A public call for comment is open now on the Draft Final Report of the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) independent review by ITEMS International. As described in the original call for proposals, the objective of the review is to determine whether the ASO has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure, and if so, whether any change in the…
Statement of the NRO EC and ASO AC regarding the 2017 ASO Review
Statement of the Number Resource Organization Executive Council (NRO EC) and Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) regarding the 2017 ASO Review 25 May 2017 The Address Supporting Organisation (ASO) is an entity established in 2004 by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) among the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Number Resource Organization (NRO). The…
Independent Review of ASO Granted to ITEMS International
The Number Resource Organization Executive Council (NRO EC), in communication with the ICANN Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC), has granted the independent review of the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) to ITEMS International after a detailed review of all the applications received. As described in the original call for proposals, the objective of the review is to determine whether the ASO…
ASO AC / NRO NC Elects New Chair
Filiz Yilmaz, RIPE NCC community representative, has been elected by the ASO Address Council (AC) members as the new ASO AC/NRO NC Chair for 2017. Filiz Yilmaz’s appointment was confirmed during the ASO AC teleconference, 11 January 2017. ASO AC Chair elections are held annually in January, and the term is one year. The ASO AC also accepted the appointment…
APNIC EC Reappoints Aftab Siddiqui to NRO NC / ASO AC
Aftab Siddiqui has been appointed by the APNIC Executive Council (EC) to serve a one-year term on the Number Resource Organization Number Council from January to December 2017.
ARIN Board Appoints NRO Number Council Representative
On 14 November, the ARIN Board of Trustees appointed Kevin Blumberg to serve the on the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) from the ARIN region, to complete the term on the vacancy created by John Sweeting’s resignation in July of 2016. Kevin was previously appointed to serve in this role through 31 December 2016, and this appointment will…
Request for Proposals for Consulting Services: Independent Review of the ICANN Address Supporting Organization
Independent review of the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) Deadline for applications: 31 December 2016 Deadline announcement of the selected bid: 31 January 2017 Instructions to Bidders 1. Introduction 1. The Number Resource Organization (NRO) is the organization comprised of the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) which act collectively on matters relating to the interests of the RIRs and the Internet…
RIPE Community re-elects Filiz Yilmaz to the ASO AC/NRO NC
We are pleased to announce that Filiz Yilmaz was re-elected to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) at a Plenary session of the RIPE 73 Meeting in Madrid on 28 October 2016. On the completion of her current term on 31 December 2016, Filiz will go on to serve another three-year term from 1 January 2017 to 31…
Fiona Asonga Appointed by AFRINIC Board to the ASO AC/NRO NC
The AFRINIC Board of Directors has appointed Fiona Asonga to the ASO AC / NRO NC. Mrs. Asonga’ term will start on January 1 2017.
ARIN Community Re-elects Jason Schiller to NRO NC / ASO AC
ARIN is pleased to announce that Jason Schiller has been re-elected to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) from the ARIN region. He will begin serving another three-year term on 1 January 2017. Information on the NRO Number Council can be found at: https://www.nro.net/about-the-nro/the-nro-number-council The ARIN Board of Trustees wishes to thank Robert Kenny for his participation as…