The Number Resource Organization Number Council* (NRO NC) has completed its qualitative analysis and summary of the community responses received to the questionnaire on the proposed principles to update ICP-2. The questionnaire was open from 8 October until 6 December 2024. During this window, we received 298 individual submissions from the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) communities. The summary and the…
Concluding the ICP-2 Principles Consultation
The feedback period for the proposed ICP-2 principles has officially concluded. During this process, we received nearly 300 responses from the different Internet communities associated with each Regional Internet Registry (RIR). Below is the total breakdown of responses by region: The questionnaire was open from October 8 to December 6, 2024, allowing participants to share their opinions, rate each principle, and provide additional comments. In the coming weeks, we…
ASO AC / NRO NC Elects New Chair for 2025
Hervé Clément, RIPE NCC region representative, has been re-elected by the ASO Address Council (ASO AC) to serve as ASO AC/NRO NC Chair during 2025. His appointment was confirmed during the ASO AC teleconference held this on 8 January 2025. Hervé will be assisted in his role by Nick Nugent (ARIN region) and Esteban Lescano (LACNIC region) as vice chairs.…
2025 ICANN Board Seat 10 Elections: Comment Phase Open
In line with the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)and the ICANN Bylaws, the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) has issued a call for nominations for Seat 10 of the ICANN Board of Directors. The selected candidate will serve for a three-year term, which will begin at the conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Assembly…
NRO Announces that the Deadline for the ICP-2 Questionnaire Has Been Extended to 6 December 2024
The NRO has announced that it is extending the deadline for individuals in the global Internet community to participate in the questionnaire focused on a proposed principles document that will be used to update the Internet Coordination Policy-2 (ICP-2). This past 8 October, the Number Resource Organization (NRO), the coordinating body for the global Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), called on…
The NRO Invites Internet Community to Participate in ICP-2 Questionnaire
The Number Resource Organization (NRO), the coordinating body for the global Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), is calling on individuals in the global Internet community to participate in a questionnaire focused on a proposed principles document that will be used to update the Internet Coordination Policy-2 (ICP-2). ICP-2, first created in 2001, identifies the criteria for an organization seeking to become…
ASO AC Calls for Nominations for Seat 10 on the ICANN Board of Directors
In line with the ASO Memorandum of Understanding and the ICANN Bylaws, the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) announces the opening of nominations for Seat 10 on the ICANN Board of Directors. The selected candidate will serve for a three-year term, starting immediately after the ICANN Annual General Assembly to be held during the ICANN 84 Meeting, scheduled…
ASO AC Selects Alan Barrett to Serve in Seat 9 of the ICANN Board of Directors
The ASO AC is pleased to announce that it has selected Alan Barrett to serve for a three-year term in Seat 9 of the ICANN Board of Directors. Mr. Barrett is the ASO AC’s current appointee to Seat 9. His current term will end in November 2024 and his new term will begin at the conclusion of ICANN 81, which…
ASO AC / NRO NC Elects New Chair for 2024
Hervé Clément, RIPE NCC region representative, has been re-elected by the ASO Address Council (ASO AC) to serve as ASO AC/NRO NC Chair during 2024. His appointment was confirmed during the ASO AC teleconference held on 10 January 2024. Hervé will once again be assisted in his role by Nicole Chan (APNIC region) and Ricardo Patara (LACNIC region) as vice…
2024 ICANN Board Seat 9 Elections: Comment Phase Open
In line with the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)and the ICANN Bylaws, the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) has issued a call for nominations for Seat 9 of the ICANN Board of Directors. The selected candidate will serve for a three-year term, which will begin at the conclusion of the ICANN Annual General Assembly…