ASO Announces Support for Fundamental Bylaws Amendment to Article 18 of the ICANN Bylaws

In its capacity as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community, the NRO EC (acting as the ASO) has agreed to support the Fundamental Bylaws Amendment to Article 18, Section 18.7(b) of the ICANN Bylaws relating to the composition of the IANA Naming Functions Review as posted by the ICANN Board according to its Resolution 2019.09.08.05.

The ICANN Empowered Community Administration was informed of the ASO’s decision on Wednesday 27 November 2019.


In accordance with its role as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community, the NRO reviewed the proposed change and concluded that this ICANN Bylaws change would not impact the Internet Number community and allows ICANN to remain accountable to its Bylaws-mandated mechanisms.

As per Article 3 of the ASO Procedures for ICANN Empowered Community Powers, the RIR communities were informed and asked for Feedback. No feedback was received.

As per Article 5 of the procedures, the NRO EC subsequently held a teleconference on 26 November, during which the NRO EC determined whether to support, reject or abstain from approving the Bylaw Change.

Further Information:

Last modified on 03/01/2020