ASO AC cancels face-to-face meeting in Nairobi


Despite ICANN’s decision to proceed with plans to hold ICANN’s 37th meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, we regret to inform that the decision has been made to cancel the the ASO Address Council face-to-face meeting that was to be held in conjunction with said ICANN meeting.

Call for Comments on Nominees to Seat 10 of the ICANN Board


Following a public nomination period that closed on 10 January 2010, the ASO Address Council (ASO AC) selected the final set of candidates to fill the ASO seat on the ICANN Board. This seat is currently held by Raimundo Beca, whose term expires in April 2010.

Louie Lee Elected to ARIN Seat on NRO NC


ARIN is pleased to announce that Louie Lee has been re-elected to the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council from the ARIN region. He will begin serving another three-year term on 1 January 2010.

Raimundo Beca


In accordance with privacy guidelines, the personal data that was published on this page has been removed. All comments and statements of support that this candidate received during the course of the ASO AC ICANN Board Seat 9/10 Election process remain available below. For more information about the ASO AC ICANN Board Seat 9/10 Elections, please see here. If you…

APNIC Announces NRO NC Appointment


APNIC is pleased to announce that Dr Kenny Huang was elected to the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council (NC). Elections took place during the APNIC Member Meeting in Beijing on Friday, 28 August 2009.

Call for Comments on Nominees to Seat 9 of the ICANN Board


Following a public nomination period that closed on 22 February 2009, the ASO Address Council (ASO AC) selected the final set of candidates to fill the ASO seat on the ICANN Board. This seat is currently held by Dave Wodelet, whose term expires in May 2009.