The ICANN Board proclaimed LACNIC to be a fully approved and recognized Regional Internet Registry, to provide IP address registration and other services for the Latin American and Caribbean service region.
Wilfried Woeber re-elected as representative to the ASO Address Council – RIPE NCC region
Wilfried Woeber was re-elected as a RIPE NCC service region Address Council representative. Details are available at the RIPE NCC website.
Takashi Arano re-elected as representative to the ASO Address Council – APNIC region
Takashi Arano was re-elected as a APNIC service region Address Council representative. Details are available at the APNIC website.
ARIN Calls for Nominations for Representative to the ASO Address Council
From ARIN’s call for nominations:
ASO AC Selects ICANN Board Member
At its teleconference meeting on Thursday, July 11, 2002, the Address Council selected Mouhamet Diop to fill the ASO position on the ICANN Board to be vacated by Robert Blokzijl following the ICANN 2002 Annual Meeting. Mouhamet Diop will serve on the ICANN board for a term of three years.
RIR’s Submission to the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform
The Regional Internet Registries have released a statement to the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform. The statement is available on the RIR websites and here.
Regional Internet Registries’ Submission to the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform
20 June 2002 Introduction the operation of the assignment of number resources from the Internet Assigned Number Authority to the RIRs, policy aspects concerning the adoption of common global policies, and governance of procedures relating to the recognition of additional RIRs. nominating three individuals to serve as members of the Board of ICANN. The Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) jointly undertake…
APNIC Calls for Nominations for Asia Pacific Representative to the ASO Address Council
From APNIC’s call for nominations:
RIPE NCC Calls for Nominations for Representative to the ASO Address Council
From RIPE NCC’s call for nominations:
Statement Concerning Draft RIR-ICANN Agreement
The Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) have been working together for some time on the production of a relationship agreement, or contract, between the RIRs and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).