ASO AC Teleconference 1 April 2015

ASO AC teleconference held on Wednesday, April 1st 2015 (12:00 UTC) Minutes

ASO AC Attendees

Alan Barrett, AB

Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF

Ron da Silva, RS
Jason Schiller, JS
Louie Lee, LL

Ricardo Patara, RP
Hartmut Glaser, HG
Jorge Villa, JV

Filiz Yilmaz, FY
Wilfried Woeber, WW

Axel Pawlik – RIPE NCC
Susan Hamlin ARIN
Gianina Penski LACNIC
Sergio Rojas, LACNIC
Barbara Roseman – ICANN Staff
Selina Harrington – ICANN Staff
Carlos Reyes – ICANN Staff


Fiona Asonga
Douglas Onyango
Ajay Kumar
Dmitry Kohmanyuk

German Valdez, GV – NRO
Laureana Pavon, LP – LACNIC (Scribe)

Agenda ASO AC March 4th 2015 Teleconference

0. Welcome
1. Agenda review
2. Review of open action items
3. Approval of Minutes
a) March 4th 2015
4. CCWG new gTLD auction proceeds
5. APNIC 39 Report
6. AOB
7. Adjournment

0. Welcome

GV performed a roll call and quorum was established at 12:05 UTC (11 members on the call, all five regions represented).

LL welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1. Agenda review

LL reviewed the draft agenda and asked for comments.

GV asked whether the discussion about ICANN Bard candidates would be open to observers.

JS replied that, in his understanding, the Interview Committee (IC) was going to proceed talking about candidates, scheduling interviews, each candidate’s details.

It was suggested that, because they would be discussing more than just process, observers should probably drop off the call.

JS suggested that the discussion on the ICANN Board candidates should not be minuted, adding that perhaps some notes would be helpful (these would be sent only to the AC list excluding RS).

In reply to a question by JS, GV replied that the candidates’ written questionnaires that had been received before the deadline had been sent to the IC. He added that one of the candidates had been sent a reminder but has not replied).

No further items were added to the agenda.

2. Review Open Actions

Action Item 150304-01: GV to remove draft status on the February 4th 2015 minutes. Status: DONE

Action Item 150307-02: GV to schedule an additional teleconference for ASO AC members who will be attending the meeting about a week before ICANN 53. Status: CLOSED

GV noted that IACNN 53 would take place in June, so he’d send a reminder closer to that date.

Action Item 150307-03: Chair and Vice Chairs to draft a response to the proposal to participate in the CCWG new gTLD auction proceeds, circulate it on the AC-COORD mailing list for comments and then send the response to the GNSO. Message would be along the lines of: “We’re not sure whether the AC will participate in the CCWG new gTLD auction proceeds. We’ll decide that later. However, we want to make sure that the group will be open to individual contributors.” Status: PENDING

LL said the vice-chairs and chair had talked about Action Item 20150307-03 and that this response drafted will be drafted and sent out.

WW asked whether the AC understood what the situation was with those funds.

LL added that he himself was not quite sure, as he hadn’t been following this issue closely because he personally doesn’t feel that the AC should be directly involved in it.

WW noted that it would it be useful to find out what they’re talking about before spending too much time on this.

LL suggested asking ICANN taff about the current situation.

AP said that he raised the issue with the EC. He said he personally thinks it’s outside the scope of the AC and the NRO, but that they had received an invitation to respond. He said he was aware that others had a different view and had explained the issue in the context of Internet Governance and how it might reflect badly on ICANN if money were spent irresponsibly. He noted that this was not an official position of the NRO EC.

Action Item 150307-04: The Chair to send a message to the CCWG-IG Chair informing them of AK’s appointment. FY to coordinate with LL to get this done. Status: Pending

LL said the details are being finalized and that the message would be sent out this week.

Action Item 150307-05: GV to set up a dedicated teleconference for the Interview Committee. Status: DONE

LL asked whether the responses to the questionnaire had been sent to the whole AC minus RS.

GV replied that they had been sent only to the IC.

LL requested that the replies be sent to the entire AC minus Ron.

JS observed that they couldn’t have an informed discussion if they hadn’t seen all the responses. He asked GV to package all the response and send them to the AC minus RS.

Action Item 150401-01: GV to package all ICANN Seat 9 candidate questionnaires and send them to AC members minus RS (Seat 9 mailing list).

LL suggested rescheduling the discussion. FY supported LL’s suggestion to reschedule separate time so that they would have time to go through the replies. WW agreed.

FY suggested sparing 10 minutes today to clarify what the process would be. LL agreed and noted that observers would be fine for discussing procedure.

Action Item 150401-02: The Secretariat to set up a meeting one week from today to discuss ICANN Board candidates’ written responses.

3. Approval of minutes

a) March 4th 2015

HG moved to approve the minutes of the March 4th teleconference. The motion was seconded by TF. Hearing no objections, the motion passed and the minutes were approved.

Action Item 150401-03: GV to remove draft status from the March 4th 2014 teleconference minutes published on the ASO website.

4.- CCWG new gTLD auction proceeds

LL noted they had already discussed this agenda item a few minutes ago. He said that they were waiting for a summary of what the current situation is and suggested tabling this topic and moving on to the next item. All agreed.

New Action Item 150401-04: LL to find out through ICANN Staff in what direction ICANN going with new gTLD auction funds in order to determine the relevance of ASO involvement.

5. APNIC 39 Report

LL noted that the AC had received the APNIC 39 report from TF and asked for comments or highlights. He also asked whether there were any topics to mention that was of particular concern to the global numbers community.

TF said the only thing related to the global number community was the CRISP Team report. He added that there hadn’t been any policy proposals.

Nothing further was mentioned on this topic.

6. AOB

LL asked if anyone wished to add another topic to the agenda, but no further topics were proposed for discussion.

7. Adjournment

There being no further business to discuss, HG proposed adjourning the meeting. The motion was seconded by TF. No objections were heard and the meeting was adjourned at 12.40 UTC.

Last modified on 29/01/2020