ASO AC Teleconference 3 May 2012

ASO AC Attendees

Fiona Asonga, FA
Douglas Onyango, DO

Naresh Ajwani, NA
Andy Linton, AL
Tomohiro Fujisaki, TF

Ron da Silva, RdS
Louie Lee, LL, Chair
Jason Schiller, JS

Hartmut Glaser, HG

Dave Wilson, DW, Vice Chair

Adam Gosling, AJG
German Valdez, GV

Alan Barrett, AB, Vice Chair (Secretariat unable to connect)
Wilfried Woeber, WW (technical difficulty connecting)
Hans Petter Holen, HPH, (RIPE)

0. Commencement

The Chair commenced the meeting at 19.05 (UTC+10) and noted the presence of a quorum.

1. Agenda Review

The Chair noted that the only Agenda item was for the ICANN Board Selection Interview Committee to deliver its report.

2. Interview Report

The Chair thanked those who contributed to the report, but expressed his disappointment with those who were not present at the interview or on the current call.

RdS told the Council that on behalf of the IC members, he would like to formally introduce the report and asked to confirm that all had received it.

Chair gave an opportunity for other IC members to comment. There were none and so the Chair accepted the report. He then gave an overview of the report before inviting discussion about the report, or about the candidates.

FA joined the meeting at 19:45 (UTC+10)

The Chair noted that the 14-day countdown of the Selection Phase began at the close of the Interview phase. There was a discussion to determine the timing of the deliberation and voting period.

Naresh left the conference due to technical difficulties; a quorum was maintained.

HG moved and AL seconded that: “The 2012 election to determine the preferred Seat 9 Candidate for the ICANN Board of Directors be opened in seven days from the day of this meeting and then run for seven days, unless all votes are cast before that time.

RdS asked for whether closing the election before the end of the seven day period as outlined in the ASO AC OP would be against a strict reading of the procedures. There was a discussion on this point and it was agreed this would not be a breach of the procedures.

The Chair called for a vote on the motion. There were none opposed.

(New Action Item 0503-1): Secretariat to conduct an electronic poll of ASO AC members, as described above, to determine the preferred candidate for Seat 9 of the ICANN Board.

3. Adjournment

HG moved a motion to adjourn – RdS seconded and there were none opposed. The Chair adjourned the meeting at 20:27 (UTC+10)

Last modified on 29/01/2020