ASO AC Teleconference 10 February 2016

ASO AC Teleconference

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Fiona Asonga, FA
Mark Elkins, ME
Douglas Onyango, DO

Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF
Aftab Siddiqui, AS

Louie Lee, LL (Chair)
Jason Schiller, JS
John Sweeting, JSw

Hartmut Glaser, HG
Ricardo Patara, RP
Jorge Villa, JV

Filiz Yilmaz, FY (Vice Chair)
Nurani Nimpuno, NN
Wilfried Woeber, WW

German Valdez, GV – NRO Executive Secretary
Therese Colosi, TC – ARIN Scribe

Gianina Pensky
John Curran
Nate Davis
Ron da Silva
Carlos Reyes

Ajay Kumar


0. Welcome
1. Agenda Review
2. Review of Open Action Items
3. Approval of Minutes
a) January 2016
4. ICANN CCWG Report
5. 2016 Second Vice Chair Appointment
6. ASO Work Plan 2016
7. Appointment to New gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team
8. Any Other Business
9. Adjournment

Open Action Items:

Action Item 150307-04: The Chair to send a message to the CCWG IG Chair informing them of AK’s appointment.

Action Item151209-03: GV to work with JS on consolidating the ASO AC’s Operating Procedures into one document.

Draft Minutes

0. Welcome.

The Chair called the meeting to order at 12:00 UTC. The presence of quorum was noted. He welcomed everyone to this special meeting of the ASO AC.

1. Agenda Review.

The Chair reviewed the agenda with the Council. He called for any comments. There were no comments.

2. Review of Open Action Items.

The Chair reviewed the open action items.

Action Item 150307-04: The Chair to send a message to the CCWG IG Chair informing them of AK’s appointment.

The Chair stated he was working with GV and GV stated he would send when the call was over to the Chair to review. OPEN

Action Item151209-03: GV to work with JS on consolidating the ASO AC’s Operating Procedures into one document.

The Chair stated there had been activity and recently had note from NRO EC that the last change for the procedure (change to recall members we’ve appointed) was approved and will need to be incorporated. He called for comments.

GV stated the set of procedures are approved by the NRO EC and there are minor changes being made and is almost complete. It will be sent to the list as soon as possible. JS stated he would speak with GV at the after the call to discuss. GV agreed. The Chair thanked them for their work. OPEN

3. Approval of Minutes.

It was moved by FA, and seconded by TF, that:

“The ASO AC approves the Minutes of their meeting of 13 January 2016, as written.”

The Chair called for any objections or abstentions. None were noted. The motion carried with all in favor.

ACTION ITEM: 160210-01: GV to remove draft status from the ASO AC January Minutes. OPEN

4. ICANN CCWG Report.

FA provided an update stating that the draft that was sent out received input and they have checked with the Board on comments. The draft is nearing finalization of revisions and discussions pending the issue of ICANN’s role and integrating aspects of human rights into their role. FA also mentioned discussions of how the Board will deal with GAC advice and that the Board can make decisions with 60% of Board members present. The ICANN community can challenge decisions through SO’s or AC’s, via procedures.

FA noted that the Chairs were working on the final timeframe, to share with the community, on when the proposals would be presented to the Board and NTIA. The work is in progress and there will be a call tomorrow and she would know more at that time. FA explained that the process is taking a while because of other groups that need to review the draft. She noted that, to date, nothing significant has been presented that would have an impact on ASO policies. ASO policies can be aligned to the recommendations received, and have been incorporated. We provided an amendment to the ICANN mission statement, which will be posted for people to read.

The Chair asked if this information had been updated online. FA stated it was on the Wiki and the mailing list (public).

The Chair asked FA to forward an email to the ASO AC’s list for those ASO AC members who were not on the call. FA stated she would do so immediately.

ACTION ITEM 160210- 02: FA to forward ICANN CCWG Report update to the ASO AC mailing list. On-Going

5. 2016 Second Vice Chair Appointment.

The Chair asked if RP if he was willing to serve as the ASO AC’s 2nd Vice Chair. RP accepted the position. The Chair called for a motion.

It was moved by WW, and seconded by TF, that:

“The ASO AC appoints Ricardo Patara as the ASO AC’s 2nd Vice Chair.”

The Chair called for any opposed or abstentions. There were none.

The motion carried with all in favor. The Chair thanked RP for his contribution of serving as 2nd Vice Chair.

6. ASO Work Plan 2016.

The Chair asked if the work plan had been distributed to the Council with changes. He confirmed that it was last sent from RP on 03 February to the Council’s list. He called for any comments.

The Chair noted Carlos Reyes joined the call, as an observer from ICANN, at this time (12:22 UTC)

FA stated that the work plan was very much in line with what was needed for the ASO AC to accomplish in the course of 2016, and that no new updates had been received for revising the text. She stated that she would like to table a motion to approve the work plan.

JS explained that the American meaning of the word ‘table’ was to put aside an item and discuss it at a later time. He acknowledged that FA’s use of the word ‘table’ was to put the motion on the table to move the work plan forward for approval. The Chair acknowledged JS’s comment.

The Chair read through the headings of the Work Plan. He stated that the NRO was currently planning to support travel for the Chair to ICANN meetings. He noted that travel for other members may not be feasible due to this language, however, that was not to say it could not be strived for, as there were various ASO AC appointees to different projects.

NN acknowledged the Chair’s point with regard to ICANN 55 next month. She requested that that item be separated from the work plan, in order for the rest of the work plan to be approved and put into action. She suggested adding the travel item to Any Other Business so as to not further delay the work plan. The Chair thanked NN for her suggestion and agreed. He called for any other comments. There were no further comments.

It was moved by NN, and seconded by FY, that:

“The ASO AC approves the 2016 ASO Work Plan, as amended.”

The Chair called for any opposed or abstentions. There were none.

The motion carried with all in favor.

The Chair noted that JV was joining the call at this time (12:29 UTC).

7. Appointment to New gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team.

The Chair stated that there were a couple of volunteers and that the NRO EC would like one appointee from their own group. The Chair requested the NRO EC Chair to forward the ASO AC volunteer information to get things started. He stated that AK is the ASO AC volunteer who needed to be formally appointed by the AC.

The Chair was uncertain of where responsibility lied between the NRO and the ASO AC volunteers. He stated this would be discussed at a later time.

FA asked if reports were shared between the ASO AC and the NRO EC. The Chair stated that he would request that the NRO update the ASO AC directly.

ACTION ITEM 160210-03: Chair to request NRO EC update the ASO AC directly with reports regarding progress of the new gTLD drafting team. OPEN

JS stated that he assumed that the Council could ask the appointee from the EC to attend the ASO AC’s calls and provide updates. The Chair stated yes that could be requested of the NRO EC. He stated that the NRO EC appointee was Sylvia Cadena from APNIC.

The Chair stated for clarification that this volunteer effort is to be part of the team to draft the Charter for this group, not to be a member of the group.

It was moved by JSw, and seconded by AS, that:

“The ASO AC appoints Ajay Kumar to the New gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team.”

The Chair called for any opposed or abstentions. There were none.

The motion carried with all in favor.

The Chair stated he would let AK know of his appointment to the drafting team.

ACTION ITEM 160210-04: Chair to inform AK of his appointment to the new gTLD drafting team. OPEN

8. Any Other Business.

The Chair called for any other business items.

• Inviting CCWG to ASO AC Teleconferences. FY recalled that the Chair had stated that when the CCWG held important discussions, they could be invited to attend ASO AC calls, and provide the ASO AC with an update. GV stated that they were invited to the 03 February call (which did not happen due to lack of quorum) but were not invited to this call. GV stated he could invite them to future calls. FY agreed, as she believed it important to inviting them. The Chair agreed.

• New ICANN CEO. RdS stated that the ICANN Board had announced the selection of the new CEO, Goran Marby. Mr. Marby would begin as the new CEO in May after the current CEO, Fadi Chehade, had stepped down. ICANN is happy to announce the new CEO’s arrival.

• ICANN 56 Venue Relocation. RdS also announced that the ICANN Board had decided, based upon meeting feedback regarding the Zika virus, to cancel holding ICANN 56 in Panama. They are actively seeking an alternative venue – possibly in Europe, but nothing has been confirmed. He stated he would update the ASO AC when he had the information.

The Chair thanked RdS for his update. Chair forward materials from Community Leader’s call transcripts and audio files of the call with Mr. Marby.

• IANA Transition Updates. NN stated she had 2 items:

1) NN stated that monthly coordination calls within ICANN leadership take place with regard to the IANA transition. NN attends as the CRISP Vice Chair and Louie Lee is invited. It would be helpful to have a quick update, when appropriate, from those calls to know about timelines. There are very tight timelines between now and ICANN 55, and September. A quick update would be beneficial to the ASO AC.

ACTION ITEM 160210-05: Per the Chair, GV to add IANA Transition Updates to the ASO AC Agenda until such time it is no longer needed. On-Going

2) As the ICANN meeting is a month away, NN requested an outline of what the ASO AC’s plans were for the meeting and what representation they would have at the meeting.

The Chair asked ICANN Observer, Carlos Reyes (CR), for any information on logistics. CR stated that all of the requests for rooms for the NRO have been granted. Confirmations will be provided to GV when they are received. CR stated that he met with the meeting team scheduler. The venue is a resort and the meeting space is in the middle of the two wings of the hotel. He is discussing placement of meetings, and is working with the meeting scheduler to keep the workroom close. It should be confirmed soon. CR stated that he will defer to GV for the ASO AC’s schedule of activities.

The Chair thanked CR for the information. He asked that the ASO AC to let him know who would be attending, circulate that information on the mailing list, and have whoever was not on this call to also post if they would be attending the meeting.

WW, HG, TF, FA, JSw, ME stated they would be attending. The Chair stated he would not be attending, due to a conflict with work, but would attend remotely when possible. He stated the need for onsite representation for meetings that he would normally be attending that were not broadcasted online. He noted that RP nor FY would be attending. The Chair noted a suggestion received for JSw or NN to lead the team that would be onsite. JSw stated he’d be happy to work with NN to figure it out. NN agreed, stating she would require a plan in advance. The Chair asked JSw and NN to discuss it with him after this call. They agreed.

The Chair stated the ASO AC would not be holding a workshop during ICANN 55, at this point. There will be time allotted for the ASO AC to provide a brief update to the community.

9. Adjournment.

The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 12:49 UTC. DO moved to adjourn, seconded by ME. The meeting was adjourned with no objections.

Last modified on 29/01/2020