The ASO AC elaborated the following document containing their comments regarding the Proposed Review Procedure to Handle ASO Policy Proposals.
Call for Nominations: NRO NC ARIN Region
ARIN opened nominations to fill one seat on the NRO Number Council / ASO Address Council that becomes vacant with the expiration of Lee Howard’s term on December 31, 2005.
AfriNIC new representatives on the NRO Number Council
At their recent meeting held in Maputo, the AfriNIC members voted in their new NRO NC representatives . Jean Robert Hountomey will be serving a 3-year term on the NRO NC and Sylvia Geha Kezengwa will be serving a 2-year term.
ASO AC responds to the ICANN Strategic Plan Document
As one of the ICANN supporting organizations, the ASO AC has elaborated the following document containing their comments regarding the ICANN Strategic Plan Document.
Recognition of AfriNIC as the Fifth Regional Internet Registry
On 8 April 2005, during the ICANN Board meeting in Mar del Plata, Argentina, AfriNIC was finally recognized as the fifth Regional Internet Registry (RIR). The ICANN Board resolution is available from the ICANN website at:
LACNIC has called for nominations of individuals willing to serve as the representative on the ASO Address Council.
The seat currently held by Julián Dunayevich will become vacant on 31 December 2005.
Kenny Huang appointed as representative of the APNIC region on the NRO Number Council
The APNIC Executive Council has appointed Kenny Huang to be the representative of the APNIC region on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council. Under the terms of the MoU signed between the ICANN and the RIRs in October 2004, the NRO Number Council now performs the role of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC). The term of…
Address Council appoints Hans Petter Holen as chair of ASO Address Council for 2005
At the recent meeting on Thursday, 5 January 2005, the Address Council elected Hans Petter Holen as the new chair of the ASO Address Council for the year 2005.
LACNIC calls for nominations to ASO Address Council
LACNIC has issued an open call for nominations to fill one seat on the ASO Address Council, covering a vacancy generated by the position of Raimundo Beca on May 6th, 2004. The elected representative must be willing to serve the rest of Mr. Beca’s term until December 31, 2006. The candidate must be a person from LACNIC´s coverage area. Submission…
ARIN calls for nominations to ASO Address Council
ARIN has called for nominations of individuals willing to serve as the next ARIN region representative on the ASO Address Council. The seat currently held by Eric Decker will become vacant on 31 December 2004.