ASO AC Teleconference 5 December 2007


AC Attendees:

  • Louis Lee (LL), Chair
  • Alan Barrett (AB)
  • Sanford H. George (SG)
  • Hartmut Glaser (HG)
  • Martin Hannigan (MH)
  • Hans Petter Holen (HPH)
  • Toshiyuki Hosaka (TH)
  • Jean Robert Hountomey (JRH)
  • Kenny Huang (KH)
  • Francisco Obispo (FO)
  • Dave Wilson (DW)


  • Samantha Dickinson (SD), Recording Secretary – APNIC


  • Adiel Akplogan (AA) – AfriNIC
  • Kiran Cunniah (KC) – AfriNIC
  • Vincent Ngundi (VN) – AfriNIC
  • Hisham Rojoa (HR) – AfriNIC
  • Sunny Chendi (SC) – APNIC
  • Einar Bohlin (EB) – ARIN
  • Nate Davis (ND) – ARIN
  • Richard Jimmerson (RJ) – ARIN
  • Ray Plzak (RP) – ARIN
  • Ricardo Patara (RIP) – LACNIC
  • Jason Schiller (JS) – ARIN
  • Raimundo Beca (RB) – ICANN
  • Olof Nordling (ON) – ICANN
  • Leo Vegoda (LV) – ICANN
  • Filiz Yilmaz (FY) – RIPE NCC


  • Sebastian Bellagamba (SB)
  • Hyun-joon Kwon (HJK)
  • Wilfried Woeber (WW)
  • Bart Boswinkel (BB)


  • Ali Badiel (ALB)

Draft agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Agenda review
  3. Approval of the minutes of 30 October 2007
  4. Electronic voting for the 2008 AC Chair
  5. January 2008 teleconference
  6. Chair election procedures document
  7. Single policy proposal template
  8. Draft work plan for 2008
  9. Proposed dates for 2008 teleconferences
  10. Any other business
  11. Adjournment
  1. Welcome

    The Chair called the meeting to order at 22:09 UTC, noting the presence of a quorum.

  2. Agenda review

    The Chair reviewed the agenda and called for any comments.

    The following items were added to AOB:

    a. ICANN early awareness tracking of global policy proposals

    b. New policies at LACNIC

    [RP joined at 22:11 UTC]

    The Chair noted that in the previous meeting, the update for the most recent RIPE meeting had been deferred to the December meeting. He asked if either of the RIPE region AC members on the teleconference were prepared to present the report in AOB. Neither AC member had prepared a report on RIPE 55.

    The Chair asked if there had been any other RIR meetings held since the last AC meeting that needed to be reported on during the teleconference. There were none.

  3. Approval of the minutes of 30 October 2007

    HG moved the following motion: “The ASO AC approves the Minutes of October 30, 2007 as written.” AB seconded the motion. There were no objections or comments.

    Action #0712-01:

    Secretariat to publish minutes of 30 October 2007.

  4. Electronic voting for the 2008 AC Chair

    AB stated that an election procedures committee had been formed in the previous AC meeting, but as far as he was aware, the subcommittee had not created a procedure for electronic voting. Therefore, AB had sent an email with his own proposed procedure to the AC-COORD mailing list.

    HG suggested that agenda items 4 and 6 looked to be discussing the same issue.

    AB suggested that since the AC had already approved the agenda for the December meeting, agenda items 4 and 6 be kept separate.

    AB proposed using electronic voting for the 2008 Co-chair positions as well as the 2008 Chair position.

    HG noted that Co-chairs had been nominated by the Chair in the past. He asked if AB meant that a separate election would be held for Co-chairs after the Chair election had been completed. AB stated that his proposal involved a single election for Chair and co-Chairs.

    HG suggested that if this was the case, then agenda items 4 and 6 should be combined.

    There Chair asked if there were any objections to combining agenda items 4 and 6. There were none.

    HG asked AB to explain his proposal, step by step, to the AC members.

    SC asked if the ASO Chair had sent an email to the Secretariat requesting that electronic voting be used for the 2008 Chair election. HPH noted that no email had been sent to the Secretariat.

    HPH asked if there was an NRO EC member present on the call who could advise the ASO AC member on how to proceed.

    The Chair asked RP for his advice. There was no response from RP.

    [RP had left the call by 22:19 UTC]

    AB suggested that the ASO AC probably needed NRO EC approval to use electronic voting for the 2008 Chair election.

    The Chair asked RJ if he could advise the ASO AC on the issue.

    [RP rejoined the call at 22:20 UTC]

    RP stated that all ASO AC procedures, including the Chair election procedure, needed to be approved by the NRO EC. He noted that, in fact, the appointment of the ASO AC Chair was specifically mentioned in the ASO MoU.

    RP noted that the NRO EC would be holding a meeting in two weeks’ time, so if AC members emailed a request for electronic voting for the 2008 Chair election, then it could be approved by the NRO EC at their December meeting.

    The Chair asked if the request should include both the request for electronic voting for the Chair position as well as the revised procedure for conducting the election. RP confirmed the request should contain both of these elements.

    AB asked what could happen if the NRO EC did not approve the new electronic voting method and procedure. He asked if there would be enough time to enact the old voting procedure.

    HPH suggested that the new procedure should be adopted by mid-December, in which electronic voting could take place. He suggested that if the NRO EC did not approve the new electronic procedure in mid-December, the ASO AC had time to organise a traditional vote for the Chair in the January 2008 teleconference.

    RP stated that the procedure AB had sent to the AC-COORD list contained electronic voting. RP suggested that the AC members could take a single vote on both electronic voting and associated procedures by discussing AB’s proposal.

    AB explained the elements of his proposal:

    • Nominations for Chairman and Co-chairmen positions must be posted to the AC-COORD list.
      • Self nominations are permitted.
      • Seconds are not required.
    • Nominees must then confirm their interest in a post to the AC-COORD mailing list.
    • Each AC member can vote for three candidates in the electronic voting environment.
      • Voting is anonymous, but the total tally for each candidate will be announced.
    • In the event of a tie, a second round of voting can be held.
    • The first Co-chairman is selected by eliminated Chairman nominees that are from the same region as the successful Chair, then selecting the candidate with the highest number of votes from the remaining candidates. In the event of a tie, the newly elected Chairman has the casting vote. The process is repeated to choose the second Co-chairman.

    The Chair requested that the words “Chairman” and “Co-chairman” be replaced with “Chair” and “Vice Chair” in the proposal.

    He also stated that he would prefer that the current process of the Chair inviting two Co-chairs be continued rather than the proposed election process for Co-chair positions.

    HPH suggested modifying the Chair’s proposal by continuing the use of the term “Co-chair” rather than using “Vice Chair”.

    RP confirmed that the term “Chair” was used in the ASO MoU to refer to the head of the AC.

    AB explained that he had used the terms “Chairman” and “Co-chairman” because they had been used in the AC’s operational procedures document version 1.0. He stated that he was in favor of using “Chair” and “Co-chair”.

    HPH asked if AC members preferred “Vice Chair” or “Co-chair”.

    The Chair stated that he preferred “Vice Chair”. He explained that in his experience, the term “Co-chair” meant that more than one person was sharing the top position in a committee and that Co-chairs were equal. However, the use of “Co-chair” in the context of the ASO AC, did not represent a position equal to that of “Chair”. Therefore, the Chair suggested that “Vice Chair” would be more appropriate in the AC context.

    HPH explained that the term “Co-chair” had been used historically by the AC to make the Chair, Co-chair and general AC members appear more equal in position. He thought that the use of the term may also have been influenced by the RIPE community’s use of “Co-chair”.

    The AC members agreed to use the term “Vice Chair” in the election procedure document.

    HPH noted that in past elections, before there had been structured votes, there usually had not been more than three nominees, making it easy to assign Chair and Vice Chair roles. He asked if AB’s procedure could present the AC with difficulties if not enough candidates were nominated from different regions.

    AB stated that he had just noticed that his proposed procedure would not work if there were not enough candidates nominated for the position of Chair.

    RP suggested that if the AC was unable to elect an AC Chair, then perhaps the NRO EC could nominate a Chair.

    DW stated that the challenge for AB’s election procedure would be achieving nominations for three potential Chairs from three different regions. He suggested that it could be made easier if the Chair could nominate Vice Chairs who would not be have been willing to be nominated as Chair but would be willing to be Vice Chairs.

    The Chair stated that he liked the idea of giving the Chair flexibility to choose Vice Chairs.

    AB asked whether, if the Chair chose Vice Chairs in the new procedure, the statement about requiring regional diversity should be kept.

    HG stated that he was not sure if a requirement for regional diversity was in the written procedures, but that it had been used by Chairs when selecting Co-chairs over the past few years.

    DW stated that it seemed reasonable to expect that an elected Chair could find two Vice Chairs from other regions.

    The Chair stated that he was aware that there were AC members who would be willing to serve as Vice Chairs but that would not want to be Chairs.

    RP suggested that one solution to this was to hold separate elections for Chair and Vice Chairs.

    DW suggested removing the last two paragraphs of AB’s proposal that referred to using the electronic vote to select Vice Chairs.

    AB stated that he detected a lot of support for the idea of letting the Chair choose Vice Chairs. He stated that he would update his proposal so that it would include the Chair inviting two Vice Chairs based on regional diversity. He would also amend the proposal so that each AC member would cast one vote.

    The Chair asked if Vice Chairs would be adopted by consensus, vote or a simple announcement.

    AB stated that the Chair should invite Vice Chairs, the Vice Chairs must accept, then the decision would be announced by the Chair.

    HG expressed concern that as both self nomination and nominations by others were allowed by the procedure, potentially all 15 AC members could be nominated for Chair. He asked if all 15 members would be added to the electronic vote or whether there would be a narrowing down of the list before it went to an electronic vote.

    AB stated that all 15 people would be included in the electronic vote.

    RP stated that it would be a good problem to have if all 15 AC members were willing to serve as Chair.

    HG suggested that perhaps nominees should be seconded.

    AB agreed to add a requirement for seconds.

    The Chair noted that if the election procedure proposal was elected with the current 2007 and 2008 dates specified in it, it would only be valid for the 2008 election.

    HPH proposed removing the references to specific dates to allow the proposal to be used from 2008 onwards.

    AB agreed.

    DW expressed concern that if all the suggested changes to the election procedure were made, the procedure would be quite different to the document AB had posted to the AC-COORD list. He suggested perhaps approving a 2008-specific election procedure during the current teleconference then approving a more generic election procedure in February or March 2008.

    RP stated that if the AC could agree on a generic election procedure within the following week, then it was still possible for the NRO EC to approve it in time for the 2008 Chair election.

    HPH noted that under the proposed election procedure, the election process would begin in late 2007. He also noted that because some of the 2008 AC members were not serving members of the 2007 AC. He asked for clarification on which AC members were eligible to be nominated for Chair and Vice Chair positions.

    AB asked if it would be inappropriate for a newly elected AC member to become a Chair on their first time.

    MH pointed out that a newly elected AC member could have served a term on the AC previously.

    AB agreed that this was possible.

    DW asked who would be eligible to vote in the 2008 Chair election.

    HPH stated that the members of the 2008 AC would be eligible to vote.

    It was agreed that any member of the 2008 AC could be eligible to serve as Chair.

    VN suggested that the role of Chair be rotated among the regions.

    AB stated that he did not think a strict rotation of the role of Chair among regions was necessary.

    HPH stated that he thought that the AC should be able to choose the person AC members think would best be able to serve as Chair rather than assign the role based on strict regional requirements.

    RP agreed with HPH. He stated that the AC is not representative of any region but was global in nature. He explained that while representatives were elected from the ARIN region, those AC members did not represent the ARIN region when they were on the AC.

    The Chair asked AB to summarise the changes he would be making to the election procedure.

    AB noted the following changes:

    • The terms “Chairman” and “Co-chairmen” will be replaced with “Chair” and “Vice Chairs”.
    • Candidates for the position of Chair must be seconded.
    • Each AC member may vote for one candidate.
    • The Vice Chairs are to be chosen by the Chair based on regional diversity.
    • All dates and deadlines in the document will be generic.

    DW asked if the document would also clarify the AC members eligible to be nominated as Chair.

    AB asked that the consensus on this criteria be confirmed.

    The Chair stated that any member of the Council who would be serving in the year of the election would be eligible.

    AB noted that eligibility for Vice Chair positions would be the same as Chair eligibility.

    RP stated that as AB had read through the changes he would make to the election procedure and no AC member had objected to the changes, it would be possible for the AC to vote on a motion to adopt the procedure in the current teleconference. He suggested that the revised draft be sent to the AC-COORD mailing list, and that if no objection were received by Wednesday 12 December, that the procedure be considered approved. He noted, however, that only AC members who had been present on the current teleconference could make objections to the revised procedure.

    DW moved the following motion: “The ASO AC approve the Chair and Vice Chair election procedure as emailed by Alan Barrett and amended with the changes specified during the December teleconference.” HPH seconded the motion. There were no objections or comments. The motion was unanimously carried by all present.

    Action: #0712-02:

    AB to send amended Chair election procedure to AC-COORD list.

    Action: #0712-03:

    If there are no objections to the amended Chair election procedure on the AC-COORD list by Wednesday 12 December, the ASO AC Chair to send a request to the NRO EC regarding moving to electronic voting for the 2008 AC Chair election.

  5. January 2008 teleconference

    The Chair explained that the purpose of this agenda item was to decide whether to have a January teleconference. He noted that the only agenda items for the January teleconference were the appointments of Chair and Vice Chairs.

    HPH stated that there would also be a potential agenda item for global policy proposals.

    RP stated that the January teleconference would be needed for the AC to adopt its schedule of meetings for 2008 and the 2008 work plan. He noted that while it was possible for the AC to discuss both these items in the December teleconference, they could not be voted on until the January 2008 teleconference as all 2008 AC members had to be able to participate in the vote.

    The Chair noted that it would therefore be necessary to hold a January teleconference.

    AB asked for confirmation if the only decision the AC could make in the December teleconference was to decide on the date for the January meeting.

    The Chair answered yes.

    HPH noted that there were two different proposals from the 2008 Secretariat and the AC work plan committee for the January teleconference date. He explained that the work plan committee had suggested moving the January teleconference from its originally scheduled date of 3 January to 17 January to allow for people who may be on vacation around the New Year holidays.

    The Chair asked why the January date had been moved two weeks to 17 January instead of one week (10 January).

    HG stated that if the new procedure for electing a Chair and Vice Chairs was adopted, the Chair and Vice Chairs would not be in place until around 12 January. Therefore, to have a Chair to lead the January meeting, it would be necessary to hold the meeting on 17 January.

    [AA joined at 23:04 UTC]

    AA stated that the 2008 Secretariat did not have any issue with moving the January teleconference to 17 January 2008.

    RP pointed out that the schedule of meetings should not be part of the AC’s work plan. He suggested that the schedule of meetings become a separate document.

    HPH agreed to create a separate schedule of meetings and propose it separately in the January 2008 teleconference.

    Action: #0712-04:

    HPH to move the schedule of meetings out of the work plan and into a separate document to be discussed at the January 2008 teleconference.

    The Chair asked if anyone was opposed to moving the January teleconference to 17 January.

    [JS joined the teleconference at 23:07 UTC]

    JS asked if the 17 January teleconference would begin at 12:00 UTC.

    AB stated that at the previous teleconference, the AC had agreed that 2008 teleconferences would be held between 13:00 UTC and 15:00 UTC.

    SC asked for clarification if AfriNIC would be acting as Secretariat for the January teleconference.

    HR confirmed that AfriNIC would be Secretariat for the January teleconference.

    HG asked if a 13:00 UTC start time would be a convenient time in the Asia Pacific region. TH stated that it would be 22:00 in Japan.

    The Chair stated that it would be a 05:00 call for him in America.

    HPH suggested that the time of the teleconferences for 2008 had been discussed at length in the previous teleconference.

    JS stated that he did not want to reopen the discussion, but just wanted to ensure that everyone was aware of the new time of day for the call.

    HPH also noted that the 2008 teleconferences would also be on a different day of the week.

    HG moved the following motion: “The ASO AC will hold the January 2008 teleconference on 17 January beginning at 13:00 UTC”. TH seconded the motion. There were no comments or objections.

  6. Chair election procedures document

    Discussed under agenda item 4.

  7. Single policy proposal template

    HPH noted that WW had sent an apology to the AC-COORD mailing list stating that he had not had time to work on the single policy proposal template and asking for an extended deadline.

    The Chair agreed to extend the deadline.

    HPH asked for the names of participants in the committee to devise a single policy template.

    The Chair stated that the committee consisted of WW, AB, TH, FO and LL.

    The Chair asked FO to drive the work to create the template.

    Action: #0712-05:

    FO to shepherd the work to create a single policy proposal template.

  8. Draft work plan for 2008

    HG suggested postponing the agenda item until the January teleconference.

    HPH suggested discussing the draft work plan informally so feedback could be obtained and incorporated before the January teleconference. He noted from past experience that AC members tended not to comment on draft work plans sent to the mailing list.

    The Chair asked HPH to begin discussions on the work plan.

    HPH summarised the workplan, noting that he had listed the main objectives of the ASO clearly at the top of the work plan. The work plan included the following activities:

    • Global Policy development
    • Selection of candidates to other ICANN bodies
    • Developing procedures to conduct business
    • Meetings of the Address Council
    • ASO Calendar of events

    HPH suggested that AC members or the ASO Secretariat could maintain status pages for global policy proposals under development.

    HPH noted that the AC would need to elect a new AC representative to the 2009 ICANN Nominating Committee in 2008.

    HPH noted that although the meeting schedule was currently included in the work plan, he would take it out.

    HPH noted that the work plan committee had been unable to develop a consensus proposal for the AC’s physical meeting in 2008 and that JRH’s proposal had been included in the work plan.

    RP noted that the AC’s physical meeting should occur at the same time as a regularly scheduled teleconference.

    HPH noted that the AC had sometimes delayed too long in deciding when its physical meetings would be held.

    HPH stated that the work plan included a recommendation that the AC have a presence at every ICANN meeting. The work plan included a proposal that there be an ASO Open Forum at each ICANN meeting that would be organised the ASO Secretariat with an AC task force providing content for the Open Forums. He suggested that Open Forums be organised in a more timely manner than in the past.

    HPH stated that he would move the ASO calendar of events out of the work plan and into a separate document. He noted that he had taken the liberty of turning the ASO calendar of events into a Google calendar so people could import into their own calendering systems.

    Action: #0712-06:

    HPH to move the calendar of events out of the work plan and into a separate document.

    HPH asked for comments on the work plan.

    HG noted that it was very helpful to gather all the relevant meetings in one place. He said the next step was to work on the details of ASO events.

    AB questioned holding only one physical meeting for the ASO AC in 2008. He stated that the ASO AC operating procedures required two physical meetings per year.

    HPH explained that the NRO EC had decided to fund only one physical meeting per year.

    The Chair stated that the only hard requirements for the AC were stated in the ASO MoU. He noted that the MoU did not mention physical meetings at all.

    AB stated that paragraph 5.5 of version 1.0 of the ASO operating procedures stated that there would be a minimum of two physical AC meetings per year.

    HPH suggested that the AC could either change the operating procedures or ask the NRO EC to reconsider their decision.

    RP confirmed that the operating procedures had been approved by the NRO EC.

    The Chair asked if anyone believed the AC should hold two physical meetings every year.

    HPH stated that the RIR in his region was willing to fund his attendance at more than one meeting per year. He stated that he was not sure if other RIRs were willing to do the same.

    HPH noted that in the past, the AC had achieved limited success in getting all AC members to attend physical meetings. He suggested that perhaps it would be better to hold one well-attended meeting per year than two not-so-well attended meetings.

    The Chair asked if there were any objections to holding one physical meeting per year. There were no objections.

    The Chair encouraged AC members to review the 2008 work plan and provide feedback before the January teleconference.

    Action: #0712-07:

    AC members to provide feedback on 2008 work plan before the January 2008 teleconference.

    HPH stated that he was happy to receive proposals to extend the work plan.

    SC noted that AB’s revised election procedure had been sent through to the AC-COORD mailing list. He asked whether APNIC or AfriNIC should conduct the electronic voting as the voting period started in 2007 and ended in 2008. The Chair asked the Secretariat for 2008 to start work on the electronic voting system with help from the other RIRs if needed.

    Action: #0712-08:

    The 2008 ASO Secretariat to begin work on the electronic voting system to be used for the 2008 ASO AC Chair election.

    DW noted that in the previous teleconference, it had been decided that the conducting of the electronic vote be left to the RIRs to decide.

  9. Proposed dates for 2008 teleconferences

    HG asked if this agenda item should be deferred until the January teleconference.

    HPH agreed that the issue could not be voted on until January.

    HPH suggested that the two proposals for the dates of the 2008 teleconferences be combined in the current teleconference so there is a single list to be voted on in January 2008.

    HPH noted that one difference between the two proposed lists of dates was that the AC work plan proposal suggested cancelling the February teleconference as it was so close to the rescheduled January teleconference and close to the Lunar New Year.

    HPH stated that the work plan committee had also proposed moving the May meeting as it was originally scheduled to occur on a public holiday.

    He noted that AfriNIC had proposed moving the June meeting because of the AfriNIC 8 meeting. HPH stated that this would be incorporated into the work plan version of the schedule.

    HPH noted that the decision to cancel or postpone the February meeting would need to occur in the January 2008 teleconference.

    HR stated that there would be an ICANN meeting in Delhi in February and asked if a February meeting would be necessary to finalize the AC’s planned presence in Delhi.

    HPH stated that if there was a meeting on the originally scheduled date of 7 February, there would be three apologies from the Asia Pacific region. Therefore, he suggested moving the date of the teleconference or cancelling it.

    HPH stated that the work plan committee would work with the 2008 ASO Secretariat and present a common proposal at the January teleconference.

    Action: #0712-07:

    The 2008 work plan committee to work with the 2008 ASO Secretariat to develop a combined proposed 2008 schedule of meetings to be presented at the January 2008 teleconference.

  10. Any other business

    The Chair restated the items in Any other business and asked if there where any other items to add.

    AA asked that the following item be added:

    • New AfriNIC representative for 2008

    10.a. ICANN early awareness tracking of global policy proposals

    ON stated that on 20 November 2007, as requested by ICANN Board, he had prepared early awareness reports for the following global policy proposals:

    • Global Policy Proposal for Remaining IPv4 Address Space
    • Global Policy Proposal for Autonomous System Numbers

    He invited people to read the reports and send him comments, corrections, and updates for the early awareness reports.

    The Chair asked ON to send a message to the AC-COORD list with links to the reports.

    ON agreed.

    RB stated that the ASO AC Chair had received notification of the early awareness reports with links.

    The Chair asked ON to either send the links to the AC-COORD list or to LL as the acting Chair of the December teleconference to forward on to the list.

    Action: #0712-09:

    ON to forward details of the early awareness reports to either the AC-COORD list or to the ASO AC Chair to forward to AC-COORD.

    RB suggested having copies of the early awareness on the ASO website. The Chair agreed that this was a good idea.

    ON noted that the early awareness reports covered the first point the 2008 work plan.

    10.b. New policies at LACNIC

    HG noted that at the last LACNIC Board meeting, four policies were approved. He noted that he had send an email containing details of the approved policies to the AC-COORD list.

    The Chair asked that any questions about the policies be sent to HG.

    HPH noted that the Chair had asked for a RIPE 55 meeting report. He stated that had not prepared a report but that he had found a RIPE 55 meeting report on another mailing list. He stated that he would forward this report to the AC-COORD list.

    Action: #0712-10:

    HPH to forward RIPE 55 report to the AC-COORD list.

    10.c. New AfriNIC representative for 2008

    AA reported that VN, who had been an observer on AC teleconferences since April 2007, would begin as the new member of the AC in 2008, replacing ALB.

    HG stated that LACNIC had sent an email to the AC-COORD list to notify the members that HG had been re-elected for another term beginning in 2008.

    SC asked if the AC planned to have a physical meeting at the New Delhi ICANN meeting, noting that the Secretariat for 2008 would need time to organise the meeting logistics.

    The Chair stated that if there was not enough time between the January teleconference and the New Delhi meeting to plan for a physical AC meeting in New Delhi, then perhaps it should not be held there.

    MH asked if the AC could at least make a recommendation on the issue.

    HG stated that it was his understanding that the AC could make a recommendation at the current teleconference as the January teleconference would be too close to the ICANN meeting.

    HR stated that he had contacted ICANN regarding potential ASO activities at the New Delhi meeting. ICANN had stated that they needed to know whether to reserve rooms by the end of December 2007.

    MH suggested that the AC make a recommendation that the Secretariat start planning for a possible face to face meeting and workshop in New Delhi.

    AB asked if it would be possible to request ICANN to tentatively assign a room and time slot to the ASO that could then be confirmed after the January teleconference.

    MH suggested that ICANN decide whether to accept the ASO’s tentative booking.

    HPH argued against holding the AC’s physical meeting in New Delhi as it would be too early in the year for it to be useful in discussing the work for the year.

    HPH noted that the term for the workshop used in the work plan was “open forum”.

    MH stated that in the previous minutes, the AC had carried a motion to hold an open forum at all ICANN meetings, so asked if it was necessary to pass another motion on the issue.

    RP asked who would conduct an open forum in Delhi. He noted that the NRO EC had only funded one physical meeting for the AC in 2008. He also noted that the AC Chair was funded to attend every ICANN meeting.

    MH suggested deferring discussion on the open forum until 2008 as the 2008 Chair had not been elected; therefore, it was not clear if the Chair would be willing to conduct the open forums.

    HPH stated that in the draft 2008 work plan, it was suggested that at least one AC member be present at each ICANN meeting. He suggested that this member did not need to always be the Chair. He noted that if the work plan was approved in the January teleconference, the AC may need to request that the NRO EC consider extra funding for AC attendance at ICANN meetings.

    The Chair suggested contacting ICANN to tentatively request a slot while also letting ICANN know that the AC cannot give a commitment until after the January teleconference. DW agreed with this plan.

    The Chair requested that the ASO Secretariat contact ICANN to request a room and time slot for a possible open forum. SC stated that ICANN had already contacted AfriNIC about the New Delhi meeting and that AfriNIC would continue the discussion with ICANN.

    Action: #0712-11:

    The 2008 ASO Secretariat to contact ICANN to request a room for a possible ASO open forum at the New Delhi meeting.

    The Chair noted that SG and AB would be leaving the ASO AC at the end of 2007. He thanked them for their contributions to the ASO, noting that SG had most recently served on the ICANN Nominating Committee as the ASO’s representative.

    HG asked TH if he was being re-elected to serve in 2008. TH stated that this would be decided at the APNIC EC meeting coming up later in December.

    HG asked HPH if he was continuing in 2008.

    HPH stated that he had been elected to serve another term on the AC.

    The Chair asked if there was any other business. There was none.

    The Chair encouraged AC members to think about the draft work plan for 2008. He also encouraged AC members to think about nominations for 2008 Chair and Vice Chair positions.

  11. Adjournment

    The Chair entertained a motion to adjourn at 23:57 UTC. HG moved the motion. AB seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously.

Open action items

Action: #0712-01:

Secretariat to publish minutes of 30 October 2007.

Action: #0712-02:

AB to send amended Chair election procedure to AC-COORD list.

Action: #0712-03:

If there are no objections to the amended Chair election procedure on the AC-COORD list by Wednesday 12 December, the ASO AC Chair to send a request to the NRO EC regarding moving to electronic voting for the 2008 AC Chair election.

Action: #0712-04:

HPH to move the schedule of meetings out of the work plan and into a separate document to be discussed at the January 2008 teleconference.

Action: #0712-05:

FO to shepherd the work to create a single policy proposal template.

Action: #0712-06:

HPH to move the calendar of events out of the work plan and into a separate document.

Action: #0712-07:

AC members to provide feedback on 2008 work plan before the January 2008 teleconference.

Action: #0712-07:

The 2008 ASO Secretariat to begin work on the electronic voting system to be used for the 2008 ASO AC Chair election.

Action: #0712-08:

The 2008 work plan committee to work with the 2008 ASO Secretariat to develop a combined proposed 2008 schedule of meetings to be presented at the January 2008 teleconference.

Action: #0712-09:

ON to forward details of the early awareness reports to either the AC-COORD list or to the ASO AC Chair to forward to AC-COORD.

Action: #0712-10:

HPH to forward RIPE 55 report to the AC-COORD list.

Action: #0712-11:

The 2008 ASO Secretariat to contact ICANN to request a room for a possible ASO open forum at the New Delhi meeting.

Last modified on 29/01/2020