ASO AC Teleconference 2 December 2005

AC Attendees:

Sanford George (SG) – ARIN
Louis Lee (LL) – ARIN
Kenny S. Huang (KH) – APNIC
Takashi Arano (TA) – APNIC
Hyun-Joon Kwon (HJK)  APNIC
Hartmut Glaser (HG) – LACNIC
Sebastian Bellagamba (SB) – LACNIC
Hans Petter Holen (HPH) – RIPE NCC
Wilfried Woeber (WW) – RIPE NCC
Sabine Jaume (SJ) – RIPE NCC
Alan Barret (AB) – AfriNIC


Leslie Nobile  ARIN
Megan Kruse  ARIN
Martin Hannigan (MH)  ARIN
Francisco Obispo (FO)  LACNIC
Germán Valdez (GV) – LACNIC
Adriana Rivero (AR) – LACNIC (Secretariat)
Raimundo Beca (RB) – ICANN Board of Directors
Olof Nordling (ON) – ICANN Staff

Raúl Echeberría (RE) – LACNIC (joined after roll call)


Axel Pawlik (AP) – RIPE NCC

Minutes taken by AR.

Draft Agenda:

  1. Welcome & roll call
  2. Agenda review
  3. Minutes from November Teleconference
  4. Review of the Web Site & language issue
  5. Procedures
  6. Letter to ICANN regarding ASO internal structure and points of contact
  7. Opening of nominations to Chair of the Address Council
  8. Selection of NOMCom representative from the AC
  9. Internal AC procedure to adopt global policy
  10. Procedure to select ICANN board member
  11. Physical meetings 2006
  12. Regularly scheduled teleconferences 2006
  13. AOB

The teleconference was opened at 17:00 UTC.

1) Welcome & roll call

As per roll call 11 AC members and 8 observers were present. Quorum was established.

2) Agenda review

Hearing no objections, the draft agenda was approved.

3) Minutes from November Teleconference

HPH proposed the following Draft Motion: Due to the late circulation of the minutes the AC postpones the approval of the minutes to the January telephone conference.


The draft motion proposed by HPH was approved; the approval of the November teleconference minutes was postponed until the January teleconference.

4) Review of the Web Site & language issue

Draft Motion 1: Task LL to work with the new Secretariat to implement his proposed changes to improve the website.

Draft Motion 2: (HG) To propose to the NRO to hire additional staff to update the ASO portal with relevant content


After reading Draft Motion 1, the following comments were heard:

LL: We did not have a lot of input, perhaps the website should resemble some sort of portal for the community and perhaps that type of structure should be put together. I motion that we do this when the Secretariat is with the ARIN region.

This motion was seconded by SJ, who also volunteered to help LL with the task. Hearing no objections, LL’s motion was approved.

Action#0512-01 (LL):
To work with the new Secretariat to implement the proposed changes to improve the website, with the help of SJ.

After reading Draft Motion 2, the following comments were heard:

HG: to have a more coordinated website between the NRO and the ASO, probably using one website as a portal for additional information about IP addresses and so on.
To develop this ASO portal with some relevant content that we can discuss in the future, (we should probably use support from the RIRs because the NRO would not hire any staff).

HG proposed to send the suggestion to the EC saying that the NRO and the ASO websites should be linked or connected and contain complementary information. Next year LACNIC, with Raul Echeberria, will chair the NRO. It was suggested to send a letter now to Axel saying that in 2006 the AC is willing to support this.

Motion seconded by SJ. Hearing no objections the motion was approved.

5) Procedures

Deferred until January meeting.
Sebastian presented the work that has been completed so far. Ray Plzak will propose language to the bullet points presented and circulate to ac-coord no later than December 15th.


HPH: Proposed deferring this item until the January meeting.

This motion was approved.

6) Letter to ICANN regarding ASO internal structure and points of contact

Draft Motion (proposed by HPH): The AC agrees with the content of this letter and instructs the Chair to send the letter to ICANN. Alternately, leave this to informal communications.


After discussing the alternatives, the AC decided to leave this to informal communications for the time being, and perhaps later to come back to the proposal in January and decide on a more formal course of action.

7) Opening of nominations to Chair of the address Council

HPH referred to the Chair selection procedure


HPH: This is the formal opening of the nomination process for the Chair of the AC. The election will be held at the next regularly scheduled teleconference in 2006. I would like to invite you to nominate either yourselves or your colleagues to chair the AC next year. Personally, I feel that I have too much to do and too little time to be able to chair the AC properly, although I have not definitely said no to a position as co-chair,

HG commented that the chair position should rotate and that everyone on the AC should be ready to assume leadership at some time. He moved that Sebastián Bellagamba be one of the nominees for the position of 2006 Chair of the AC.

HPH commented that it would be good to have more than one candidate, from different regions. It might be someone from the AfriNIC region.

AB: I think some geographical diversity would be a good thing. I will think about the possibility.

HPH: I believe the procedure establishes that the Chair will nominate two co-chairs. In my opinion it will be much easier for the Chair to elect his/her co-chairs if he/she knows who will be available.

After discussing other possibilities, HPH mentioned that it would be great to have the nominations early. He also suggested that perhaps it would be good if the AC had a bit more time to think about the nominations. This was agreed.

It was pointed out that the AC should notify the new members elected from the APNIC region as soon as possible. HPH will make a note to inform them as soon as they’re elected about the nominations so far.

It was established that nominations may be presented until the last minute before the election.

8) Selection of NOMCom representativte from the AC

Hartmut Glaser has served on the NOMcom for 2 years – prior to that the representative was German Valdez.
Both Sebastian Bellagamba and Sanford George have been suggested. It was also suggested that there should be a representative from the Afrinic region in order to provide further balance in the NOMCOM and further on the board.

Hartmut reports there is significant work to be done – perhaps 2 physical meetings and more than 100 hours of reading of CVs, checking references and discussing.

The AC does not have a specific procedure for selecting a NomCom representative – previously we have done this by open votes at our teleconferences. Alternatively we could use the same procedure as we use for selecting chair.

Hartmut also suggested geographic diversity among the 4 positions of Chair, co-chairs and nom-com member.


HPH: We don’t have a formal written procedure regarding this position. In the past someone has volunteered at a meeting and we’ve had confirmation for the person volunteering. If we want to do it more formally we could follow the same procedure as for electing the Chair. Yesterday both SB and SG were mentioned for this position. Perhaps it would be good to have someone who is not from the LACNIC region.

SB: I agree completely.

HG moved that SG be the NOMCom representative from the AC and to send a letter to the Board or to the CEO informing them of the decision. This motion was seconded by WW.

Votes were taken by roll call with the following results: 1 abstention (SG), 10 votes for the affirmative and zero votes for the negative. Sanford George was confirmed as the NOMCom representative from the AC.

Action#0512-02 (HPH):
Inform that SG has been confirmed as the new NOMCom representative for the AC.

Before moving on to the next agenda item, HG proposed that the AC co-chairs should not be from the same region as the AC Chair; having the chair and co-chairs from three different regions will provide geographical diversity. SJ seconded this proposal. All members present were in agreement.

9) Internal AC procedure to adopt global policy

HPH: My suggestion is to defer motion to adopt policy until the January meeting to allow for comments and discussion (ref Alan’s email).


HPH: Yesterday we discussed the IPv6 global policy. First we went through the MoU to see what is required from the AC in regards to this policy and then we went through the ICANN Board procedure where there are also some tasks for the AC to complete. The MoU says that the AC should develop a procedure, so the AC started to sketch a procedure yesterday. I suggest we should continue the discussion on the list and decide on it during the January meeting.

After further discussion, it was decided that LL, AB and HJK will form a committee which will be guided by AB.

Action#0512-03 (AB, LL, HJK):
To work on a draft procedure and circulate it to the list so that everyone has a chance to read it and provide feedback.

10) Procedure to select ICANN board member

During yesterday’s workshop it was discovered that the procedure to select an ICANN board member needs updating (

Proposal for a minor amendment: replace “ASO General Assembly” by “a meeting of the Address Council.”

I suggest to leave it open whether it is a physical meeting or a meeting by teleconference – but at the same time plan for this to be a physical meeting as the normal rule.

Draft motion: Amend the ASO-AC ICANN Board Selection Procedures by changing “ASO General Assembly” by “a meeting of the Address Council” and forward the procedure

Following this the new Secretariat should open the call for nomination process as soon as we have decided on a physical meeting 2006.


In relation to the above comments included by HPH in his extended agenda, the following comments were heard:

HPH: Mohamed’s term expires in June 2006, so the ASO needs to run through its procedures so that a new ICANN Board member can be appointed. Because the MoU has changed, we no longer have an ASO General Assembly. That’s the reason for the minor amendment proposed for that procedure: to replace “ASO General Assembly” by “a meeting of the Address Council,” not specifying whether it is a physical meeting or a teleconference.

HPH: I believe that the question is when we need to make this appointment. If the term expires at the end of June, do we need to make the appointment 30 days before that date? Is this something that is established in the procedures or is it in the bylaws?

HG: Probably we should now replace the candidate’s speeches by a written document submitted to the AC, let’s say 60 days in advance, so that we can take action at least 30 days before the end of the term.

HPH: We could still invite the candidates to a physical meeting. I need to double check whether or not this is in the procedures. What we need to figure out is the deadline when ICANN needs to receive this appointment and then we can come back and see which RIR meetings can be used for the election. But we should also allow for participation by teleconference.
Would anybody like to put forth a motion to modify the procedures?

Motion put forth by ON: No later than 5 months after the conclusion of each annual meeting. This means one month in advance.

HG: So, no later than May 4th we need to send the information to the ICANN Board.

It was established that there are three upcoming physical meetings: APNIC (February), ARIN (April) and RIPE NCC.

HG: We need to decide which of these meetings we will use for the election.

It was discussed whether or not the election should be announced in the ICANN website.
It will be posted in the ASO website and it was also suggested that general information mailing lists in each region should be used to inform each community about the election process and nominations. If ICANN wants to put a link to this election on their website that should be their decision. We should do nothing that may cause anybody to suspect us of restricting nominations.

After further discussion, the following motion was presented: “To amend the ASO-AC ICANN Board Selection Procedures by changing “ASO General Assembly” by “a meeting of the Address Council” and forward the procedure.”

Votes were taken by roll call and the motion was approved unanimously.

HPH concluded as follows: Then the procedure will be forwarded to the NRO EC for its approval. Then the new Secretariat should establish a timeline and a common understanding on how to do this.

11) Physical meetings 2006

Ask the secretariat to compile a list of all the RIR meetings and ICANN meetings in 2006 and ask the AC members to indicate their availability by December 15th in order to establish possible physical meetings in 2006.

Suggestions for improvements:
– Set the schedule for the physical meetings well in advance – modeled after the Vancouver schedule
– Ask the Secretariat to facilitate the practical arrangements with ICANN and make reservations at the conference hotel.
– Firm commitment for participations 30 (60?) days in advance?


SB: We must have two physical meetings this year, one in each semester. I suggest having the one in the first semester at a RIR meeting and the one in the second semester at an ICANN meeting. My proposal would be the RIPE NCC meeting in Istanbul and the ICANN meeting in Latin America.

After some discussion, two possibilities were mentioned: 1) we find out the availability of the members now and schedule the meetings according to their availability, or 2) we schedule the meetings and then we confirm their availability.

HPH: I believe I prefer the second option, we should decide the schedule now and then the members can decide how they will manage to attend. Also I agree with WW that we should ask the new Secretariat to help out with some of the coordination and practical arrangements for the meetings.

It was mentioned the visa problem to attend some meetings, especially for those holding a developing country visa. Although it is not the secretariat’s role, it could be good to get some help with the bureaucracy. The ICANN website has a list of countries that require visas. Probably we need to have a link to this, travel information.

Motion: To have physical meetings at the RIPE NCC meeting in Istanbul and the ICANN meeting in Latin America.

There being no objections, the motion was approved unanimously.

The physical meetings will be held in Istanbul and the ICANN meeting in Latin America.

Action#0512-04 (Secretariat):
To collect information on the availability of the AC members to travel to these two meetings. Deadline: Two weeks from now.

12) Regularly scheduled teleconferences 2006

The Chair will send out his suggestion for regularly scheduled teleconferences for 2006 for final approval at the January meeting.


HPH: I will send out a proposed schedule which we can discuss on the mailing list. As a starting point I would propose maintaining the monthly meetings with regularly scheduled teleconferences on the first Wednesday of each month.

It was decided that the tentative schedule will be discussed on the mailing list and that the final decision will be made by the new council during the January teleconference.

13) AOB

HJK: Korea would like to host the ICANN meeting in 2007. So what I’m asking you is that if anybody asks you about Korea that you put in a good word.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1830 UTC.



Action#0512-01 (LL):
To work with the new Secretariat to implement the proposed changes to improve the website, with the help of SJ.

Action#0512-02 (HPH):
Inform that SG has been confirmed as the new NOMCom representative for the AC.

Action#0512-03 (AB, LL, HJK):
To work on a draft procedure and circulate it to the list so that everyone has a chance to read it and provide feedback.

Action#0512-04 (Secretariat):
To collect information on the availability of the AC members to travel to these two meetings. Deadline: Two weeks from now.

Due to the AC decision of postponing the approval of the minutes from the last teleconference, the list of open actions from the November 2, 2005 teleconference are included here for your reference:

LIST OF ACTIONS (from November 2, 2005 teleconference):


Action#0511-01 SEC:
To change the status of the October teleconference from Draft to Final.

Action#0511-02 ALL:
To set a deadline of 10 business days for comments to the letter prepared by LH (on the issue of competition in addressing registries) and if there are no objections HPH will forward the letter to ICANN.

Action#0511-03 ALL:
To read the document prepared by SJ on the website and language issues and send comments to the list before the Vancouver meeting.

Action#0511-04 S):
To take all the comments received and update the website and language issue document for its discussion at the workshop in Vancouver.

Action#0511-05 LL:
To send the latest version of the procedures to welcome new AC members to the AC coord list, then RP will forward it to the EC for approval.

Action#0511-06 ON:
To try to find out who scheduled the two-hour meeting with the GAC on December 1st. and put that person in contact with RP. (The original request was to have a half-hour meeting with the GAC).

Action#0511-07 HPH:
To congratulate David Conrad on becoming the new IANA General Manager.


Action#051005-2 (RP):
To ask for information from the NRO about what they will do regarding the language issue.

Action #050727-5. CHAIR:
To prepare a more refined proposal for the Vancouver meeting and circulate it to the list for further discussion; to get in contact with the ICANN staff to see what is the actual availability of rooms and space so that we can have a more concrete proposal on the table during the next couple of weeks.

Action #050710-5. SB, SJ, RP, CHAIR, CO-CHAIRS:
To review and finalize the procedure to call for AC meetings before the next meeting. On hold until the draft for the new meetings procedure is circulated to the list by RP.

Last modified on 01/09/2020