ASO AC Teleconference on 7 February 2018

ASO AC Teleconference
7 February 2018



Fiona Asonga (FA)
Noah Maina (NM)
Omo Oaiya (OO)


Aftab Siddiqui (AS) – Chair
Brajesh Jain (BJ)


Kevin Blumberg (KB) – Vice Chair
Louie Lee (LL)


Ricardo Patara (RP) – Vice Chair
Jorge Villa (JV)


Nurani Nimpuno (NN)
Filiz Yilmaz (FY)
Hervé Clément (HC)


Henri Kasyfi (HK)
Jason Schiller (JS)


Ernest Byaruhanga (EB)

Sunny Chendi (SC)

Sean Hopkins (SH)
Nate Davis (ND)

Gianina Pensky (GP)
Carlos Reyes (CR)

German Valdez (GV) – Executive Secretary
Susannah Gray (SG) – Scribe


0. Welcome
1. Agenda Review
2. Review of Open Action Items
3. Approval of Minutes
a. January 2018
4. ASO AC Vice Chair Appointment
5. ASO Independent Review Status
6. ASO AC Work Plan 2018
7. ICANN Board Election Status
8. ICANN 61 Preparation
9. Any Other Business
10. Adjournment

New Action Items from this Meeting

NEW ACTION ITEM 180207-01: GV to reschedule March teleconference in the shared ASO Calendar.

NEW ACTION ITEM 180207-02: AS to provide a template for the regional ASO updates to ensure consistency in format.

NEW ACTION ITEM 180207-03: AS, FA, NN, KB, RP to provide updates from their regions for the ASO update during the ASO Public Session at ICANN 61.

NEW ACTION ITEM 180207-04: AS to consolidate past discussion on Recommendation #16 and improving transparency into a document to facilitate decision-making.

0. Welcome

AS welcomed the attendees and asked GV to perform the roll call. Quorum was declared.

1. Agenda Review

There were no changes to the agenda.

2. Review of Open Action Items

ACTION ITEM 180110-01: All to provide any final comments on the draft proposal for implementation of Recommendation # 15: ASO AC meetings should be open to the public, except for discussions regarding the selection of individuals for ICANN roles by 17 Jan 2018.

AS noted that no objections or edits were received.

LL proposed the motion to accept the draft proposal of the document “Implementation of Recommendation # 15”. Motion seconded by KB and HC. Motion passed.


ACTION ITEM 180110-02: GV to follow up with the NRO EC regarding the Subgroup on ICANN Empowered Community’s request for legal advice.

GV noted that this was in progress.


ACTION ITEM 180110-03: AS to suggest date/time slot for ASO AC F2F meeting during ICANN 61.

AS noted that the following dates and times had been proposed for Tuesday 13 March:

o ASO AC Annual Meeting, Part 1 [O] 09:00-12:00 [10:15-10:30 break]

o ASO AC Annual Meeting, Part 2 [C] 13:30-16:45 [15:00-15:15 break]

He explained that the first part would be open as per the ASO Review recommendation. The second part would be closed so that the ASO AC could discuss internal topics.
There was discussion on whether the scheduled ASO AC Teleconference on 7 March should take place. It was decided that the Teleconference would be rescheduled and held during the F2F meeting instead.

NEW ACTION ITEM 180207-01: GV to reschedule March teleconference to 13 March in the shared ASO Calendar.


ACTION ITEM 180110-04: AS to inform the NRO EC that the ASO AC would like to hold a public ASO session during the upcoming ICANN 61 meeting.

AS explained that he had recently discussed this with the NRO EC Chair, who had no objections to a public ASO session.

CR noted the following date and time had been scheduled for this:

Wednesday 14 March:

o ASO Public Session [O] 17:00-18:30

AS gave an overview of the topics for discussion during the joint session:

o ASO Update (ASO AC)

o NRO Update/Resource Statistics (NRO EC)

o ASO Review/Community Consultations (joint ASO AC/NRO EC)

o Q+A session.

AS suggested combining the most recent ASO updates from each region into one slide deck and asked for volunteers. AS, FA, NN, KB and RP volunteered to provide updates from their respective regions.

KB noted that, due to time constraints, only highlights would be outlined for the ARIN region.

NN asked that a template be provided so that each region provides content in the same format.

KB noted that it would be more efficient to have one person present the entire slide deck rather than having each section presented by a different ASO AC member. There was agreement.

NEW ACTION ITEM 180207-02: AS to provide a template for the regional ASO updates to ensure consistency in format.

NEW ACTION ITEM 180207-03: AS, FA, NN, KB, RP to provide updates from their regions for the ASO update to be given during the ASO Public Session at ICANN 61.

CR also noted that a workroom for the ASO had been reserved during ICANN 61.


ACTION ITEM 180110-05: GV to send a list of scheduled teleconference dates and meeting codes for 2018.

GV noted that all teleconference dates and meeting codes for 2018 had been included in the shared calendar and both .ics and html versions were updated.


ACTION ITEM 20171108-03: AS will draft responses to Recommendation # 9: The ASO AC should implement term limits for the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair and Recommendation # 10: The ASO AC should ensure that the duties of the Address Council Chair and the Address Council Vice-Chairs need to be added to the ASO AC Operating Procedures, and send to the ASO AC mailing list.

AS suggested that this action item is kept open until ICANN 61, where it can be discussed F2F. There were no objections.


3. Approval of Minutes

a. January 2018

KB proposed the motion to accept the minutes of the January ASO AC teleconference. BJ seconded the motion. Motion passed.

AS asked the Secretariat to publish the minutes on the ASO website.

4. ASO AC Vice Chair Appointment

AS, explained that RP was not on the January Teleconference and could therefore not officially accept the request that he take on the Vice Chair role alongside KB.

RP accepted the Vice Chair role. There were no objections.

5. ASO Independent Review Status

Joint Statement with NRO EC

AS noted that NRO EC had forwarded a document, Consideration of 2017 ASO Review Recommendations-joint-draft, to the ASO AC. The NRO EC would like to issue a joint statement and is waiting for the ASO AC’s response.

NN asked for clarification that this document is not replacing the Working Document for Response to and Implementation of Recommendations that the ASO AC has been working on.

AS confirmed that this document is simply a short statement noting that the NRO/ASO agrees with all recommendations and is different to the Working Document for Response to and Implementation of Recommendations, which goes into detail about implementation.
He added that the idea is to inform the ICANN Board that the ASO/NRO has accepted the recommendations and is working on an implementation plan during the joint ASO/ICANN Board session.

KB commented that he had no issues with the statement: it notes that outcomes are dependent on the results of the community consultations.

RP proposed the motion to accept the Consideration of 2017 ASO Review Recommendations-joint-draft text as proposed by the NRO EC. HC seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Working Document for Response to and Implementation of Recommendations

AS noted that the ASO AC should continue updating the Working Document for Response to and Implementation of Recommendations, as the ASO AC was waiting for the NRO EC’s response and had now received it. He explained that, after discussion with the NRO EC Chair, the idea to create a webpage was proposed. The webpage would document each recommendation and show the implementation status next to it, for example pending, in process or complete. He added that in order to make this happen, the document would need to be completed. He asked all ASO AC members to give input as soon as possible.

Recommendation # 16: For its internal communications, and for most matters related to the operations of the ASO, the ASO should favour the use of a publicly archived mailing list. In exceptional circumstances, for issues (e.g. Board appointments) that cannot be discussed in public, a non-publicly archived list should be used.
AS explained that there are currently two mailing lists that the ASO AC uses:

o (ASO AC members only, not publicly archived)

o (ASO AC members + observers, not publicly archived)

He continued that the mailing list is currently used to discuss confidential ICANN election business.

AS asked the ASO AC whether it agreed that it should use a publicly archived mailing list. He stated that he was not in agreement that the current ac-coord mailing list should now be made public: if it is made public now, previous discussions will no longer be private. If the ASO AC agreed to use a public mailing list, he suggested that another mailing list be created to replace the ac-coord list. Discussion on elections and other confidential discussions could take place on the ac mailing list. The newly created list would be publicly archived.

KB noted that this would work except for when personal information has to be shared, such as phone numbers for teleconference dial-outs.

AS agreed that the ASO AC would need to change the way it shared information on mailing lists if it decided to go ahead with the recommendation to use a publicly archived mailing list.

BJ noted that, so far, the ASO AC discusses things very openly and this will change if its discussions are publicly archived. He added that not everything should be publicly archived.

AS noted that if something is confidential, it can be posted to the ac mailing list.

KB added that, while he had his own personal views on this, the ASO AC needed to take into consideration what the community wants to do about this recommendation. This will be raised in the community consultations and it will need to be discussed whether closed discussion or completely open discussion is more beneficial to the ASO AC’s work.

NN commented that there had been some previous discussion on this and suggested that this be consolidated into a document so that the ASO AC could decide on this recommendation using a clear proposal of a way to move forward.

AS agreed and volunteered to create a document.

NEW ACTION ITEM 180207-05: AS to consolidate past discussion on Recommendation #16 and improving transparency into a document to facilitate decision-making.

AS noted that minutes are already published on the ASO website and so the ASO AC’s discussions are already made public. He suggested that links to the published minutes could be sent to each RIR mailing list so that more people are aware of them.
He concluded that discussion on Recommendation #16 should continue at the upcoming F2F meeting at ICANN 61, where it can also be put back to the community for further input.
There were no objections.

6. ASO AC Work Plan 2018

LL noted that he had circulated the ASO AC Work Plan 2018. There were no questions raised.

HC proposed the motion to accept the ASO AC Work Plan 2018. RP seconded the motion. Motion passed.

7. ICANN Board Election Status

As per procedure, AS checked that no ICANN Board members or nominated candidates were present on the call. There were none.

GV gave an update, noting that the ICANN Board election is on track. Comments were being posted to the ASO website and, as per procedure, the NRO Secretariat was monitoring, approving and publishing them. He added that the Interview Committee is about to start preparing the written questionnaire for the candidates.
He continued that the Secretariat had received notice from Johan Mikael “Julf” Helsingius that he had withdrawn from the candidate slate and that the Secretariat had subsequently updated the website and news section of the ASO website. There are now three candidates on the slate. He added that it’s been suggested that an update on the election is given during the session with the ICANN Board during ICANN 61.

AS confirmed that a generic update on the elections would be given during the meeting with the ICANN Board.

KB asked whether details of Julf’s withdrawal should have been sent to the ac-coord mailing list.

GV noted that the information is public.

AS asked if candidate interviews would be scheduled during ICANN 61.

GV noted that it is not certain yet as not all candidates have confirmed that they will be attending ICANN 61 in person.

NN noted that she was on the IC for the first time and was confused about the timelines: as ICANN 61 is coming up very soon, this should be finalized as soon as possible.

GV noted that the most urgent thing that needs to be done is to prepare the written questionnaire: the previous questionnaire and cover letter was sent to the IC in order to kick-start the discussion. He added that he had also sent details of the procedures to the IC and that part of the work that needs to be done is to develop a timeline.

NN commented she had seen all the information GV had sent but as there is currently no Chair of the IC and not much activity on the list, she was unsure of how to submit her comments. She added that she would bring this up on the IC mailing list.

AS noted that if all three candidates are present at ICANN 61, F2F interviews will be held. If they are not, interviews will be held over the phone.

8. ICANN 61 Preparation

AS noted that details of all ASO sessions during ICANN 61 were finalized. A list of all ASO AC members who will be present at ICANN 61 has been compiled.

CR noted that rooms had been tentatively assigned and that he would share confirmation with the NRO Secretariat.

AS noted that the ASO AC should develop an agenda for the closed part of its session and that suggestions for topics were welcome.

BJ asked if there could be space available for informal discussions between ASO AC members.

AS noted that this had already been requested and CR has confirmed that space will be made available for ASO use.

9. Any Other Business

Information: ICANN Board Elections Expressions of Interest Open

BJ explained the ICANN NomCom is in the outreach phase of the election process and that the Expressions of Interest form was now open. He asked the ASO AC to pass the information on to their contacts in order to reach as many people as possible.

Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) Update

JV gave a short update on the work of the CCWG:

o The CCWG WS2 Final Report will be available before ICANN 61.

o The next CCWG F2F meeting has been scheduled for 9 March 2018, in Puerto Rico.

o Four groups (Diversity, Jurisdiction, Ombudsman and Staff Accountability) are finishing processing the comments received on their reports.

o CCWG WS2 is scheduled to finish at ICANN 62. The last F2F meeting will be on 24 June 2018 in Panama.

o To approve the final report, the same approach as during WS1 will be used: all chartered organizations will give approval and then it will be forwarded to the ICANN board.

10. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn: LL. Seconded by BJ and OO. Meeting adjourned at 12:37 UTC.

Last modified on 29/01/2020