with the ICANN public meetings, where possible during the Interview Phase of the ICANN Board selection process, so that the whole AC may do in-person interviews with the candidates. However, in 2012, there is no ICANN meeting late enough in the Interview Phase to make an all-AC interview feasible. Nor will we have a June ICANN meeting early enough to have our selection completed in time.

He outlined the options as he saw them and recommended the topic be tabled until hearing the report on the QRC review of ICANN Board candidates.

There was discussion about potential meeting venues and the selection process. During this discussion, at 10:28 (AEST), KWW indicated he had to leave the meeting.

Acknowledging that only eight (8) members of the AC were present, the Chair proposed that a decision could not be made and thanked the participants for the discussion before proposing to move on.

There were no objections.

8. ASO Review.

The Chair updated the meeting on the status of the ASO Review report prepared by ITEMS International. He noted that the AC did not provide further feedback as a group and that he did not observe any individuals comment directly on their own behalf.

The Chair indicated that he was not aware whether the final report had been made available, as there were no updates since the November draft was reviewed. He informed the meeting he had sent an email to ITEMS requesting an update.

He requested all AC Members to read the November draft and noted that the AC should discuss the final report once it is made available. He suggested the AC might wish to draft a response to the report, or collaborate with the NRO Executive Council on a response.

Chair asked for comments. As there were none he proposed to move on.

There were no objections.

9. Selection of Individuals to the ICANN Board of Directors.

Related to open Action Item: 1006-02: CHAIR. Send the [updated ICANN Board selection procedure] documents to the EC for approval.

The Chair reported that all 5 EC members have read the updated procedures and that the AC may be asked to further refine the procedure.

If these are minor and do not substantially change the ongoing selection process, the AC might consider incorporating them in somehow. Otherwise, he proposed to queue up the updates for next time edit of the Operating Procedures.

The Chair asked for comments and HPH encouraged the EC to approve the Operating Procedures ASAP and to present input early in the process to avoid a situation where the AC was put in a position of beginning a process without approved Operating Procedures in the future.

Chair agreed, proposed to move on.

There were no objections.

A) Qualification Review Committee (QRC). Committee Members are: AB, SB, TF, HPH, and RdS

The Chair asked the QRC to report or defer.

AB informed the meeting that five (5) nominations were received, two (2) made on the last day. The last two submissions are not yet reviewed, but that is appears four candidates will pass the eligibility test. He indicated the QRC required a few more days to finish its review.

The list of nominations was read out to the meeting.

The Chair asked AB to confirm that there may be up to five (5) candidates and AG confirmed this.

As some QRC members indicated that they did not have documents for some candidates, AB requested the Secretariat to resend the documents to everyone again.

(New Action Item: 1901-05) Secretariat to re-send Qualification review documents to QRC members.

Chair proposed to move to the next Agenda item.

There were no objections.

B) Interview Committee (IC). Committee members are: AB, NA, RdS, and SB.

It was noted that the IC still required a volunteer from the RIPE region.

HPH volunteered

HG moved and DW seconded that:

“Hans Petter Holen be added to the ASO AC Interview Committee as the representative of the RIPE region as per the Procedure for Selection of Individuals to the ICANN Board of Directors.”

There were none opposed

The Chair asked the Secretariat to confirm that is an IC mailing list. The Secretariat confirmed that there is one, but that assistance from the RIPE NCC would be required to obtain access to it. The Secretariat said this would be resolved by the end of the week.

The Chair asked if there were any more thoughts on the scheduling of the AC face-to-face meeting. As there were none, he proposed to move on.

There were no objections.

10. Status of GPP-IPv4-2010: Global Policy For IPv4 Allocations by the IANA Post Exhaustion. PPFT: DW, AB, FO, RdS

Noting that the Secretariat has updated the website to say: “Status: This proposal is unlikely to advance since it has been abandoned, withdrawn, or expired at four RIRs”, the Chair asked if there was any update. There was none.

AL asked what would be the status of this Policy now that the ARIN Board had ratified GPP-IPv4-2011. The Chair noted that ARIN is only RIR that has adopted this proposal, but that until it is withdrawn it is still a global proposal. Action to withdraw the 2010 version would be required from the ARIN region.

DW noted that it seems odd to continue to track something that can’t move forward. He asked if it is worth clarifying when the AC can be satisfied that a global policy is dead.

ND reported that the ARIN board could dispose of policies such as this.

There was a short discussion before it was resolved that the ASO AC make the decision to stop tracking GPP-IPv4-2010 and to inform the ARIN board that of the decision and that it may be resurrected in the future if required.

(New Action Item: 1901-06) Chair to contact NRO regarding a message about GPP-IPv4-2010 to the ARIN Board.

11. Status of GPP-IPv4-2011: Global Policy for Post Exhaustion IPv4 Allocation Mechanisms by the IANA. PPFT: JS, FO, HPH, TF, FA

The Chair notes the meeting duration has reached 2 hours. He updated the meeting on the status of this GPP according to the ASO website and asked for updates.

The Secretariat informed that the AfriNIC Board has ratified the Policy, but that the website has not yet been updated. This meant that the proposal has now passed in all regions.

The Chair thanked the Secretariat for the update and warned the PPFT that it should prepare to produce its report, so that when the NRO EC passes it to AC, we are ready to proceed.

RP informed the meeting of likely timelines that the ICANN Board could consider this GPP. ON confirmed that a proposed new comment period observed by ICANN Board proceedings was 21+21 days. RP suggested that depending on the time the ASO AC passed the GPP to the ICANN Board it could be completed in June or possibly late May.

The Chair requested that the PPFT should not hold this up and proposed to move on to the next agenda item.

There were no objections.

12. Updates to Operating Procedures

The Chair cited an excerpt from the ASO AC Operational Procedures and wondered about the interpretation of the requirement for a vote of four-fifths of the members for the acceptance of amendments. Is this meant to be four-fifths of all members, or four-fifths of Members present?

RP volunteered that as the author of this clause, his intention was to be 4/5 of total membership.

Chair that with only 8 Members present the meeting could not vote on updates to the Operating Procedures.

DW suggested that if there was difficulty getting four-fifths of the Members present for a vote, that electronic means be used and RP noted that common practice is that when such a vote is taken electronically, it requires all members voting, and all members must vote in favor, otherwise must go to discussion. Further, if any one Member objects to taking an electronic vote, it cannot be done that way.

It was agreed to propose an electronic vote and that if anybody objected, to bring this before a meeting.

13. Any Other Business.

A) WebEx recording: The Chair revisited the question of recording the meeting for the purpose of taking minutes. After some discussion it was agreed that this could be put to the mailing list. The Secretariat was asked to follow-up with the legal counsel of each RIR to obtain their opinion.

B) TF asked if there would be an ASO meeting at next ICANN meeting: The Chair reported that there would be the regular ASO workshop on the Wednesday afternoon and the he hoped there would be five (5) AC members, including himself.

The Chair asked who else would attend requesting that one from each region be present. DW reported that WW planned to attend and the he would try but could not arrive before the Tuesday.

The Chair requested DW to consider himself to be the primary representative for his region, he agreed. TF noted that he could attend and the Chair thanked him and requested that he attend. HG offered to contact the LACNIC members no present.

RP reported that the AC should expect to have a meeting with the ICANN Board so that they can talk about the GPP, about trends in region and so on. He explained there must be an agreed agenda between the Board and Supporting Organizations at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting.

Finally, the Chair reminded Members that the next ICANN is in June in Prague and asked Members to check their calendars.

C) HG noted that the list of AC Members on the ASO website had an incorrect email address for AG. The Secretariat thanked him for point to this error and resolved to correct it.

Seeing that there was no other business, the Chair asked for motion to adjourn. HG made the motion to adjourn. AL seconded this.

There were no objections.

14. Adjournment.

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 11:35 (AEST)



Last modified on 29/01/2020