
Call for Nominations: NRO NC ARIN Region

This is an open call for nominations from the ARIN region to fill one (1) seat on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council that becomes vacant with the expiration of Sanford George’s term on 31 December 2007. Candidates must be willing to serve a three (3) year term beginning 1 January 2008. Any individual residing within the ARIN service…

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Latest RIR presentations

Address Council Report for RIPE 54 Address Council Report for AfriNIC 6 Address Council Report for ARIN XIX Address Council Report for APNIC 23

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Call for comments on nominees to ICANN Board

Following a public nomination period, the ASO Address Council (ASO AC) selected the final set of candidates to fill the ASO seat on the ICANN Board currently held by Raimundo Beca, whose term expires in June 2007. The candidates are:

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AfriNIC Announces NRO NC Representatives

The AfriNIC Board has re-appointed Alan P. Barrett to the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council for a three year term starting 1 January 2007. The AfriNIC Board has also appointed Ali Drissa Badiel to complete the term commenced by Sylvia Geha Kezengwa on the NRO NC (which expires 31 December 2007).

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ASO Call for Nominations for ICANN Board Seat

In compliance with the ASO MoU and ICANN Bylaws, the Address Council hereby calls for nominations to the ICANN Board to fill the ASO seat currently held by Raimundo Beca, whose term expires in June of 2007. This nomination period will close on 21 February 2007. All candidates desiring to be selected to the ICANN board by the Address Council…

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APNIC Elects New Member to NRO NC

APNIC is pleased to announce Toshiyuki Hosaka of JPNIC, Japan has been elected to the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council. Toshi’s term runs from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2007. He replaces Mao Wei whose term ends on 31 December 2006.

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ARIN Elects New Member to NRO NC

ARIN is pleased to announce Louis Lee has been re-elected to the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council from the ARIN region. He will serve another three-year term beginning 1 January 2007.

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Dave Wilson Takes Seat on NRO Number Council

Dave Wilson of HEAnet has been elected from the RIPE NCC service region to take the vacant seat on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council (NC). The election came ahead of the end of a term served by Sabine Jaume, who was elected in January 2004. Voting took place 4 October during the Plenary session of the RIPE 53…

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