ASO AC Teleconference 4 June 2014


ASO AC Attendees

Alan Barrett, AB (Vice Chair)
Fiona Asonga, FA
Douglas Onyango, DO

Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF
Aftab Siddiqui, AS

Jason Schiller, JS
Ron da Silva, RS

Jorge Villa, JV
Hartmut Glaser, HG
Ricardo Patara, RP

Wilfried Woeber, WW


Adam Gosling (APNIC)
Einar Bohlin (ARIN)
Marco Schmidt – RIPE NCC
Carlos Reyes– ICANN
Leo Vegoda, LV – ICANN
Kuo Wei Wu – KW – ICANN Board


German Valdez, GV – NRO
Suzanne Taylor Muzzin, STM – RIPE NCC (Scribe)


Louie Lee, LL
Naresh Ajwani, NA
Dmitry Kohmanyuk, DK
Filiz Yilmaz, FY


1. Welcome
2. Agenda Review
3. Review Open Actions
4. Approval of Minutes
a. April 2nd 2014
b. May 7th 2014
5. ASN Global Policy Regional Consultation
6. ASO AC Face-to-Face Agenda/Preparations
7. ASO AC Appointments
a. Enhancing Accountability Working Group
b. IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group
8. LACNIC 21 Report
9. AOB
10. Adjourn

*** Note: AB chaired the meeting in LL’s absence ***

1. Welcome

AB welcomed everyone and asked GV to conduct a roll call in order to determine whether quorum could be reached. GV conducted the roll call and quorum was established. AB called the meeting to order at 12:05 UTC.

2. Agenda Review

There were no additional items added to the agenda.

3. Review Open Actions

There were no open action items for review.

4. Approval of Minutes
a. April 2nd 2014
b. May 7th 2014

AB said that LL had requested that the approval of the April 2nd 2014 minutes be postponed, so AB suggested postponing the approval of both those and the May 7th 2014 minutes until the next meeting.

5. ASN Global Policy Regional Consultation

GV collected the information obtained as part of the consultations and sent this to the list on May 12. It includes input from the five RIRs. He will resend it to everyone.

AB asked whether the IANA is still waiting for a formal response from the ASO AC. LV clarified that they are not waiting for any further response and, unless there are other changes needed, they will go ahead with implementing the current policy. He said the feeling is that nothing practical can be done at the moment, so any formal response is of little value at this point in time. At the ARIN Meeting, the feedback was to carry on with the plan and implement the current policy, which makes any policy change impossible.

AB said that the idea wasn’t to change the policy, but was more about how to interpret it. AB said that GV had sent an email with the input from the five RIRs to the mailing list.

AB asked whether this input should be published somewhere. AS said it wasn’t necessary to publish this, as it was just information for the group’s own use at this point. He suggested discussing what to do with this information at a future date.

AB asked whether to keep this item on the agenda for the next meeting, which GV pointed out would be during the face-to-face meeting in London.

RP asked whether there should be common text drawn up to send to each of the individual communities. AB clarified that the group is not trying to change the policy, so he doesn’t feel there’s a need for common text. He asked for others’ opinions.

JS said the idea was to gather information from RIR staff and the Secretariat to learn what their practices are in terms of allocating the different types of ASNs. He said that if this kind of feedback hadn’t been gathered from the LACNIC community yet, it should be.

He said that based on the feedback from ARIN, the plan was to run out of 2-byte ASNs and everyone should transition to 4-byte ASNs, and those who can’t support those already should upgrade immediately so that they can. The ARIN community said the consequences of the policy were entirely expected and intended, and the policy is accomplishing what they wanted it to accomplish. He said that if other regions make a case for why there is an issue that needs to be addressed, then the ARIN community could possibly be swayed, but he hasn’t seen any evidence of this happening yet.

RP thanked JS for his clarification and said they will consult with the LACNIC community. He said that the situation in the LACNIC region is the opposite, in that they are running out of 32-bit ASNs and will start to allocate 16-bit ASNs.

AB suggested no further action regarding this issue is required at this time.

6. ASO AC Face-to-Face Agenda/Preparations

AS asked for pointers about how these face-to-face meetings work, as this will be his first time. AB said that AS didn’t need to prepare anything, but that the group should discuss on the mailing list the meeting timetable and what will be required. He asked GV to post any information about sessions and timetables related to ASO activities to the mailing list, so the group can discuss what needs to be done in preparation.

Action Item 140604-01: GV to send information about sessions and timetables for ASO-related activities at the ICANN Meeting in London in June.

7. ASO AC Appointments
a. Enhancing Accountability Working Group
b. IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group

AB said the ASO AC must appoint volunteers to the Enhancing Accountability Working Group and the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group.

FA said she had volunteered for the Enhancing Accountability Working Group. HG and TF both said they had volunteered for the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group.

AB asked if the group could appoint two members to the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group, and HG said that was possible. DO said that, although there will only be two people appointed to the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group, the NRO EC had requested for three names to be forward from which the EC could choose the two finalists.

AB asked for a motion to appoint people to these two groups. DO again suggested that the ASO could forward three names to the NRO EC for the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group. He said the NRO EC actually asked for three names from which they will then appoint two people.

AB asked for a third volunteer for the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group, and DO volunteered. AB stated that there is one volunteer for the Enhancing Accountability Working Group (FA) and three volunteers for the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group (HG, TF, DO). He asked for a motion to forward those names to the NRO EC, and AS did so. AB asked AS to rephrase the motion so that it included the names of the volunteers.

JS stepped in to propose that the ASO AC Chair send a letter to the NRO EC suggesting HG, TF and DO for the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group appointments. WW seconded the motion. There were no oppositions or abstentions and the motion passed.

DO proposed a motion that the ASO AC Chair send a letter to the NRO EC suggesting FA for the Enhancing Accountability Working Group appointment. TF seconded the motion.

JS asked where the Enhancing Accountability Working Group position was discussed on the list, and asked if FA had volunteered on the list. AB said that FA volunteered on the list, and GV confirmed that FA volunteered for the position on May 9 on the mailing list.

DO asked about the timeline for these appointments. AB said he wasn’t sure of the timeline, but that it was probably stipulated in the email.

AB reiterated that there was a motion for FA’s name to be forwarded to the NRO EC, proposed by DO and seconded by TF. There were no oppositions or abstentions and the motion passed.

Action Item 140604-02: AB to send two letters to the NRO EC, one suggesting HG, TF and DO for the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group appointments and the other suggesting FA for the Enhancing Accountability Working Group appointment.

JS asked about whether the appointment procedures were changed to ensure the procedure was followed. AB said he believed the policy was changed and the group was waiting for the NRO EC to approve the change. GV confirmed that the procedure changes were approved by the NRO EC and should be published on the website.

JS asked whether the procedure was published on the ASO website under operating procedures. GV said that the current procedure as published appears to require a majority vote to make the appointments. GV suggested that the group should make the appointments based on a simple majority. JS suggested that the current 11 members present would satisfy this requirement. AB asked for clarification about whether it is a majority of the total number of ASO AC members, or those present at the meeting today. GV said it was the members present at the meeting.

GV asked about whether a roll call vote was necessary, and AB agreed that would be a good idea. GV performed the roll call. In favor of suggesting HG, TF and DO for the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group appointments were: FA, AB, DO, TF, AS, JS, RS, RP, HG, JV, WW. With the support of all 11 of the ASO AC members present, the motion passed.

AB then asked for a similar roll call vote for FA’s appointment to the Enhancing Accountability Working Group. GV performed the roll call. In favor of suggesting FA for the Enhanced Accountability Working Group appointment were: FA, AB, DO, TF, AS, JS, RS, RP, HG, JV, WW. With the support of all 11 of the ASO AC members present, the motion passed.

8. LACNIC 21 Report

AB asked for a report about the LACNIC 21 Meeting. RP said he sent the main points from the report to the mailing list on June 3.

They included the reappointment of JV to the ASO AC position that will become available in December 2014, effective until December 2017. There was also an election for a co-chair position, and Carlos Plasencia, who was the only one who volunteered, was elected.

There were four policy proposals, and two achieved consensus. Of these, one stipulates reserving recovered IPv4 addresses for new members. The other involves reserving a /14 exclusively for IPv6 deployment. These two proposals are now on last call.

A policy that didn’t reach consensus was about inter-RIR transfers, which received many opposing comments. The chair asked for more comments from the mailing list.

JV presented the ASO AC report at LACNIC 21.

AB thanked RP for his summary. There were no questions or comments.

9. AOB

TF asked about obtaining a meeting room for the face-to-face meeting in London in June. GV said he has confirmation from ICANN that a room has been reserved from Monday through Thursday from 8:00-17:00 and will be shared with other NRO activities. He said it’s up to the ASO AC to decide when to make use of the room. He said he will send an updated calendar with all of the current meeting times before the end of the week. He said there is a scheduled meeting with the ICANN Board on Wednesday from 10:00-11:00 and a public session scheduled for the ASO on Wednesday from 13:30-15:00. He said it’s important to prepare ahead of time via the mailing list.

AB asked for any other AOB items. JS pointed out that HG had a comment on the chat. HG said GV mentioned some points for the face-to-face meeting, and asked him to send a draft for this meeting so others could include their input on the mailing list. AB said that this was already discussed, but reiterated this request to GV.

AB said that LACNIC has reached their final /9 and that there’s no action for the ASO AC to take, but everyone should be aware of it.

HG said that LACNIC CEO Raúl Echeberría is stepping down at the end of June, and they are now searching for a new CEO. During the transition, starting July 1, Ernesto Majó will step in to take over until a permanent replacement has been found. AB wished Raúl success in the future and said he hoped LACNIC would be able to find someone to fill his shoes.

There were no other AOB items.

10. Adjourn

HG put forth a motion to adjourn and TF seconded. There were no objections or abstentions and the motion passed. The meeting concluded at 12:52 UTC.

Action Items

Action Item 140604-01: GV to send information about sessions and timetables for ASO-related activities at the ICANN Meeting in London in June.

Action Item 140604-02: AB to send two letters to the NRO EC, one suggesting FA for the Enhancing Accountability Working Group appointment and the other suggesting HG, TF and DO for the IANA Oversight Transition Steering Group appointments.

Last modified on 29/01/2020