Suzanne Woolf
In accordance with privacy guidelines, the personal data that was published on this page has been removed. All comments and statements of support that this candidate received during the course of the ASO AC ICANN Board Seat 9/10 Election process remain available below.
For more information about the ASO AC ICANN Board Seat 9/10 Elections, please see here.
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Digest of statements of support
Subject: Statement of support for Suzanne Woolf
From: John C Klensin
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 18:48:24 -0400
ASO AC Nominations Committee,
I would like to strongly recommend Suzanne’s appointment to the ICANN Board from the ASO. I served with her on the ICANN Board when I was Liaison from the IETF, have interacted with her in a number of other capacities before and after that time, and have heard ongoing comments from others about her ICANN work after I dropped out.
As liaison from RSAC within the ICANN Board and on various committees, she has been very effective in communicating sometimes-complex technical issues and constraints to people who are not naturally inclined to listen, including people whose financial interests are served by ignoring that sort of input. She manages to do so without showing frustration to those people (something I was often not able to accomplish). At the same
time, she has somehow avoided getting sufficiently sucked into the ICANN way of thinking – –something that others have described as “drinking the ICANN cool-aid” — to reduce her effectiveness.
At the same time, ICANN has something of a history of ignoring liaisons at the point of final decision making, especially when the liaisons are arguing on the basis of inconvenient facts. Moving Suzanne into a voting position would, I believe, significantly help with the technical community’s positioning on the Board and its ability to keep ICANN grounded in the realities of the actual Internet, helping to control the drift toward a style of policy-making that, in practice, puts the short-term commercial interests of the domain name market ahead of the long-term health of the Internet.
She may be (and probably is) the longest-serving liaison to the ICANN Board. That very long-term perspective is certain to be beneficial to ICANN and, through the added effectiveness it provides, to the ASO.
While she brings a strong technical and operational perspective to the role – –capabilities I consider essential in anyone who is going to effectively
represent the ASO on the ICANN Board without being absorbed into a broader business perspective– she also has sufficient business and policy experience to understand those points of view and to work effectively with people from those perspectives.
I have trouble imagining a significantly better candidate for this role.
thanks and regards,
John Klensin
Subject: Support for ASO Candidate
From: Terry Manderson
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 09:41:50 +1000
Dear ASO AC Nominations Committee,
I would like to take the opportunity to voice my support for Suzanne Woolf to serve in the ASO AC position on the ICANN Board.
I respectfully request the Nominations Committee to consider Suzanne’s extensive community involvement, not only in the Addressing Community but also in other internet communities which focus on the considerable issues confronting the internet today. While the experience she holds is certainly impressive, it is the attitude and competency in the execution of her involvement that leaves me in no doubt that she represents as the stand-out candidate. I further suggest that her previous experience in other ICANN board roles provides Suzanne with a healthy and well known context, and the ability to quickly apply her existing relationships and understanding to the ASO liaison. I feel that she has the required ‘big picture’ view of the current issues facing the addressing system globally and will represent all stake-holders uniformly.
Kind Regards,
Terry Manderson
Subject: [AfriNIC-announce] ASO Call for Comments on Nominees for ICANN Board Seat
From: Bill Manning
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 04:30:43 -0700
from this list, I think that the folks w/ the most exposure to current board experience are Ray and Suzanne.
Ray is an interesting case. For many years he has taken a strong lead from within the RIR community to build and strengthen the RIRs, both individually and as a collaberative body in establishing and retaining rights for the RIRs from ICANN. He has truely been an RIR champion. I fear that it willbe impossible for him to forget his RIR loyalties if he is given the chance to serve ICANN. An ICANN Board member has the responsibility to put ICANN first. If he is able to shift loyalities, then given his RIR history, he may use that information to exploit minor weaknesses in the RIR system to ICANN’s advantage.
The ASO needs to carefully consider the ramifications of putting Ray on the ICANN board.
The other candidate is Suzanne … she has served ICANN for many years, almist since its inception in a number of capacities. Currently she is the RSSAC liasion o the board. Placing her in seat 9 would finally give her a vote on the policies she is already aware of and is part of the discussions. And for all her allegience to ICANN, she has done an excellent job in the past, serving on the ARIN Advisory Council. She provides a balanced, even keel in discussions, maintaining focus on the issues at hand.
She would be an excellent choice.
I am unaware of recent/current board level experience for either Barry or Jordi and have not had the pleasure of working with either Rajesh or Jody.
— –bill Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them, and certainly don’t reflect those of any other entity (legal or otherwise).
Subject:statement of support
From: Scott Leibrand
Date:Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:23:48 -0700
Suzanne would be an excellent choice for this position. The “why” should be obvious. If not, LMK.
Subject:statement of support
Date:Tue, 10 Mar 2009 15:57:27 -0600
I whole heartedly support Suzanne Woolf for the ASO seat on the ICANN board. I served with Suzanne on the ARIN Advisory Council and have known her for many years. She is extremely knowledgeable of the issues that face the RIR communities and is an excellent communicator.
Subject: Statement of Support
From: Owen DeLong
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 11:50:18 -0700
I would like to encourage the ASO AC to appoint Suzanne Woolf to the ICANN
board. I had the privilege of serving with Suzanne on the ARIN Advisory Council
and have worked with her for several years on various aspects of number
resource policy.
Suzanne brings a great deal of knowledge and experience as well as a broad
understanding of the diverse user community. Hers is the kind of perspective
that would serve the ICANN board well.
Owen DeLong
Member, ARIN Advisory Council
Last modified on 04/02/2020