LACNIC has issued an open call for nominations to fill one seat on the ASO Address Council, covering a vacancy generated by the position of Raimundo Beca on May 6th, 2004. The elected representative must be willing to serve the rest of Mr. Beca’s term until December 31, 2006. The candidate must be a person from LACNIC´s coverage area. Submission…
ARIN calls for nominations to ASO Address Council
ARIN has called for nominations of individuals willing to serve as the next ARIN region representative on the ASO Address Council. The seat currently held by Eric Decker will become vacant on 31 December 2004.
Call for Nominations for Representatives to the ASO Address Council – RIPE NCC Service Region 2004
The RIPE NCC has called for nominations of individuals from the RIPE NCC service region to serve on the ASO Address Council.
APNIC Executive Council decides to defer the ASO Address Council election
The next election for an Asia-Pacific seat on the ASO Address Council is due to be held during the APNIC 18 meeting in Fiji in September 2004. However, pending the final outcome of the MoU negotiations, the APNIC Executive Council has decided to defer the AC election. More information about the MoU negotiations is available from the NRO web site:…
Result of ASO AC selection to the ICANN Board
At the recent meeting on Thursday, 6 May 2004, in Amsterdam, the Address Council of the ASO selected Raimundo Beca to fill the ASO position on the ICANN Board to be vacated by Lyman Chapin. Raimundo Beca will immediately start to serve on the ICANN board for a term of three years. The draft minutes of the meeting are available…
ICANN ASO General Assembly Meeting
The Address Council of the Address Supporting Organization has announced the fifth ASO General Assembly meeting, to be held on Wednesday, 5 May 2004 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Letter of Intent by ICANN and the NRO
On the 1st of April 2004, the Number Resource Organisation (NRO) signed a Letter of Intent with ICANN, documenting their intention to enter into an MoU to form a new ASO within the ICANN structure.
ICANN Reply to the NRO on the Proposed NRO
The ICANN reply to the NRO on the Proposed ASO MoU (pdf)
ICANN ASO General Assembly Meeting
The Address Council of the Address Supporting Organisation is pleased to announce the 5th ASO General Assembly Meeting, to be held on Wednesday, 5 May 2004 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Results of regional AC elections
The results of recent RIR elections to fill vacant positions on the Address Council are as follows: