ASO AC Teleconference 6 August 2014


 ASO AC Attendees


Fiona Asonga, FA
Alan Barrett, AB (Vice Chair)
Douglas Onyango, DO


Naresh Ajwani, NA (Vice Chair)
Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF
Aftab Siddiqui, AS


Louie Lee, LL (Chair)
Jason Schiller, JS
Ron da Silva, RS


Ricardo Patara, RP
Jorge Villa, JV
Hartmut Glaser, HG


Filiz Yilmaz, FY
Wilfried Woeber, WW


Einar Bohlin – ARIN
Barbara Roseman, BR – ICANN
Leo Vegoda, LV – ICANN
Naela Sarras – ICANN
Carlos Reyes – ICANN
Marco Schmidt – RIPE NCC


German Valdez, GV – NRO
Suzanne Taylor Muzzin, STM – RIPE NCC (Scribe)


Dmitry Kohmanyuk


0. Welcome
1.- Agenda Review
2.- Review Open Actions
3.- Approval of Minutes
a) April 2nd 2014
b) May 7th 2014
c) June 4th 2014
d) June 24th 2014
4.- ASO AC Appointment to ICANN NomCom 2015
5.- Review Draft Letter to IANA
6.- ASO Website Update
7.- AOB
8.- Adjourn

0. Welcome

LL welcomed everyone. GV performed the roll call and quorum was established. The meeting was called to order at 12:12 UTC.

1. Agenda Review

LL reviewed the agenda and TF asked about whether the May 7th minutes were approved, because they are still labeled as “draft” on the ASO website. GV said he believed the minutes had been approved and asked GV to confirm this and remove the “draft” label on the website.

GV said the minutes from May 7th had not yet been approved, and approval of these minutes were added to the agenda.

LL suggested adding a review of the IANA letter to the agenda between items five and six.

JS asked whether a letter to the NRO EC about ASN allocations should be treated as a separate agenda item, but LL responded that it could be treated as the same topic.

There were no further changes to the agenda.

2. Review Open Actions

Action Item 140604-01: GV to send information about sessions and timetables for ASO-related activities at the ICANN Meeting in London in June.

Status: Closed.

Action Item 140604-02: AB to send two letters to the NRO EC, one suggesting FA for the Enhancing Accountability Working Group appointment and the other suggesting HG, TF and DO for the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group appointments.

Status: Closed.

3. Approval of Minutes

a)      April 2nd 2014
b)     June 4th 2014
c)      May 7th 2014
d)     June 24th 2014

LL said he was still reviewing the April 2nd minutes and asked to hold off on their approval for now.

LL asked for comments on the May 7th, June 4th and June 24th minutes.

# RS joined the teleconference at 12:18 UTC.

RS put forth a motion to approve the minutes for the May 7th, June 4th and June 24th minutes. TF seconded the motion. There were no oppositions or abstentions and the motion passed.

Action Item 140806-01: GV to remove the draft status from the May 7th, June 4th and June 24th minutes.

4. ASO AC Appointment to ICANN NomCom 2015

# AS joined the teleconference at 12:20 UTC.

LL said that ICANN asked for the ASO AC’s 2015 NomCom appointee by next week, and that the expectation had always been that Hans Petter Holen would serve another term. He said that the ASO AC had not received a letter of interest from any other candidates.

LL asked for a motion to appoint Hans Petter Holen. JS put forth a motion to nominate Hans Petter Holen for the NomCom position and WW seconded the motion. LL asked GV to perform a roll call vote. All those present supported the motion, including: FA, AB, DO, NA, AS, TF, JS, RS, RP, HG, JV, FY, WW and LL. The motion passed. LL asked GV to send a message to the NomCom Chair and cc Hans Petter Holen and the ASO AC.

Action Item: 140806-02:GV to send a message to the NomCom Chair stating the ASO AC’s appointment of Hans Petter Holen to the 2015 NomCom.

5. Review Draft Letter to IANA

JS said there was a question remaining from LV. LV asked for clarification about how to handle a potential request from an RIR to be allocated all of IANA’s remaining 16-bit ASNs and stated his belief that there is no policy restriction in place to prevent this.

LL confirmed that is the case and said that this was discussed at the face-to-face meeting in London on June 24th. He asked whether LV needed this to be stated explicitly in the policy. LV said it didn’t need to be explicitly stated, but that this puts the onus on the five RIRs to come to an agreement about how to share the remaining 16-bit ASNs.

WW said that he fully supported not over-engineering the ASO AC’s response to IANA, and to submit it as is. He also said the ASO AC should formally ask the NRO EC about how to deal with coming to an agreement about sharing the remaining 16-bit ASNs.

JS said he didn’t think the ASO AC should advise the NRO EC on what agreement to come to, but that they should advise them to be transparent about it.

LL asked for any further comments on the draft text provided by JS. There were none.

WW put forth a motion to submit the text in its current form to IANA. TF seconded the motion. LL asked GV to perform a roll call vote. All those present at the meeting supported the motion, including: FA, AB, DO, NA, TF, AS, JS, RS, RP, HG, JV, FY, WW and LL. The motion passed.

LL congratulated everyone for fulfilling one of the main duties of the ASO AC. He said he would quickly draft the letter for IANA based on the current text provided by JS.

Action Item 140806-03: LL to draft letter of advice for IANA based on JS’ text about how RIRs can receive allocations from the remaining pool of 16-bit ASNs.

LL said that it should be on record that the ASO AC is providing advice to the NRO and RIR staff that if they are to make an agreement about how to share the remaining 16-bit ASNs, then they should do so in a public manner.

WW suggested that calling their message to the NRO EC “advice” is too strong, and suggested presenting it merely as “information”.

JS said that he wanted to review the five main points included in the text to decide whether they should be included in the advice given by the ASO AC, and proceeded to read them aloud:

1. – It is unlikely for a global policy to be passed (even with emergency provisions) to change how ASNs are drawn down from the IANA in time to make a difference.
2.- The ASO AC would like to reaffirm its advice given in June 2013 that “There is no requirement in the policy to form the block of 1024 AS Numbers from a contiguous set of numbers, thus allocating from 2 or more different value-ranges is acceptable.” Per this advice, the past practice that an RIR has the option of requesting a block of 1024 AS Numbers that consists of a non-contiguous block of a specific amount of 16-bit ASNs (ranging from 0-65535) and 32-bit only ASNs may continue.
3.- Past precedent would allow for each RIR to take only 99 16-bit ASNs on their next ASN request from the IANA. If such an agreement is reached, it should be done so transparently, and openly, and the RIR communities should be informed of such an arrangement so that the outcome is anticipated.
4.- Past precedent would also allow for an RIR to take the remaining 16-bit ASNs on their next request from the IANA.
5.- Past precedent would not allow an RIR to draw down 16-bit ASNs when their total ASN utilization (both 16-bit and 32-bit only) is under utilized.

JS suggested discussing whether to take these bullet points and draft a fully formed letter based on them. AS suggested either voting or simply putting forth a motion to accept the text. LL said he took AS’ suggestion as a motion to have LL send the message to the NRO EC. AB seconded the motion. There were no oppositions or abstentions and the motion passed.

Action Item 140806-04: LL to draft message for the NRO EC about coming to an agreement on how the RIRs should share the remaining pool of 16-bit ASNs.

6. ASO Website Update

STM gave an overview of the work that had been done to update the ASO website. She said that the feedback given at the London face-to-face meeting and on the ASO website feedback mailing list had been taken into account. She stressed that all currently working URLs would continue to work on the updated site, which is also fully functional with JavaScript turned off. She said that the updated site could go live at any time.

GV suggested working with the Secretariat to suggest a proposed date for launching the updated website.

AB said that he hasn’t had a chance to review the site since the deadline for feedback passed and the requested changes had been made, but that as long as the site is functional with JavaScript turned off, he is happy.

LL thanked the Secretariat for its work on updating the website.

LL asked about the state of the ICANN infographic (Internet Number Resource Policy Life Cycle). CR posted a link to the infographic and LL asked whether the group could approve it as being ready to publish. He said he was happy with it. AB also said he liked the infographic. There were no further comments, so LL approved the infographic for publication.

7. AOB

LL said there was a call from Fadi Chehadé about ICANN accountability. He said he would forward a link to the recording and the transcript to the mailing list. He said some chairs were expecting comments from the community and invited everyone to review the transcript.

LL said there is an upcoming meeting in September for the chairs of the different SOs, ECs and constituencies to brainstorm about capacity issues; namely, that there is a lot of work coming in terms of ICANN being asked to comment on things. He said that the ASO AC doesn’t experience this problem as badly as some of the other groups because every policy isn’t open to comments from the entire community. He said he was inclined to not travel to the meeting, but that he would try to attend remotely. He told anyone interested in more information to get in touch with him.

LL said there was also an upcoming workshop in the week before the October ICANN Meeting for anyone who would like to learn more about ICANN and how their activities relate to the rest of the Internet community. He said it might be interesting, even for seasoned members of the ASO AC.

FA said the workshop program was meant to develop ICANN leaders in different areas. LL clarified that this includes community leadership, which is applicable to ASO AC members. WW said he looked at the draft agenda for the workshop and there were two or three items that he thought might be useful for the ASO AC members, but that it may not be worth the time required to attend.

LL said that the onsite expenses for the workshop would be covered by ICANN, but that travel expenses would only be covered if people were already attending the ICANN Meeting. He suggested that everyone’s RIR may cover their travel expenses. He asked for any requests to attend, and FA said (via chat) that she would like to attend. LL said he would respond to her privately. JS confirmed that the workshop conflicts with the ARIN Meeting. WW said (via chat) that he would be interested in seeing any meeting material about meeting management or conflict management.

There were no other AOB items.

8. Adjourn

WW put forth a motion to adjourn the meeting and TF seconded the motion. There were no oppositions or abstentions and the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 13:08 UTC.

Action Items

Action Item 140806-01: GV to remove the draft status from the May 7th, June 4th and June 24th minutes.
Action Item: 140806-02: GV to send a message to the NomCom Chair stating the ASO AC’s appointment of Hans Petter Holen to the 2015 NomCom.
Action Item 140806-03: LL to draft letter of advice for IANA based on JS’ text about how RIRs can receive allocations from the remaining pool of 16-bit ASNs.
Action Item 140806-04: LL to draft message for the NRO EC about coming to an agreement on how the RIRs should share the remaining pool of 16-bit ASNs.

Last modified on 29/01/2020