Hervé Clément

Hervé Clément is a French citizen, based in Paris. After completing statistical studies, he worked within the Research & Development Division of Orange, formerly France Telecom, for ten years as network dimensioning and QoS Project Manager before joining the Numbering, Addressing and Naming (NAN) Department in 2010.

Now as the head of this department, Hervé has the functional responsibility of the former so-called “extra large” fr.telecom LIR. He, therefore, has the operational experience of the management of IP resources and ASN at large scale. Furthermore, Hervé coordinates the technical policy strategy at group level on addressing issues expressed in international structures or bodies (RIPE, RIPE NCC and AfriNIC) and supports the LIRs within Orange (Europe, Middle East and Africa) regarding inter alia their relationship with their respective RIR.

Another mission of the Orange NAN Department is the contribution to the Internet Naming strategy. He closely follows the current technical ICANN issues via, for example, the ICANN Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers (ISPCP) Constituency of which he is a member.

Hervé is vice-chair of Connect Europe (ex-ETNO) Naming, Addressing and Numbering Issues (NANI) Working Group. In close relationship with the chair of the WG, he shares European information regarding Naming and Addressing current topics and drives relevant discussions within that group.

Last modified on 09/01/2025