Statements of support for Mouhamet Diop |
Sa position au sein de l’Icann lui permettra de contribueractivement et à l’internet en genral.
I.Giroux and K.Thiaw
Mouhamet Diop has our full support.Beyond the symbol his election would represent for whole Africa ,we have more practical reasons:
Indeed, he could help to promote the development of the NTIC in Africa and the Third World.
In this way,Mouhamet has already made a trumendous job in Senegal ,what is shown by the above numerous supports coming from VIP’s.
We African youth have great expectations from his future election which would once again prove that knowledge is universal, and that only work matters.
Mouhamet a tout notre soutien.
Au-delà du symbole que son élection représenterait pour l’Afrique entière, nous pouvons avancer des raisons plus pratiques:
En effet, il pourrait aider à promouvoir le développement des NTIC en Afrique et dans le Tiers-Monde en général.
C’est ainsi qu’il a déjà réalisé un travail colossal au Sénégal, ce qui lui vaut le soutien d’importantes personnalités africaines et internationales.
Nous,la Jeunesse Africaine attendons beaucoup de sa future élection qui prouve une fois de plus que le Savoir est universel et que seul le travail compte.
Mor Anta SYLLA
je supporte la candidature de Mouhamet parce qu’il est le seul africain et sénégalais à postuler pour cette nomination.je pense aussi que j’ai fait un bon choix parce que Mouhamet regorge toutes les compétences pour une nouvelle allure au developpement de l’internet dans le monde et plus particulièrement en Afrique où il reste beaucoup à faire.
bonne chance à Mouhamet Dieu est avec vous
Zakari Maman Sani
I support Mouhamet because of his capability to bring an added value to ICANN in general and to ASO in particular.He has demonstrated this in several meetings and other circumstances like :
1) his work as observer for ASO;
2) his participation at ICANN meetings;
3) his work (hard work) to ‘set up’ AfriNIC.
Céline Stoll
I think it’s important to have people from all over the world in ICANN, because the Internet concerns not only Americans. Africa is under-represented in spite of the great evolution of the Internet on the continent. Also, Mouhamet Diop seems to have the required knowledge and competence fot this job. |
Françoise TIMAXIAN
Il s’agit de construire l’internet de demain.Cela ne se fera pas sans l’Afrique.
Seul africain de la liste, et pas des moindres,
Mouhamet Diop est l’interlocuteur attendu.
Sebastien Zimmermann
If network IP has a filiation in Senegal, it is well in the person of Mouhamet Diop. Senior Engineer at Sonatel, he was in 1997 the initiator of the installation of network IP in Senegal. At the time the Internet connection of Senegal depended directly on America. In 1997 thus, Mouhamet Diop is named head of the project. He was in charge of the definition and the installation of the telecommunication infrastructure technical solutions for the Sonatel company. That network IP is set up during 1998. Today at the head of a data-processing consulting company, Mouhamet Diop is in addition one of the rare Africans to form part of the “Holy of Holies” of the Internet as a member of the DNSO (Domain Name Support Organization).I fully support Mouhamet for this position, as his work in Africa shows how by his charism he has been able to move people who didn’t believe in Internet at first. The African continent needs to emancipate and I trust Mouhamet can bring a extremely valuable addition to the ICANN board by his dedication, his experience and his views.
Jocelyn Nadeau
Je supporte la nomination de Mouhamet Diop pour plusieurs raisons.Tout d’abord, Monsieur Diop est une figure dominante de l’Internet en Afrique, plus particulièrement au Sénégal. Son implication dans le développement d’Internet est exemplaire. De plus, étant le seul africain siégeant à
l’ASO, sa connaissance des dossiers ASO et du contexte africain et francophone (multilinguisme) font de lui le candidat idéal pour l’Afrique et la Francophonie.
Elisabeth Piotelat
New technology transfert is something really important and I support the only representant of the African continent.I am shure that he can serve effectively on the ICANN Board
Mouhamet Diop is a very competent and efficient for Internet subject.Evrybody know his independance and fairly.
I am shure that he can serve effectively on the ICANN Board.
youn sanfo
Mouhamed, fort de ses multiples compétences est le candidat idéal pour représenter l’Afrique. Comme beaucoup d’africains, je lui fais entièrement confiance pour se rendre utile au sein de l’icann. Il est évident que la personnalité de Mouhamed sera un atout pour la communauté toute entière.
Patricia FIDI
AfriNIC since 1996ISOC chapter of Senegal
IDN/ICANN committee
IT expert in the build IT infostructures with Senegal government
MBA of Finances, ESSEC (Cergy – FRANCE)
Telecom Engeneer, ENST (Bretagne – France)
DEA “Parallelism and Distributed Systems”, Univ. of Rennes (France)
1) Africa need a good manager who have an experience in ISp, Telecom, administration, business as M. DIOP.
2) ICANN need someone as M. DIOP who knows the reality about the digital divide in Under-developed countries in Africa. He is able to suggest a developing policy and an operational stability of the internet in african countries.
El Hadji SECK
1- to represent Africa and give the contributionof Africa in the internet development
2- he is great head of internet but he is
3- to make internet more used in Africa
Mansour DIOUF (journalist-webmaster)
Je souhaite vivement que Mouhamet soit élu au conseil de l’ICANN. Je le connais comme une personne engagée pour le développement de l’Internet en Afrique ainsi que dans la recherche de solutions technologiques appropriées au contexte africain.
Je crois qu’il apportera une excellente contribution aux actions de l’ICANN.
Compte tenu de ces raisons et de tant d’autres, j’espère qu’il sera membre du prochain conseil
Mouhamadou Diagne
“If you give a fish to a man, you’ve fed him for a day; if you teach him how to fish, you’ll feed him for a lifetime”. No other feature of contemporary society conveys this old wisdom more powerfully than the revolution that has been unfolding under our eyes with the introduction of unprecedented information technologies over the past two decades. Whether in the fields of personal learning, knowledge sharing, economic planning, social policy, or any other significant aspect of community life, these technologies have introduced, for societies previously left behind, unique opportunities to close the digital divide and bridge the gap of knowledge and prosperity. For generations of Africans, like myself, born after the colonial era and eager to hand off to our children a future much brighter than the past endured by our parents, the information age is not just another turning point in the history of human innovation. The stakes are much higher for us: this is !the most significant chance (perhaps even the last chance) we have to catch up with the rest of the world through unfettered access to key areas of knowledge and know-how that, for so long, have eluded us on the basis of economic inequality. A new day has dawn in which these levers of societal well-being (knowledge and know-how) are up for grab by anyone who has the intellectual tenacity, the passion for excellence and the desire to make a difference for themselves and for their communities. A new generation of young Africans has emerged that epitomizes this radical shift on how we view ourselves and our world and how we live this new vision built on self-efficacy and sense of ownership of our destiny. Despite tremendous odds, they are translating their burning ambition for a new society into a commendable track of public service and/or private enterpreneurship that’s already making its marks. Although I do not know personally Mouhamet Diop, every aspect of his individual ac!
hievements, his pristine record as a public servant and his w!
illingness to take on the challenge of private entrepreneurship in a difficult context are all clear indications that he is a maverick and a symbol of the rejuvenated face of a new Africa ready to assume its destiny and shoulder its share of the burden of building a better world for all. Electing him to the ICANN Board would be a magnificent way to welcome that new face of Africa and inspire other mavericks to follow on his path. For that reason, he is a “can’t miss” candidate and his election would send a powerful signal that the world stands by our side as our generation rekindles the flame of hope. We wish him the very best.
Tala Gueye
He has the right profile. I support his nomination.
Candidat represantant l’Afrique |
As an actor in the field of Telemedicine in my country I fully support Mr DIOP Mouhamed. His background and his knowledge has already place his country in a leadership position in Africa.
I believe that internet development will help to solve many difficults problems especially in Health and care management systems
Papa Khassim Sy
I deeply support M.Diop .He has the relevant technical and academic qualifications which really matters on that particular field , but more importantly, his curiculum vitae demonstrates his commitment to the development of a vibrant African Internet community. M. Diop deserves my support
Ousseynou Diagne
Mr. Diop outstanding contribution in developing the Internet and the Information Technology in Africa speaks for itself. He is among the few who can take credit of the leading position hold by Senegal for public Internet usage in Africa. I fully support his nomination as a candidate of the ICANN Board of Directors. His vision, skill and expertise will allow him as a member of ICANN Board of Directors to contribute positively in taking the Internet to the next stage.
Connu pour ses brillantes études universitaires à Dakar en physique et chimie, major de sa promotion à l’ESMT de Dakar, il partit en France ou il a redoré le palmarès Africain des meilleurs Télécommunicants à l’ENST de Bretagne avant de couronner son cursus par les finances.Mouhamet DIOP est l’artisan incontesté de l’accès à Internet dans son pays le Sénégal. Très doué dans toutes les branches de la sphère des nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et il aide partout a les mettre avec art et aisance au service des secteurs du développement dans plusieurs pays du tiers monde.
Aujourd’hui par rapport a son expertise dans le spécialité et aux multiples services et prestations qu’il met en œuvre dans la sous-région et les conférences qu’il anime partout, il est une fierté pour toute l’Afrique et un pionnier qui à combattu la sous information sur Internet dans son pays.
Mouhamet est quelqu’un qui peut réserver un avenir radieux aux tiers monde et surtout à l’Afrique dans le domaine de l’Internet et des NTIC. Il est l’auteur de beaucoup de recherches, beaucoup de communication, traite les sujets les plus pointus. Il a une grande conviction quant au génie Africain en ces nouvelles compétences technologiques surtout quant il s’agit de son impact dans le développement économique et social.
C’est un héros scientifique, un consultant très sollicité, très jeune, très stoïque, très sobre et dont les ambitions relèvent tous les défis qui sont devant lui, ses collègues d’AFRINIC, d’ISOC et d’ITU ont tous confirmé cela dans les impressions qu’ils ont exprimée après leurs contacts avec lui.
Comme tous ceux qui militent en faveur du progrès de la science et du développement des NTIC je supporte sans réserve la candidature de Mouhamet DIOP à ICANN Board.
Diaw Naby
Je suis citoyen senegalais, ingenieur informaticien vivant en Allemagne et suis content de voir un senegalais postuler a ce poste de haut niveau. Que la reussite soit ave vous |
Mbaye Coulibaly
The first time i met Mohamet was in 1996 when I was administrating the internet server of the first CyberCenter in Senegal “Metissacana”. He was introduced to me as a part of the key people introducing Internet in Senegal.But everytime we discuss IP networks in West Africa, his name is mentionned all the way long for the Senegal set up in SONATEL.
hi! first let me congratulate you for the kind of leadership your organisationis providing to the developping countries . second with regards to our choice for mr mouhamet diop,our research about his background and commitment in the telecommunication industry in his country and west africa in general,makes me believe that his choice will be a great asset four your organisation… keep it up//MAMADOU DIOP//
djiby faye)
Having read his credentials, I fully believe that Mohamet Diop is the right person to give this job to. My full support goes to Mohamet Diop |
Aliou Diongue
Etant le seul candidat venant d’un pays en voie de development, nul autre n’est mieux place que lui pour resoudre les problemes d’internet dans ces pays du tiers monde. Mohamet Diop est recemment baptise ” pere de l’internet ” au Senegal de part le fruit de son oeuvre grandiose a instaurer ces IP adresses et toutes ces technologies rattachees a l’epanuissement des internautes Africains et Senegalais en particuliers. Ceci n’est rien d’autre que le fruit de sa competence, de son savoir faire et de son esprit d’initiative. Tous les africains reconnaissent avec serenite son oeuvre dans le development des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la comminucation . He has good skills to be nominated in the ICANN board.
Sadibou Sow
As an African student in the USA, I wholeheartedly support Mouhamet diop for many reasons: 1) His case is a clear proof that Africa is not a “doomed” continent contrary to what the media make it appear. he gives us young Africans a lot of reasons to be optimistic about the future of our land.
2) By accepting to go back to his country and start these wonderful projects, Mouhamet Diop has given a great exemple of how to concretely contribute to a redistribution of the ressources that are generated by scientific & technological innovations.
3) Electing Mohamed Diop would encourage young researchers from the “3rd world” to give the best of themselves knowing that through education, they can succeed WITHOUT PERMANENTLY MIGRATING TO THE WEST.
Mamadou FALL
Mouhamet Diop has contributed significantly in the development of networks in African. |
I believe Technologies projects such as IS are in highly demand in third world countries. Having somebody as involved as Mouhamed Diop would impulse in a great deal the process of globalizing IS usage around the world. Please give that a great touight when assigning someone on board. |
Talla Gueye
He have the right profile. I fully support his nomination.
Christophe BRUN
Mouhamet has a thorough knowledge of the Internet architecture and a solid apprecation of the issues addressed by ICANN and ASO, such as conservation and aggregation issues in IP address policy or technical and non-technical issues in DNS policy. He has been instrumental in the development of the Internet in western Africa and is recognized for his commitment and hard work.
He will be an asset for the ICANN board.
Lamin Njie
I think it is time for Africa to be represented and to contribute to ASO-related aspects of ICANN and the Internet in general; I give my support to the only african representant Mouhamet Diop. |
Mouhamadou Diakhate
I have not met the man but got to learn enough about him through his biography. I am convinced that he ahs all the potential to really do well in this position and therefore a valuable illustration of good leadership for many third world intellects. I fully support his candidacy and hope to see him serve in the ICANN board. |
Papa Abdoulaye NDIAYE
M.Diop est en quelque le père de l’Internet au Senegal.J’ai apprécié ses interviews. Sa compétence, sa détermination et ses qualités de visionnaire reconnues font de lui un candidat idéal pour ce poste. |
Amadou Mbacke BA
Mouhamed DIOP have a capacity of communication in African Région, to help inform all author of internet.I support him for mains reasons.
He has a necessary skills to represente Africa and Senegal and his work experience as n internet projects.
I personnaly met Mouhamed several times in Sonatel and i am convinced that he has the capabilities technical and linguistics and the necessary dynamism to succeed.
In cha allah.
Masse Ndiaye
I support Mouhamet Diop’s candidacy without any reservation. His credntials and the esperience that he has acquired over the years in this area reflect his suitability to this position. With his expertise, I am sure he will be up to the task and will serve the internet community to the best of his ability. As a reliable and creative leader, Mouhamet is the ideal candidate not only for the better use of the internet , but also for the exploration of new avenues.
Daouda Mbaye
This note is in support of Mouhamet Diop who has recently been nominated to the ICANN Board of Directors.I have known Mouhamet for several years now. He has greatly impressed me with his hard work, his dedication to professional goals, and his tremendous sense of organization and cooperation. Mouhamet is well-liked and respected by telecommunications professional in Senegal and in Africa.
I am convinced from his great achievements in his relatively young and yet brillant career that he will be an asset to the ICANN board of directors.
My recommendation is extremely enthusiastic for Mouhamed Diop. He possesses both the background and the motivation required for the task.
Mouhamet a contribue au developpement de l’internet au Sénégal et moi je suis témoin de ses réalisations à la Sonatel.1) Sa position au sein de l’Icann lui permettra de contribuer activement à la rapide mise en place de l’AFRINIC.
2) Mouhamet a beaucoup de dispositions et de connaissances pour mieux servir l’Icann et l’Internet.
Livio Barnabò
I could read the programme and I firmly support the ideas |
Mr. Moustapha Yacine GUEYE
Mouhamet Diop has fully contributed in all achievement of Senegal nationwide Internet and Data services Networks . He brought a lot to both private and public sector to make it happen. Mouhamet has
1) outsatanding technical skill in telecommunication field from architecture design to value added services implementation. He is a hard worker and is always available for the internet user community
2) In addition he is very familiar with the issues ICANN is wrestling with and will be able to contribute effectively on the ICANN board objectives related to the African region.
As a former IBM Manager and Microsoft MDP in Senegal and having worked with him i confirm hereby that Mouhamet suitable to help Africa for a better Internet emergence.I fully support his nomination .
Arnaud Taddei
Mouhamet Diop deserves all my support for his nomination. I consider Mouhamet as one of the most brilliant person I met in these last 15 years. Mouhamet has the right balance of technical and communication skills that represent a key factor of success for any team. Mouhamet and I studied together at Sup Telecom Bretagne and we worked in binome on several projects. Mouhamet impressed me with his commitment to resolve problems, his creativity in finding new approaches on complex technological challenges. His broad knowledge in networking, his willingness to always be the best made him a true reference for others. He didn’t hesitate to investigate new fields like finance.
Mouhamet always worked in a consistent direction and with clear goals. His human skills are certainly one of his strength if not the biggest. Mouhamet had to fight against several believes here in France and the fact that he was always dressed in Senegalese showed us how committed he is towards his country and his culture. He contributed to help us discover his life, his religion, his country with a wonderful attitude. This helps him as well having a strong leadership capability in the hands of a very responsible person.
Any time I worked with Mouhamet either as a student or as a colleague during his visits at Geneva I consider his presence was instrumental to the work we were involved with.
Get him on board.
Nii Quaynor
Mouhamet Diop has contributed significantly in the development of networks in African. Mouhamet has
1) been contributing to ASO-related aspects of ICANN and the Internet in general as AfriNIC observer on ASO and has been a founding enthusiast of AfriNIC since its early day; He has also been active proponent of African operators self-organizing themselves in Af* organizations including AfriNIC, AFNOG and AFTLD.
2) served effectively aspects of the ICANN process including on the IDN committee and other groupings. He is very familiar with the issues ICANN is wrestling with and will be able to contribute effectively on the ICANN board.
Mouhamet is a fine African candidate and I support his nomination wholeheartedly.
Prof. Abdou Salam SALL
I deeply support Mouhamet DIOP.Mr DIOP have enough knowledge and he show it at his previous position to contribute to the management of the Internet. To have an African in this position definitively show that Internet is also an promise for the future of Africa.
Mr DIOP is very generous and he can really help in this position. He really contribute to the devellopement of Internet in ours country, give conferences, building architecture and assisting lote of person to make input in this global linkage.
Tajudeen D. Oyawoye
I have no hesitation in expressing full support for Mouhamet Diop in his ASO membership bid.He has the relevant technical and academic qualifications, but more importantly, his track record fully demonstrates his commitment to the emergence and development of a vibrant African Internet community.
M. Diop deserves our support to enable him continue his good work on our behalf.
Christine Arida
I met Diop earlier this year in AfriNIC meeting and got in email contact with him several times, and I clearly noticed his strong commitment to the development of the Internet in Africa, via his active roles in AfriNIC, AfNOG and in ICANN.Diop, being a francophone with knowledge of Arabic language, is a good representative of African countries. While his experience and international exposure via ISOC and ITU make him a very good candidate that will best serve the ICANN board and will carry out the underlying responsibilities.
Therefore I fully support his nomination. |
J’ai rencontré Mouhamet lors de son passage en France pour ses études à l’ENST de Bretagne. Il m’a toujours impressionné par sa volonté, sa persévérance, la clarté de ses objectifs et sa capacité à mettre en œuvre toutes les ressources nécessaires à leur réalisation.
Ses orientations d’étude ont très tôt montrées son engagement dans l’informatique et son penchant tout particulier pour le réseau des réseaux. Ses activités professionnelles démontrent la constance de ses choix et lui ont permis d’acquérir de multiples-compétence autour de l’Internet (déploiement, exploitation, mise en œuvre…)
Je suis persuadé que sa personnalité, qu’il a conservé au travers de ces années, et ses compétences professionnelles seront fortement bénéfiques pour ce poste et c’est pour cela qu’aujourd’hui je soutiens sa candidature.
Victor Ciza
Mouhamet Diop is quite suitable for a position on the ICANN Board of Directors and can efficiently contribute to ASO-related aspects of ICANN and the Internet in general; for many reasons and particularly because:1) He has the required technical background
2) He has actively attended a number of ICANN events and of other internet policy and technology related bodies
YJ Park
Mohamet has been contributing to establishmenet of AFRINIC, which is still in progress. Being on the ICANN Board, he can bridge between the existing RIRs and emerging RIRs, whose entensive issues have not been fully presented by ICANN Board in general.Compared with its initial set-up, ICANN Board has been geographivcally diversified, which in return stengthen ICANN’s mandate and legitimacy.
In line with this, I do believe Mohamet can add comparatively less-underrepresented community’s voices to ICANN decision-making process, which we appreciate a lot.
Mouhamet a contribue au developpement de l’internet dans son pays, et il pourra le faire pour l’Afrique entiere.1) Sa position au sein de l’Icann lui permettra de contribuer activement a la rapide mise en palce de l’AFRINIC.
2) Mouhamet a beaucoup d’atouts pour mieux servir l’Icann et l’Internet.
Pietro Sicuro
During the last months, Mr. Diop is strongly involved in ICANN decision monitiring (discussions, impacts, follow up, etc.;). He is attended very often to the ICANN meeting around the world. A African subsaharian point of view on the ICANN Board should be very positive.
Alioune Badara TRAORE
Mohamet is one of first african who work for the creation of AFRINC because he install one of the bigest Network in Senegal and have need resolve aaddress problem. Mohamet partipate in all big Internet meeting and propose all time some ideas and solutions for resolving address problem.Mohamet have a capacity of communication in a african region, to help, inform all author of Internet.
Ali Drissa BADIEL
I support Mouhamet for three main reasons:first, he has the necessary skills to represente Africa and even the developping countries in the ICANN BoT due to his work experience as an Internet Projects Manager at SONATEL (Senegal), an observer at ASO, a founding member of AfriNIC and now as the Director of his own startup (NEXT.SN)
second, I personally met Mouhamet several times during ICANN and AfriNIC meetings since 2000 and I am convinced that he has the capabilities (both technical and linguistics) and the necessary dynamism to succeed.
Third (last but not least), his nommination will give a chance to the ICANN to help Africa for a better Internet emergence.
I think Diop is an ideal candidate to represent ASO in the ICANN board. He constantly work hard in our community to help organisation like AFRINIC (new African RIR in formation), AFNOG (African Network Operator Group) to be a reality. As one of the most involve african in the Internet governence in his home country and arround the continent, he can play a determinent role by helping on Adress management related mater within ICANN board. He can also refflect a view from other side of the word (Africa).
I fully support his nomination…
Anne Rachel Inne
Support Reason:
1) Mouhamet has a fair understanding of what goes on in the internet world in general and has applied a lot of his knowledge already especially in the ASO. As a succesful entrepreneur, and having worked with him, I know that he knows the risks of shaky environment in any type of business not to mention the Internet, its construction through constituencies, especially the ASO. He’s been active there and will definitely help in taking the ‘right’ initiatives. He also is a great communicator, speaks several languages, and can take some issues the users, for help in decision making.
2) He will definitely add some colour to the Icann board :) not to mention a few decisive alternatives. |
Ndeye Maimouna DIOP |
Support Reason:
I fully support this nominee, because of his activity as Chief of Ingeniering Department of SONATEL where he persuade the staff to get their own IP adress and become one of the first LIR in Africa. He is also General secretary of senegalese isoc chapter and make a great job to help senegaleses to understand internet policy.
As a francophone, he can to contribute to help french countries in Africa to have an efficient participation to ASO aspects and ICANN’s activities in general.
He has a good experience in IP issues to serve effectively on the ICANN Board.
KOUMA Cyriaque
Support Reason:
Observateur pour le compte d’AFRINIC, son expérience a été nécessaire pour éclairer les travaux du BoT d’AFRINIC. Sa presence dans le Board de l’ICANN, contribuera à faire avancer le processus de mise en place d’AFRINIC |
Alex Corenthin
Support Reason:
I Fully support M. Diop to be member of ASO.The Senegalese ISOC Chapter in my name, encourage M. Diop who have done a large contribution to the African developpment of Internet issues, particularly in the technical domain.
In his background, as Technical manager of IP network of the national telco company in Senegal, he help to build a string and efficient infrastructure and give nex opportunities for the private sector, helping us to develop new skills and new business.
Today in the internet wizards, it seems that the development of internet is very poor in Africa, The lack of IP is the major issue in this purpose. As member of ICANN board, we hope that he can help this institution to take in account the problems we have to face in africa.
– support of our Continental registry AFRINIC
– Capacity building
– Increase of the ITC opportunities
So, I encourage all african to particularly support M Diop and to make listenable the voice of africa in all the international organisations which take in charge the globalization.
Pierre Dandjinou
Support Reason:
Mouhamet acquired a sound experience in establishment of specialized networks in his home country and is actually known as “the father of the IP backbone” which has granted a leadership in networking for Senegal in the region. Besides, Mouhamet has been part of a small group of African professionals who have been participating to the Icann process from the start and as a member of one of the working groups of the AfriNIC, he was selected as the African observer to ASO. In that regard, he is to my view, one of the best candidates to serve on the ASO and contribute to the activities of the supporting orgnization. Mouhamet has already acquired an experience of the international fora through participation to Icann meetings. He will certainly serve effectively on the Board through his technical expertise and a “sensitivity” which could be a value added factor for the smooth growth of Icann.
Support Reason:
He is one of the top african ICT visionaries, giving his best to help set up AFRINIC, the emerging african regional registry. He has a good knowledege on policies and technical aspects of ASO matters, and will give a good input as he has been establishing one of the first african LIR with RIPE.
He will serve with integrity all the internet community and the ICANN board. I strongly recommand his nommination for the ICANN BoT. Independant, honest and great worker, he will give the best of himself as he is doing do it nowadays for Africa and Senegal.
Mouhamed Tidiane SECK
Support Reason:
Mouhamet is one of the father of internet in senegal, Futher more he worked at SONATEL an has to buid the IP network of this Company. During this period he gave a great help to all senegaleses ISPs to set up their internet services. As general secretary of the Senegalese chapter of ISOC he does also a big job in training african ressources in Internetworking and intetnet policy.
Now he is managing his own company (called NEXT) and this company is seen as the best startup in networking. I am sure that Mouhamet will be very usefull for the african community (as he handle easily english and french)