Does the ASO and/or the ASO AC develop Internet number resource policies?

No. The policies by which Internet number resources are managed and distributed is proposed, discussed and accepted (or rejected) by each Regional Internet Registry (RIR) community, using its respective open and transparent policy development process (PDP).

Global policies govern how Public Technical Identifiers (PTI), the organization charged with performing the IANA functions, issues Internet number resources to the RIRs. These policies must also be accepted (or rejected) by each Regional Internet Registry (RIR) community following the global policy development process (GPDP).

The ASO (acting as the Number Resource Organization Executive Council – NRO EC) and the ASO Address Council (ASO AC), as bodies, do not propose, discuss and accept (or reject) policy.

However, both the ASO (NRO EC) and the ASO AC play a role in the GPDP. Once a global policy has been proposed, the policy must first go through the regional PDP within each of the five RIR regions, where an identical version of the policy proposal must be ratified.

When consensus is reached to accept a Global Policy Proposal within all five RIRs, each RIR’s version of the Global Policy Proposal is merged together into a single policy statement. This task is performed by the ASO AC. An identical version of the global policy proposal must then be ratified by each RIR community.

The NRO EC then refers the coordinated Global Policy Proposal to the ASO AC. The ASO AC reviews the process by which the global policy proposal was ratified and, as outlined in Attachment A of the ASO MoU, passes it to the ICANN Board of Directors for ratification as a global policy.

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Last modified on 10/04/2020