APNIC EC Appoints Aftab Siddiqui to NRO NC / ASO AC


Aftab Siddiqui has been appointed by the APNIC Executive Council (EC) to serve a one-year term on the Number Resource Organization Number Council, which fulfils the role of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council, from January to December 2014.

RIPE Community Elects Filiz Yilmaz to NRO NC/ASO AC


We are pleased to announce that Filiz Yilmaz has been elected by the RIPE community to the Number Resource Organisation Number Council (NRO NC). Filiz fills the seat being vacated by Hans Petter Holen and will serve a three-year term from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2016.

APNIC Community Re-elects Representative to the NRO NC / ASO AC


During the last APNIC 36 Open Policy Meeting in Xian China, Tomohiro Fujisaki has been re-elected as representative of the APNIC region to the NRO Number Council/ASO Address Council. The new term will be from January 1, 2014 until December 31, 2015. Tomohiro’s biography information is available at: http://conference.apnic.net/36/elections/tomohiro-fujisaki

Reminder: ASO AC Call for Nominations for Seat 9 on the ICANN Board


We are about halfway through the ICANN Board Seat 9 nomination phase, which ends on 16 January 2012. If you are considering nominating someone, do not wait until the end of the nomination phase. Nominees will need time to complete the necessary documents, and furthermore, the ASO AC Qualification Review Committee will need time to review those documents and select candidates. This must all be done by the close of the nomination phase.