The AFRINIC Board has re-appointed Fiona Asonga to the NRO NC/ASO AC for another year. Her new term will continue until 31 December 2018.
Final Reminder: Nomination Period for Seat 9 on the ICANN Board Closes 17 December 2017
The Address Supporting Organization Address Council’s (ASO AC) call for nominations for Seat 9 on the ICANN Board will close at 23:59 UTC on Sunday, 17 December 2017. Nomination Process Community members are invited to submit nominations by email to nominations [at] aso [dot] icann [dot] org by Sunday,17 December 2017 at 23:59 UTC. Nominations must include the following information: The…
Hervé Clément Appointed to NRO NC
Hervé Clément was appointed to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) by the RIPE NCC Executive Board. The announcement was made during the General Meeting (GM) alongside RIPE 75 in Dubai on 26 October 2017. Hervé will serve a three-year term from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2020. (Information taken from RIPE NCC website)
ARIN Board Appoints Kevin Blumberg to the ASO AC / NRO NC
From ARIN-announcement list ARIN is pleased to announce that Kevin Blumberg has been reappointed by the Board of Trustees to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) from the ARIN region. Kevin will begin serving a three-year term on 1 January 2018. Information on the NRO Number Council can be found at: Regards, John Curran President and CEO…
ASO AC Calls For Nominations to Seat 9 on the ICANN Board of Directors
In line with the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the ICANN Bylaws, the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) is calling for nominations to Seat 9 of the ICANN Board of Directors. The selected candidate will serve for a three-year term, which will begin at the conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Assembly during…
APNIC Community Elects Aftab Siddiqui to the ASO AC / NRO NC
During APNIC 44 Meeting in Taichung Taiwan, APNIC community elected Aftab Siddiqui to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC). He will begin serving a two year term from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2019.
ASO AC Appoints Brajesh Jain to the 2018 ICANN Nominating Committee
The Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) is pleased to announce that Mr Brajesh Jain has been appointed as its delegate to the 2018 ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom). The ASO AC appointed Mr Jain after a public nomination process which began in August 2017: The NomCom is an independent committee tasked with selecting eight members of the Board of…
Independent Review of the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) Published
ITEMS International, a Paris-based consultancy firm specializing in strategic consulting in the areas of telecommunications and the Internet, has published its findings of the ASO review. The Number Resource Organization Executive Council (NRO EC), in communication with the ICANN Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC), commissioned the independent review of the ASO to determine whether: – The ASO has a continuing purpose…
ASO Call for Nominations to 2018 ICANN NomCom
The Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) is pleased to invite nominations for candidates from the Internet Number community to run for an open seat on the ICANN NomCom 2018 as delegate of the ASO. The term for the elected delegate will be one year starting in ICANN 60 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates October 28th 2017. Travel…
Noah Maina elected AFRINIC representantive to the ASO AC/NRO EC
As a result of the election to elect the AFRINIC region representative to the ASO-AC / NRO-NC held on Thursday 1 June during the AIS’17 Meeting held in Nairobi, we are pleased to announce that Noah Maina was elected to serve a 3-year term from January 2018 to December 2020, replacing Douglas Onyango whose term will be ending at the…