Developing a single proposal for future oversight of the IANA functions will require the coordination of many different viewpoints from stakeholders around the world. To facilitate this process, a Coordination Group of 25 representatives from a range of interested stakeholder groups is currently being assembled. The structure of this Coordination Group is explained here: Coordination Group will include two…
The LACNIC community reappointed Jorge Villa as member of the ASO Address Council / NRO Number Council. His new term will begin on January 1st, 2015 and expire on December 31st, 2017.
Hartmut Glaser Reappointed to ASO Address Council / NRO Number Council
The LACNIC Board reappointed Hartmut Glaser as member of the ASO Address Council / NRO Number Council. His new term will expire on Dec. 31st, 2014.
AFRINIC Confirms 2 Positions in the NRO NC/ASO AC
Fiona Asonga and Alan Barrett have been confirmed to serve in the Number Resource Organization Number Council / Address Supporting Organization Advisory Council
APNIC EC Appoints Aftab Siddiqui to NRO NC / ASO AC
Aftab Siddiqui has been appointed by the APNIC Executive Council (EC) to serve a one-year term on the Number Resource Organization Number Council, which fulfils the role of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council, from January to December 2014.
ARIN Elects Jason Schiller to NRO NC / ASO AC
ARIN is pleased to announce that Jason Schiller has been re-elected to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) from the ARIN region. He will begin serving another three-year term on 1 January 2014
RIPE Community Elects Filiz Yilmaz to NRO NC/ASO AC
We are pleased to announce that Filiz Yilmaz has been elected by the RIPE community to the Number Resource Organisation Number Council (NRO NC). Filiz fills the seat being vacated by Hans Petter Holen and will serve a three-year term from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016.
APNIC Community Re-elects Representative to the NRO NC / ASO AC
During the last APNIC 36 Open Policy Meeting in Xian China, Tomohiro Fujisaki has been re-elected as representative of the APNIC region to the NRO Number Council/ASO Address Council. The new term will be from January 1, 2014 until December 31, 2015. Tomohiro’s biography information is available at:
The 4th Global IPv6 Deployment Monitoring Survey is Open Now
As in previous years, the Number Resource Organization (NRO) invites you to participate in the 4th consecutive Global IPv6 Deployment Monitoring Survey on the current and future use of IPv6.
ASO AC re-elects Kuo Wei Wu to ICANN Board
The ASO Address Council (AC) is pleased to announce that Mr Kuo Wei Wu has been re-elected to fill Seat 10 on the ICANN Board for a three-year term.